Australia’s Battle of Beersheba

    1914 and Germany has just invaded
    Belgium immediately Britain declares war
    on Germany and over the next 4 years
    more than 70 million soldiers will be
    mobilized 9 million of whom will be
    killed in combat alongside an additional
    13 million civilian deaths more than
    300,000 Australians will serve overseas
    during the first world war with over
    60,000 paying the ultimate price October
    1914 the Ottoman Empire joins the war
    allying with Germany and austrialia
    Hungary the war spreads to the Caucasus
    Mesopotamia and the Sinai Peninsula
    ottoman forces in the Sinai pose a
    distinct threat to British interests in
    the Middle East specifically control of
    the Suz canal in November
    1914 the first contingent of the
    Australian Imperial force is sent to the
    British protectorate of Egypt to conduct
    basic training in the desert
    1916 after withdrawal from galipoli
    Peninsula the infantry divisions of the
    aif are redeployed to the Western Front
    the Australian and New Zealand forces
    remaining in Egypt are incorporated into
    the newly raised Egyptian expeditionary
    Force the ef’s mission is to secure
    British interests in Egypt including the
    sez canal and reclaim the Sinai
    Peninsula from the scattered otoman
    forces currently garrisoned in the
    desert January
    1917 the EF has been successful in
    pushing ottoman forces out of the Sinai
    the British government now decides to
    continue the advance and push into the
    territory of the Ottoman Empire but the
    effort quickly falters when two attempts
    to seize the city of Gaza fail in
    response the British war cabinet
    replaces Arch Murray with General Sir
    Edmund Allenby as the new commander of
    EF a successful campaign in Palestine
    and the capture of Jerusalem will place
    additional pressure on Germany and so
    the British government provides alen be
    with reinforcements and new
    state-of-the-art weapons for the EF to
    accomplish their mission and drive the
    Ottomans out of Palestine the well
    fortified city of Gaza and the defense
    ensive line that links it to the town of
    beaba or Beba as we know it must first
    broken after two failed attempts the EF
    is under pressure to continue the
    advance fighting on Horseback in the
    scorching hot Palestinian desert is
    thirsty work and the City of Gaza has
    been resupplied by additional ottoman
    forces time is of the essence with the
    EF newly resupplied reinforced and
    reorganized and now under alen B’s
    command a new plan is formed capture the
    town of B Sheba with its reliable water
    supply and use B Sheba as a base to push
    further into Palestine the town of be
    Sheba is well defended by barbed wire
    ottoman trenches and natural obstacles
    the ottoman forces consist of 1,000
    infantry supported by machine guns
    artillery and aircraft the hill to the
    east known as Tel esaba forms a crucial
    part of the Ottoman defensive strategy
    protecting the Eastern flank it is
    heavily guarded by 400 ottoman infantry
    and a number of enemy machine guns it is
    the capture of this hill which will
    become the primary objective for the
    Anzac mounted division it is essential
    the capture of bish Sheba be quick and
    decisive to prevent the utans from
    destroying the town’s precious water
    supply and withdrawing to the north
    should the attack fail or be prolonged
    the desert will ensure that alen’s plans
    to strike behind Gaza will fail General
    Allen’s plan has two moving Parts
    firstly the four British infantry
    divisions are to attack from the
    southwest capturing ottoman trenches and
    destroying ottoman artillery
    simultaneously the two Cavalry mounted
    divisions are to attack from the East
    capturing Tel esaba and cutting off any
    withdrawing ottoman
    forces early on the morning of the 31st
    of October
    1917 the British infantry divisions
    having marched through the night reached
    their lines of departure to the
    southwest of
    BBA after a similarly exhausting 50 km
    overnight ride the Anzac and Australian
    counted divisions take up position to
    the east of BBA as Dawn begins to break
    the first phase of the attack begins a
    coordinated British artillery
    bombardment on the southwestern ottoman
    trench lines British infantry commenced
    the ground assault under heavy machine
    gun fire they penetrate the ottoman
    defensive line capturing prisoners and
    artillery guns the commander of the
    desert mounted Corp leftenant General
    Harry chel orders the Anzac mounted
    division to commence The Assault on Hill
    Tel esaba with the New Zealand mounted
    rifles Brigade
    forward simultaneously the Australian
    second lighthorse Brigade is sent to cut
    off the main Supply route to the
    northeast of BBA the road to Jerusalem
    thereby preventing any ottoman forces
    withdrawing as ottoman machine gun fire
    begins to rain downhill the New Zealand
