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    1. Check the status of FEMA camps if there are more than a dozen people then they are preparing for something and not to far away.

    2. Thank God you are finally telling the truth about the Country and where it's going! I was hoping that you (my crypto hubby) would put it all together!

    3. The USA has a monumental corruption issue and needs to get on top of this right now .. your own regulators are selling you out right under your noses …

    4. What they are effectively doing is selling out all those soles who died fighting for flag. Like you said, it’s not even about crypto anymore. The focus should be so much more. Ethereum, China Coin!!

    5. Great content and I thank you for breaking it down!! Even in the current crypto dip, I’m happy I can smile back at my portfolio of $86,700 made from my weekly trade within a short period….

    6. The scary part of this is that you and other Americans are just now figuring it out. You all trust your government which is the biggest mistake and has been for many decades. The CIA and FBI had JFK assassinated, the list goes on and on. The CIA and FBI are now covering for the corrupt Biden family. The only one that would do something to stop this is Trump but the US puts EQ over IQ.

    7. Brad,
      You go great investigative work!
      Please consider getting a law degree and specialize in criminal law so that you can start kicking ass!

    8. 🔔I have to say thank you for the effort you make to educate. Just off your youtube videos alone, I was up 30%% last week and will be closing this week up 70%. I appreciate you!🙏❤️

    9. I think they are acclimatising people to see the military on the streets…. Then when they bring in Marshall Law people won’t freak out as much as they would if they just did it.

      Bad SH1T is coming worldwide… ☠️

    10. Don’t know guys a lot of this stuff is also scripted by the Vatican. I guess the world will never wake up.

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