Trading & Investing: Stocks Prep For Earnings, Technical Analysis, Trades On Crypto, Gold, Stocks

    good morning everybody Welcome to the
    game plan my name is Gareth Salway Chief
    Market strategist here at verified
    investing coming to you live from the
    verified investing studios Okay we have
    lots to cover today we got earnings
    Galore coming out this morning UPS GM
    spotifi Pepsi GE you name it we’re going
    to cover the charts where are you going
    to want to be looking at the levels for
    support and resistance I will get all
    into it so again big things coming we
    have Tesla after the Bell today that’s
    going to be a big one don’t forget meta
    on Wednesday after the bell and
    Microsoft and alphabet on Thursday big
    week for earnings let’s get right into
    it all right number one we’re going to
    flip over here and we’re going to go
    right to our website here uh verified don’t forget guys on this
    you have charts Galore you can see again
    I’ve covered many things you have the
    salana chart you have various other key
    elements of technical analysis both in
    the stock section as well as the crypto
    section also again as I showed you guys
    before economic charts I have action and
    technical analysis on the 10e the yen is
    collapsing that’s a big one to watch
    Insider selling stats as well as the
    dollar depreciation stats over here
    don’t forget we have the economic news
    and the earnings calendar right down
    here on the website all right next up
    what we’re going to do is we’re going to
    get right into a few charts here I want
    to start with the US dollar the US
    dollar right now folks is again
    consolidating we know that it broke out
    we’re still making this bullish
    consolidation pattern here I have my
    upside Target right up above 107 now if
    that does happen we should see golden
    silver continue to pull back they’re
    pulling back today again I’ve been kind
    of bearish since we got that topping
    tail looking for a pullback to be buyers
    of the dip I’m going to be buying the
    dip on gold and silver and again we just
    need a little bit more of a pullback on
    those medals before I start stepping in
    and inching into those trades next up
    let’s take a look at the 10-year yield
    guys this is a big one because again
    this is something that I actually
    believe that the 10e yield has topped
    out all right when everyone else was
    saying yields were going to continue to
    go down because of all the rates Cuts I
    looked at the chart and I said guys I
    think the yields are going to go up what
    did they do from the beginning of the
    year they’ve been going up higher highs
    and higher lows but you have to respect
    the channel right we have the high here
    the high here and the high here that we
    just hit notice that every time we hit
    the high what do we do we pull back to
    these low zones so in other words
    expecting for me I’m looking up for a
    pullback to about
    4.4% on the 10-year yield that will be a
    key level eventually I want to be clear
    UPS sloping channels if you want to do
    some education UPS sloping channels like
    this eventually break to the downside
    you don’t know when but eventually I
    would anticipate that this goes even
    lower that makes me very interested in
    something like the TLT which again tends
    to go up when yields are falling in fact
    that’s something that I am holding right
    now with members of smart money stocks
    and ETFs okay let’s go on to another
    chart here S&P 500 got a little bit of a
    bounce yesterday we anticipated this
    bounce if you’ve been watching these
    game plans you’re literally on The
    Cutting Edge of all of this stuff notice
    the technical support and yesterday what
    did we get we got a little bit of a
    bounce now in other words what are we
    looking for going into these earnings
    announcements now we have to let the
    chart tell us right so what I’m watching
    for over the next few days is what type
    of price action do we get now remember
    when you have a steep decline what
    you’re looking for is do you get an
    inkling that it’s a bearish pattern
    meaning further downside so again if we
    start to go like this for a few days
    that would be a bare flag you would
    anticipate further downside we’ve got
    one green day today which is the
    beginning of a maybe bare flag but it is
    not something that you would consider a
    bare flag yet you can’t look at one
    candle and be like oh that’s a bare flag
    a flag has to have multiple candles on
    that time frame to make sure that it
    falls into the criteria of being a
    bearish pattern so if we were to get
    another sideways day today maybe a
    little upside another little up upside
    day tomorrow now once you get three