    assult slows the bare Rocky terrain
    offering little in the way of cover or
    concealment British artillery
    immediately assists firing on Hill Tel
    laaba and suppressing the Ottomans who
    are forced to duck for cover as rocks
    and trapnel flies everywhere under the
    cover of artillery fire the Australian
    third lighthorse regiment advances up on
    the Left Flank to assist the new
    zealanders the Australian second ligh
    horse regiment later follows to provide
    additional reinforcements however the
    assault remains painstakingly slow using
    fire and movement Australian forces
    eventually reach a dry riverbed where
    they take up position and use Machine
    Gun and Rifle fire to cover the new
    zealanders who are once again able to
    advance to the north the Australian
    second lighthorse Brigade captures an
    ottoman Supply Convoy of 10 wagons
    withdrawing along the main Supply route
    Jerusalem on the other side of beeba the
    British infantry has captured the final
    ottoman trench line and British
    artillery begins to Target the town all
    now depends on the Australian and New
    forces the Australian third lighthorse
    Brigade is deployed to the east of Hill
    Tel laaba the attackers have now
    concentrated sufficient Firepower the
    the Ottomans unable to return effective
    fire are overrun by the new zealanders
    and Hill Tel esaba is captured without
    Tel esaba the ottoman defense of BBA
    impossible the order is given for
    ottoman forces to completely destroy the
    town’s water supply and withdraw to the
    north from EF headquarters far to the
    West alanby sends word to chel demanding
    that BBA be captured before nightfall
    but by employing Mission command chl’s
    preparations for the attack are well
    underway earlier reconnaissance of
    Ottoman positions to the east of be
    Sheba has revealed ottoman trenches not
    yet fully developed and lacking in
    barbed wire a daring plan is formed a
    frontal assault on Horseback with
    bayonets in hand a mounted charge of 800
    Australian Cavalry aimed directly ly
    towards the Eastern ottoman trenches no
    other plan offers a faster result for
    the capture of B Sheba this will
    subsequently be viewed as one of the
    most daring military maneuvers of the
    first world war chel gives the order and
    as dusk Falls the Australian Fourth
    lighthorse Brigade lines up under the
    command of Brigadier General William
    Grant the Brigade forms up into its
    regimental component on the fourth and
    the 12th when riding at a Gallop rifles
    are impossible to aim so each man straps
    his rifle to his back armed with
    handheld bayonets and led by their
    commanding officers the Fourth
    lighthorse Brigade charges forward
    coming under onfa Fire from an ottoman
    machine gun British artillery
    demonstrates superb accuracy immediately
    silencing the ottoman position to the
    South finally the fourth lighthorse
    regiment reaches the Eastern ottoman
    trench line and jumps right over it
    clearing the trench at a Gallop Riders
    Dismount and Close Quarters combat
    commences simultaneously the 12th
    lighthorse regiment attacking the
    ottoman trench lines to the South finds
    a gap and is able to bypass through the
    ottoman defensive line Nothing Now lies
    between Australian forces and the town
    of Beba
    within the hour as night falls B Sheba
    is captured and the battle is
    won the charge of the Australian Fourth
    lighthorse Brigade results in the
    capture of more than 700 ottoman
    prisoners nine artillery pieces and
    three machine guns the precious water
    wells within the town are also secured
    Australian casualties resulting from the
    charge number just 31 men killed and 36
    wounded the fall of B Sheba marks the
    beginning of the end for the ottoman
    defense of Southern Palestine now able
    to outflank the Ottomans and attack from
    both the South and the East Gaza Falls
    to Allied Forces within the week and
    Jerusalem is captured by years end the
    charge of the Australian ligh horse
    Brigade is proven to Be an Effective
    tactic in maneuver Warfare and is used
    by the British a great effect in several
    of the subsequent battles on the advance
    Jerusalem in November 1918 the Central
    Powers have been defeated the Australian
    components of the desert mounted core
    return home regarded by the Allies as a
    highly effective military force and one
    which made a vital contribution to Alan
    be’s Victory on the Palestine campaign
    the battle honor for the capture of
    beers Sheba is awarded to 14 Australian
    lighthorse regiments and is emblazened
    as Gaza BBA on regimental gons six
    current armor units claiming lineage to
    those aif units still display the Gaza
    Bea battle Honor on their gons today

    The Battle of Beersheba was fought on the 31st of October 1917 between the British Empire forces of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) and elements of the Ottoman Empire’s Yildirim Army Group.

