Suez Canal…AGAIN!

    What’s Going on With Shipping?
    Dec 6, 2023

    In this episode, Sal Mercogliano – maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner – discusses grounding and freeing of ONE Orpheus in the west lane of the Suez Canal on December 6, 2023.

    #supplychain #suezcanal #ONEOrpheus

    Support What’s Going on With Shipping via:
    Twitter: @mercoglianos
    Facebook: @wgowshipping

    Marine Traffic: ONE Orpheus

    Containership ‘ONE ORPHEUS’ Grounds in Suez Canal

    Containership ‘ONE ORPHEUS’ Refloated in Suez Canal After Grounding


    1. I'm not saying that this is what has happened here…

      But "someone" has figured out that massive ships can be weaponized and used to incapacitate critical infrastructure.
      The Chinese ship that recently dragged it's anchor for several kilometers across infrastructure on the bottom of the Baltic is a pretty clear cut example.

      Blocking the Suez canal at a moment in time when the whole world's marine traffic network is under stress AND taking out a rail link at the same time?!?
      It makes you think…

    2. Hey Sal I am hearing things about Chinese Coast Guard actvity in 'n around Murmansk… also Norweigan activity around Svalbard Island that is pissing off the Russians. You have a take? Reliable info hard to come-by these days

    3. Just like the last time, this is 100% Egypt's fault. They could have dug a second opening to the canal down by port Suez but they kept it as a single entrance. This was preventable. And that's before you point out the fact that these old bridges are swing bridges.

    4. Global meltdown of commerce. Sounds like different factions of elite's manipulating people into overthrowing their governments to me. Oh wait, that never happens !

    5. im suprised durinf the evergiven incident that another ship capt didnt lose his shit and just plow thru lol……what countrys people get pissed off the fastest? gotta be either the irish or italians lol sp id say theyd be most likely to do that lol

    6. What a excellent informative video that so well explained especially for non seafaring community to understand the ins and outs of shipping thanks Sal.
      Having transited Suez umpteen times as C.O and Master always the Bosun or leading seaman at the helm any command from the pilot was only acted on when agreed by the Master or OOW but the general command stay in centre as Pilots would ask full rudder then
      try claim the vessel has steering problems with $300 will solve the problem or the Great Bitter Anchorage for weeks also four Pilots during the transit on the take nicknamed the Marlborough canal, wonderful memories.

    7. So who trains the pilots? Are they not in command of vessels while transiting the canal? Perhaps new training needs to be in place for pilots of the larger vessels. Do they need tug escort like oil tankers in sensitive areas? Are you staying away from this obvious issue in fear of backlash?

    8. You need a theme song to begin and end your videos.
      I recommend “The wreck of the Edmond Fitgerald” and “Calipso”.
      Just a thought. I know John Denver and Gordon Lightfoot would approve.

    9. Rather than rebuild the swing bridge, I would build a new bridge high enough to clear shipping. They are already doing that in New Jersey.
      Великий и Славный и самый Имперский ЛЕВ 🦁

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