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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. I'm DCAing in GPT66X as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

    2. GPT66X is number one on my list followed by Cardano and Chiliz. I used to like Zilliqa but its web3 gaming is very lame in my opinion and disappointing,it has no chance of taking on the big console companies. XRP could still make a big move but I'm cautious about it now.

    3. I am honest I think losing hope comes more and more to mind. I just want to share that Amazons GPT66X can stop the great depression we are facing, economy can be fixed. Even if not on a global scale we as individuals can fix it for ourselves since things like this exist and just wait for us to be utilized. I don't want to wait any longer and be subject of bad decisions. Time for my own decision

    4. These invites to GPT66X are all over the board because it gives some extra for those spreading it and for those buying. Of course then it's better to use that specific invite when buying this asset. Who got something and how much? I'm still debating if I should because recent events made me think twice about what to do. GPT66X?.

    5. I know stuff is sometimes more bad and rough especially now but Amazons GPT66X was made for the people, believe it or not. If you didn't know about this yet it would only take a small look to understand why so many people write this everywhere now. I am blessed that I got this into my life and don't get me wrong, I don't like this brand at all. But I understand why this will change the next generations to come and that's what matters in the end.

    6. The SEC vs ripple lawsuit is a war crime. I lost 450,000 from that stunt plus tens of millions in generational wealth lost. We are a country with a stolen election so we are obligated to no government. Time for real war taking real prisoners to pay for real crimes against American investors.

    7. XRP's unique tech and potential institutional use as shown , fuels my optimism. The chance of its value hitting millions per coin and the rumored Ripple-Swift partnership could revolutionize the crypto world. I'm tracking its progress. Paige Hermosa’s innovative crypto strategies have boosted my investment journey, yielding returns six times higher than losses in all market conditions. Keep an eye on XRP's advancements in the dynamic crypto scene.

    8. 🔔I have to say thank you for the effort you make to educate. Just off your youtube videos alone, I was up 30%% last week and will be closing this week up 70%. I appreciate you!🙏❤️

    9. SHA-256 is a standard used by many industries for encryption not just by the government. NSA and Silicon Valley are not necessarily synonymous to my knowledge. Just adding some counter perspective. It’s always possible but that clip doesn’t convince me the “4 Satoshi’s” are NSA but to be honest I always believed Bitcoin was government controlled.

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