    sideways days probabilities begin to
    shift towards the bearish side but right
    now we were at support we’ve gotten a
    little bit of a bounce now I’m looking
    for the chart over the next few days to
    guide me to which direction the market
    is most likely going to go okay so again
    we’ll be watching that very closely I
    think on the macro basis if we look at
    the bigger time frame you can’t deny
    this big uptrend has broken which makes
    the markets very vulnerable for further
    downside that’s generally the way I view
    it I look at the bigger time frame to
    kind of direct me to which direction
    it’s going to go but ultimately we still
    want the shorter time frame the time
    frame just on the next few days to kind
    of reinforce that angle if it doesn’t
    reinforce it then I have to say to
    myself listen the market may want to
    jump back up maybe even getting back to
    these zones so that’s why that smaller
    time frame is important to take note of
    all right a couple other things here
    guys the NASDAQ 100 same kind of deal
    you had the uptrend that was broken then
    you had the sideways Trend remember I
    showed you this from 2021 this is such a
    powerful chart notice again before I
    flip back to that area notice this now a
    lot of people look at that and they say
    oh that is bearish excuse me bullish
    consolidation technically it does fit
    the criteria but you have to take note
    of the bigger pattern and this is what I
    just was talking about a second ago the
    bigger pattern was this longer term
    uptrend and even when this was
    consolidating it broke that up uptrend
    and so what that does to me is it
    changes the probabilities like if you
    just have a move up like this and like
    that that’s a bull flag probabilties
    probably 70 80% to the upside when you
    have a secondary pattern that is a
    longer term pattern that has now broken
    it makes me look at this and say uhoh
    this is distribution and distribution is
    where institutions are dumping into
    retail fomo buying so again this was an
    alert once we broke this uptrend even
    though we were going sideways which is
    technically bullish that it wasn’t a
    move up that was coming but
    probabilities were favoring a roll over
    to the downside and just to show you
    guys this going back a little ways let’s
    go all the way back to
    2021 on the chart right the highs the
    all-time highs here and let me just zoom
    out here and there we can see exactly
    the same thing so what we can see very
    clearly right we had this uptrend here
    constant grind higher going into the
    all-time highs of 2021 and you had that
    same sort of sideways chop which then
    broke to the downside and again once it
    broke we really had a big correction the
    NASDAQ 100 dropping 37% before we got
    the next bull market to come in and
    rally us up but again I always like to
    show that because you have to look at
    multiple time frames at least the best
    Traders and investors do they don’t just
    focus on the 10-minute chart or the one
    minute chart or the hourly chart or the
    daily chart you look at the one that
    you’re focused on for a swing Trader
    generally the daily chart but then you
    also expand out to the larger time
    frames go to the weekly go to the
    monthly do those those confirm your your
    analysis if they do probabilities are
    greater that you’re correct versus if
    you just see it on one time frame okay
    couple other charts I do want to get
    into yesterday we talked about Tesla
    being a buy below 130 uh excuse me below
    140 that was based on a trend line to
    the downside here and again if we zoom
    out on this guys take a look at that
    trend line right pivot low right down
    here pivot low right here and pivot low
    right here now again as of now we’ve
    bounced off that level it’s trading
    around 142 and change this morning but
    the question is in earnings is it going
    to hold this level and that’s going to
    be a big question mark the one thing I
    will say is that in earnings anytime you
    go into earnings if you hold into
    earnings the probabilities are probably
    a little bit less because something that
    a CEO can say in a conference call can
    make a major difference in what
    ultimately the stock does in the short
    term so the probabilities are not good
    like if you look at this if if this if
    we weren’t with earnings today I would
    say this is probably about a 75% chance
    this goes up now because of earnings it
    probably goes to 65 to 70% favoring of
    the upside the other thing to keep in
    mind folks is that you have to remember
    that because probabilities are not
    ultimately 100% right I mean 65 70%
    still leaves you know 30 to 35% that
    you’re wrong the the scary thing about
