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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. Can't deny the fact that Amazons GPT66X has the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good but the pressure is too high and I think they will keep proper liquidity rather than these others. Don't see them going bankrupt any time soon.

    2. I did not believe that after the whole FTX drama there's any good to get this year but Amazons GPT66X proved otherwise. Bad timing maybe but it's a great adoption to get this more to the mainstream and raise popularity. Probably a high contender for a top 100 growth

    3. All the big financial advisors who always claim we give no financial advise, jumped on GPT66X and didn't tell ya. You can see the patterns I hope, I mean it's obvious that they would always act like this

    4. Janet Yellen visiting the BRICS nations to What? Wave her Finger and Say, "Play Fair"?
      Our Government is a Laughing Stock and Our People need to Pull Their Collective Heads out of their Butts and Realize Politicians are only trying to Buy Votes. Talk, Talk, Talk with No Action.
      Mark Twain said, "You have to Love Your Country. You Do Not have to Love your Government".

    5. What if, one of the requirements of joining BRICS was that you couldn't hold or use dollars. This would mean people both selling their dollars nor buying any dollars. In which case, the USA would have no one to sell their debt (printed money) to. Then, what if all the members (and possibly the members of the SCO) were to sell their dollars at the one time. That would surely mean a tsunami of dollars into the USA which would then cause hyper inflation…… I also think that China has far more gold than they have let on. If they have more than the USA, for example, then what currency would people regard as a "safe place" in a crisis???? Gold backed, or debt backed????

    6. It is positively AMAZING to me how short sited, small minded, unimaginative the geriatric (Yellen) generation is. She is old enough to have seen some massive crap, including the rapid inflation that started in the 70’s…
      And she can’t see anything except SSDD from the last 40 years. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    7. Dont belive in this crypto shit .. I asked over 20k friends on my Facebook what they thought of crypto most said its a ponzi scheme and others said they just don't trust it because the government claims they don't know who created Bitcoin so these people are very scared I don't blame them .. And you never see anyone using those crypto macchines. Your in a scam folks

    8. You’re Government is corrupt to the core and it’s no wonder people are jumping ship , and it looks good on the 🇺🇸 US well deserved

    9. Yellen Is delusional The US dollar is done , the problem is you have a bunch of senile seniors in charge of you’re country you need term limits , and us here in canada we have a dictatorship so what to do !!

    10. I increasingly see people that are blind what is going on with the CBDC’s. Blinded by potential profits not understanding those profits mean nothing if you do not have your freedom to do with your money and person and speech want you want to do. People need to be ready to fight this and fight. The people who brought it about. You will fight or you’ll be a slave. Do you have a choice? You always have a choice.

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