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    Nine people living in Southeast Europe has cut wood for fuel because Russia’s Gazprom in a quarrel with Ukraine over unpaid bills cut off all gas suppliers to Europe flowing through the country continuing tensions between Russia and Ukraine means that gas cut off has again become a threat countries in Eastern

    Europe like Bulgaria take 80 percent or more of that gas supplies from Russia and have little in storage the UK however imports no guests from Russia directly and has substantial stocks so the immediate plan is to link up Europe’s existing gas pipelines into a grid to send gas to where it’s scarce in

    Times of crisis physically building this network takes time it’s not something you can do overnight but at the end of the day it comes down to a question of how do you share out a reduced supply pot if you like if one of the main supply routes from Russia goes down you

    Have to then ask where’s the replacement supply going to come from Europe needs to search beyond Russia the new suppliers and the USA has an abundance of natural gas thanks to the hydraulic fracturing or fracking of shale but it’ll be years before much of this can

    Be delivered to Europe there are no gas export terminals on the United States Atlantic or all Gulf coasts they’re gonna need local permits for construction and all of those kinds of things and we’re not looking I think at a significant volume of US gas exports until again around 2020

    In European countries like Britain companies have started to explore shale fields but no one can yet tell how much gas they’ll guilt or when over the years Europe has grown steadily more dependent on Russia for his energy it’ll need many more years to wean itself off Jeremy Howell BBC news

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