    holding into earnings is that if you’re
    wrong the moves are massive and so for
    instance you know holding a stock into
    earnings you can ultimately say all
    right well I have 65 70% chance that
    I’ll be correct but the problem is if
    you’re wrong you can be wrong to the
    tune of 10 15 20% loss just in an after
    hours period and that again is one of
    the scarier things and so each
    individual investor has to make that
    risk assessment I’m here to present the
    facts to you the risks obviously and you
    guys ultimately have to determine what
    is appropriate for your financial
    situation okay okay so that’s an
    interesting chart now we did get
    earnings on UPS here UPS initially
    spiked dramatically higher this is the
    pre-market data on UPS you can see
    earnings this was this was yesterday
    after hours here’s this morning when
    earnings were reported it shot up to
    about 152 it then has collapsed to about
    143 now looking at the daily chart where
    are the levels so if we’re at 143 what
    do we do we zoom out on the chart and we
    start looking for technical levels the
    first level I see on on this chart is
    right at this low which is a gap fill at
    around 139 so 139 there’s a little bit
    of support there in addition below that
    there’s a secondary pivot at
    138 as well so the 138 to 139 level
    should be some sort of technical support
    today on the chart of UPS if it breaks
    through that level which is always a
    possibility right we know that
    volatility on earnings is very normal
    then you look to the secondary pi pivot
    right below here which is around I
    believe this is around
    134 134 would be this lower level right
    here and again that would be right in
    that vicinity so those are your kind of
    zones I would consider this one zone cuz
    it’s so close it’s within a dollar and
    then this would be your second Zone down
    here so again 139 138 Zone and then 134
    would be your technical level or
    secondary support level on UPS
    interestingly enough on UPS you can see
    it’s been in a pretty steep downtrend so
    in general what I’m finding is that if
    you look at this right we’ve kind of
    been sideways to lower this was up here
    over $200 about $230 it’s trading at 145
    right now last as of yesterday’s close
    obviously we’re at 143 or so in the
    pre-market but again it’s been in a
    downtrend so we also want to be aware of
    that downtrend and where ultimately
    could be a bottom the one thing I’m
    seeing on this is a channel do you guys
    see that and again this is something
    that my ey just can pick up on it’s not
    perfect necessarily but what we do want
    to just take note of also is Line to
    Line and look at that guys so again if
    you’re really patient like me right and
    you’re saying listen yeah I may day
    trade those two levels that I put out
    today right that we just talked about on
    the shorter time frame but where might I
    swing trade this and remember the
    difference is Swing trading you’re
    holding for days weeks maybe even a few
    months day trades are intraday like you
    know you hit 138 139 it might be in and
    I might be out for 50 c gain per share I
    just do a lot of shares and you kind of
    just grab that money and run as a day
    trader on a swing trade basis this tells
    me more information right because what
    it tells me is that every time you hit
    this line you get a big bounce right
    look at that so in theory right if you
    just extrapolate that out if we come
    down to this level which is around 122
    currently 121 we should get some sort of
    bigger bounce that to me would be the
    swing trade opportunity I might be
    interested in all right so again the
    differences are when you’re looking at
    the tight time frame you’re zooming in
    on the chart you’re looking for on these
    earnings moves the potential for day
    trades on a swing trade basis you zoom
    out you see the bigger Trend which is
    down where is it bouncing off of this
    level and that would give me an
    opportunity for a swing trade do I think
    it’s going to hit that level today no I
    don’t but if the markets dump out of the
    next week or two and it’s down on
    earnings is it possible it goes there
    yeah it is and that would be a level
    that I would want to focus in on
    GM guys let’s talk some GM here General
    Motors look at this move on General
    Motors today guys very impressive
    earnings this morning again blowing
    estimates out of the water and again
    coming up here the stock closing
    yesterday around one around $42 and
    change we’re now at 4576 you can see a
    line right up here coming into view for
    resistance so again this will be
    something that I watch very closely look
    at this level right here all that level