    Following the EEF’s advance out of the Sinai and failed attempts to seize Gaza, a plan is devised to capture the important town of Beersheba, thereby outflanking the Ottoman forces. At dawn on 31 October, EEF forces including the Australian Mounted Division and ANZAC Mounted Division, commenced the assault on Beersheba.

    By the late afternoon, with initial objectives seized, the Australian and ANZAC Mounted Divisions were ordered to make a final assault and capture the town of Beersheba before night fell. Thus, the stage was set for the 4th Light Horse Brigade to make their daring cavalry charge, seizing victory for the EEF and ensuring their place in Australian military history forevermore.

    This is the second video released in The Cove’s Australian Army Battle Honours Series. See the first video on Australia’s Gallipoli Campaign.

    This video has been a collaboration between The Cove, the Australian Army History Unit, Ignition Immersive, Interserv, and Effective Animations.

    Original post:
    More on Australian Army Battle Honours Series:


    The Cove is the Australian Army’s professional development platform. We provide access to professional resources and events and promote discussion within the profession of arms. Visit



    1. Got under the guns so fast, the gunners couldn't re-adjust before having to withdraw the guns. And the infantry, expecting the Light Horse to dismount and advance on foot (as mounted infantry typically did), had their sights set for long distance fire. They were shooting over their heads practically the whole time.

    2. Nice. In the movie it was wrongfully shown that the Kiwis failed in their attack. Which is not their way of doing things. Who was the twit that told the Aussies to leave their sabres behind?

    3. The numbers don't lie….. The rumoured British command bastardry of Aussie troops is proven by the numbers.
      Over all 9,000,000 of 70,000,000 deaths, that is about 1 in 8.
      Aussie 60,000 of 300,000 deaths, that is 1 in 5.

      So UK, please explain the difference in casualty rates.

    4. From the Horses mouth so to speak from a bloke who was there " the horses smelled the water and there was no stopping them". The charge was so fast the Turks couldnt adjust their fire fast enough and the wells were never to be poisoned that is a myth.

    5. I used to pass every morning by the "Australian army cemetery" and Alenby garden in Be'er-Sheva.
      Fascinating to finally hear how it all really happened.

    6. Light horse is not cavalry, They are merely mounted infantry.. that being said, this represents one of history's last cavalry charges. Seriously though, we only did it because
      we were told there was beer there..

    7. Excellent battle description, thanks.
      Even explained in dry, military historical terms it makes the hairs stand up on the back of one’s neck.
      Having fought into machine gun and artillery fire all day, what a command decision to accept the risk of a charge!

    8. An excellent overview of the whole operation to capture Beersheba – not only the magnificent Light Horse charge but the successful New Zealand and British infantry contributions.

    9. My great grandfather Thomas Joseph canny was a lighthorseman at Beersheba on famous charge of Beersheba and he served with Australian 9th light horse regiment in the first world war

    10. So we won the war over imperial interests, and were on the deserving side. England got to keep her interests around the world, and those who fell can rest in their graves knowing that England still rules the waves, and the soil in India, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Triumphant victory, and put conflict to rest. All fixed? Tally Ho!

    11. Rommel the Desert Fox of WW2 in a letter he wrote to his wife on seeing the Aussie's and Kiwis for the first time in Africa said of the Aussies
      "a finer fighting men I have not seen" and he also said to her
      "if I had to take Hell I'd use the Australians to take it and the Kiwis to keep it'

    12. Aussies and Kiwis own Israel. We can do with it what we want. We paid for Israel by sacrificing the lives of our young men. We want the Jewish people to have it. The Palestinians didnt lift a finger to help. They fought on the side of the Ottomans.

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