    is is taking this previous pivot top
    where we had this pullback that’s at
    $46 right up here we’re only about 25
    cents away from it that will be
    resistance number one if it gets through
    resistance number one where is our next
    technical level here and if we zoom out
    we have to go all the way back here and
    this is a big one guys there it is now
    it’s coming into Focus now this might be
    something I would consider a swing trade
    notice how day trades I’m zooming in on
    the chart swing trades I’m zooming out
    on the chart you got to see the big
    picture for the swing trades right and
    by the way if I’m a long-term investor
    I’m not even on the daily chart I’m
    going to the weekly and the monthly
    because I need to really see the big
    picture of I’m a long-term investor okay
    so right here look at this pivot low
    right here see that that’s the zone
    right there that should be major
    resistance it looks like it’s right
    $48 per share so again just something to
    watch right around $48 per share this
    should be a very important resistance
    level on GM all right couple more that
    we’re going to go through then we’re
    going to find out who won the nordvpn
    one year uh quickly Shopify reporting
    very good earnings as well if we flip to
    the pre-market look at this move guys
    Shopify ripping to the upside now over
    $300 per share nearing 303 this gets my
    attention because it’s such a big move
    as a day trader as a swing Trader you
    still got to sit back and kind of look
    for the bigger levels as a day trader it
    does get me interested okay so first and
    foremost I have a level here and again I
    had to zoom out a fair amount well
    that’s not true we can basically look if
    we zoom in we have double top right up
    here at 312 okay so this pivot high
    right here is at 312 it’s only about $9
    away at this point that’s not much for
    Shopify uh excuse me Spotify uh next we
    want to zoom out and say okay wait is
    there a secondary level here if we take
    this previous all-time high it actually
    coordinates almost with that level
    basically 310 to 312 is the Zone this to
    me based on how strong it is probably
    not going to swing trade short this
    today but as a day trade somewhere in
    that vicinity I might be interested
    lastly let’s just touch quickly on
    JetBlue Jet Blue disappointing earnings
    this morning take a look at the drop on
    Jet Blue here again crashing down to the
    downside this is actually a big move for
    Jet Blue closing yesterday what did it
    close yesterday at like
    $7.50 or SO trading at 633 that’s a big
    percentage drop Che take a look at the
    daily chart where is the level there’s a
    big gap fill coming up just above six
    bucks 606 right here look at the Gap
    fill see that Gap right there that is
    the zone that I’m focusing in on for
    trading today’s action on a swing trade
    basis same kind of thing when something
    like this happens it’s got to I got to
    let the dust settle I want to get a
    better view on this I probably have to
    go to the weekly the monthly chart as
    well just to get a better view I’m very
    careful about ones that are dropping
    into these levels because to be honest
    what’s to say it it maybe it gets a
    small bounce here and then goes lower
    right and I should do it more accurately
    over here so let’s say it comes in here
    and gets a small bounce but then it
    comes down here and you have multiple
    secondary levels here then here I mean
    there’s just a lot of levels down here
    that I’d have to re-evaluate if I’m
    looking to be a swing Trader all right
    quickly guys let’s go back here we’re
    going to do a quick spin on who wins one
    year of nordvpn let’s do that right now
    then we’re going to spin the wheel and
    we’ll get right into tomorrow’s winning
    prize all right today for nordvpn one
    year of free access and the the winner
    is Chris
    Kristoff Christ Christo I don’t know
    it’s I apologize Christo Christ 3641 I’m
    probably mutilating that and I apologize
    as Tim over here behind the camera’s
    cracking up at me but what can you do in
    any case you can see your name if you’re
    the winner contact Laden at verified don’t you guys know you
    have to make simple screen names for or
    simple handles for me to be able to read
    them off no I’m just kidding do whatever
    you want I’ll figure it out or you guys
    will see it okay so what we’re going to
    do now guys we’re going to spin the
    wheel and then we’re going to take a
    quick 30- second break to thank itrust
    capital I do want to just say we do have
    the new player on the board here if I
    just bring this over here take a look at
    this token metrics donating one year of
    Premium guys that’s freaking
    $2,000 on their website amazing thank
    you token metrics you guys are awesome
    they spent time walking me through the
    platform it is really freaking cool the
    amount of information there that uh that
    they give you and that their AI gives
    you and all this stuff I’m going to talk
    more about it over the course of the
    next you know few days but either way
    let’s spin this wheel and see what
    happens all right smart money stocks and
    ETFs three-month access that’s $450
    worth thre Monon access we will find out
    tomorrow who the winner is right there
    all right guys we’re going to take 30
    seconds because it trust capital is a
    big sponsor here and they really
    honestly help us produce everything we
    do get my information out to you so
    let’s take a quick 30 seconds and thank
    them do you have an existing Ira or
    retirement account it trust allows you
    to buy and sell crypto gold and silver
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    through it trust
    Capal all right guys we are back right
    now let’s focus in on what we have on
    bitcoin Bitcoin in the overnight pushing
    to about
    67,500 just a little away from its key
    resistance level it’s getting pushed
    back down today but nonetheless I’m
    continuing to think that yesterday’s
    Green Day on bitcoin coincided with a
    Green Day in the stock market so let’s
    watch these next earnings over the next
    couple days if the stock market starts
    to tank I I got to believe that we might
    see Bitcoin come back down but
    ultimately as a technician right no bias
    just looking purely at the chart we know
    that we have our support level down here
    right right in here and our resistance
    level right here that’s what you’re
    following which way does it go we don’t
    know yet no one knows yet all I know is
    that this is a confirmed resistance this
    is a confirmed support that’s all as a
    Trader I know my job is to watch to see
    which way it confirms and then my guess
    is you get a big move if you confirm
    above I think not only do you hit the
    all-time highs of 74 but you probably go
    even higher if you confirm to the
    downside you guys know my level 52,000
    to 49,000 this zone right in here which
    basically coordinates with this and the
    high from the spot ETF that again would
    be your downside level so we know our
    levels we just have to be patient here I
    know no one likes to be patient we
    always want the move now but sometimes
    charts just need to figure themselves
    out they have to find out which way it’s
    going to go it’s waiting on more
    information itself just like we’re
    waiting on more information for um our
    informational decisions all right take a
    look at salana here I wanted to cover
    salana salana went right to the level I
    told you guys about a while back this is
    actually where in smart money crypto we
    ended up buying we ended up making a
    nice chunk of change very very quickly
    on this I was ready for that reacted put
    out the trade signal to members and they
    crushed it right there it’s now moved up
    here this is your resistance zone right
    up here very obvious look at the level
    here the level here the level here and
    the breakdown confirmed this means this
    is a confirmed resistance for me if it
    gets up into this range that might be a
    shortable level on salana on the
    downside if it breaks this area here you
    actually have quite a bit of downside my
    guess is you’re probably heading to
    about the $100 even number on salana
    right there all right so we’ll cover
    that we always try to cover one
    different crypto each and every day but
    let’s flip over to gold now gold
    continuing to decline no surprise here I
    guided you in these game plans I’ve
    given you again pretty much every signal
    with again if you look at by the way if
    you look at the calls that I make in
    these based on the charts and what
    they’re telling me and I just translate
    it to you and tell you what I what the
    charts are saying it really is about 75%
    success rate it’s pretty darn cool to
    see that and here was another great
    example of this there’s your topping
    tail there’s your big reversal I I wish
    we were still down here to be honest
    because I just want to get to a point
    where I can start buying gold again it’s
    just not there yet so I got to be
    patient again the level here for me 2200
    right there that’ll be my first
    accumulation Zone and I’ll accumulate
    all the way down to about 2100 right in
    here right so you have all this area
    over here this consolidation zone right
    here but again this is my area where
    I’ll probably buy a little buy a little
    buy a little buy a little all the way
    down into that range don’t know if it’ll
    go as low as the low but nonetheless
    just accumulate my accumulation Zone and
    as I say guys I’m just telling you guys
    what I will look to do everyone has to
    make their own decisions based on their
    financial situation okay next up same
    thing with silver big drop yesterday on
    Silver I have my zones already picked
    out $25 to $26 right in here right so
    again I believe y there’s a level right
    here I don’t have it on the chart right
    now but right between 20 technically 25
    to 26 is the Zone I will be looking to
    accumulate or silver if we get down to
    that little level there next up we have
    oil now oil’s an interesting one oil’s
    an interesting one because yes we are on
    a confirmed support level but but
    are you starting to make a bare flag so
    this changes things a little bit because
    a confirmed level the obvious move
    should be up and we did get a bounce all
    the way back up here when Israel sent
    the bombs back to Iran for that quick
    little bit before we realized it wasn’t
    that major of an attack but now we’re
    making a bare flag so the probabilities
    are now starting to shift to about a
    5050 right so 5050 of a potential break
    down versus a bounce to the upside now
    that’s again it’s a crapshoot it
    literally is a crapshoot at this point
    but as a technician I need to know that
    we need to know that because again if we
    were playing for a bounce on this then
    we have to say wait a minute now it’s
    not a slam dunk it’s more of a gamble
    maybe we need to exit that position on
    the long side now I’m not long oil in
    fact but nonetheless if you were you’d
    have to recognize that based on the
    change in pattern formation next up
    natural gas natural gas ran right into
    the key resistance take a look at this
    here’s your pivot high right to to here
    and right to here it is pulling back
    just a little bit but I still favor
    honestly I still think we go up to this
    220 to 225 level before we get any major
    pullbacks in natural gas speaking of big
    breakouts those two final charts I want
    to show you one of my favorites right
    here this is corn and this is something
    by the way I have a commodity service
    smart money Commodities and Miners And
    this is a play that we actually have in
    the service based on a breakout and I
    want to show you this guys take a look
    if we draw a trend line right in here
    and look at what’s probably happening so
    I love finding Commodities that are
    beaten down still because again the the
    solving the the best way to solve a low
    price in a commodity is a low price
    meaning that less people are planting
    corn because it’s so so low they can’t
    get a lot of uh money for it and
    therefore scarcity starts to take back
    over it drives the price back up but
    look at the V bottom and like the the
    handle right classic cup and handle
    pattern are we starting to get a
    breakout here it’s unconfirmed but it is
    on my radar and then in our in our smart
    money commodity service we have that
    another one we have and I love this this
    is just crushing it right now this is a
    chart of wheat wheat also at the low end
    of the chart but look at the wedge
    pattern and look at the breakout we
    broke out we retraced the scene of the
    crime in the commodity service smart
    money Commodities we bought right here
    already in the money right there this is
    just letting the charts speak to us and
    that’s really all it is guys it’s it’s
    shutting off what’s in here shutting off
    what’s in here and really my gut
    wherever you know my gut shutting off
    your gut you know oh and my gut I really
    think it’s no that’s BS all right that’s
    just being honest guys no one cares the
    market doesn’t care what’s in your gut
    it’s about what the charts are saying
    and that’s the key so on that note we’re
    going to get going here I got to get to
    the trading floor as always you guys are
    awesome thank you so much for tuning in
    don’t forget the question the question
    guys what’s something key in today’s in
    today’s um stream in today’s game plan
    that you did not know what chart may be
    struck what give me something from
    today’s show that you were like dang I’m
    glad I saw that today that would be
    awesome I’ll look at the responses and
    one of you guys will win three months of
    smart money stocks and ETFs have a good
    one take care

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    1. Great analysis Gareth. Itโ€™s appreciated. Especially the difference in charting of swing verses intraday trading with charts. Thanks.

    2. Thanks Gareth your generosity in sharing your knowledge wonโ€™t go unrewarded. Iโ€™d like to see an Iโ€™d like to see an interview with your new sponsor of Token Metrics.

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