1 MINUTE AGO: The Suez Canal Has Just Been Closed Down & The US Is Panicking!

    today the Suz Canal facilitates up to
    20,000 transits per year which totals
    approximately 1.17 billion tons of cargo
    worth around $800 billion it is the
    jugular of global trade and rightfully
    so as it facilitates Global Commerce and
    trade between Europe Asia and Beyond
    connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the
    Red Sea it significantly reduces the
    time and cost of Maritime transportation
    between Europe and Asia however all of
    this may change sooner than we’d want
    stick around as we explore the reasons
    behind this impending crisis and its
    ramifications Russia’s need for another
    Canal when the Soviet forces steamrolled
    into Afghanistan in 1979 neighboring
    Pakistan feared that it would be next
    president Zia UL haak was almost certain
    that Russia wanted to access warm Waters
    through Pakistan’s Coastline this led to
    a decade of proxy war between Pakistan
    aided by its Western allies and the
    mighty Soviet Union until the ladder
    withdrew from Afghanistan and eventually
    disintegrated fast forward to today’s
    time Russia’s need for access to warm
    Waters has not gone away but why isn’t
    the country surrounded by water on two
    sides well yes but the country’s
    24,40 km long coastline along the Arctic
    Ocean is largely Frozen for a
    significant portion of the Year limiting
    access to its northern ports this
    Geographic constraint has historically
    hindered Russia’s ability to exploit its
    Maritime potential and engage in global
    trade fully to overcome this challenge
    Russia has pursued various strategies to
    gain access to warmer Waters one
    approach has been to seek control or
    influence over territories with access
    to seas and oceans with milder climates
    this includes territories such as Crimea
    which provides access to the Black Sea
    and kaliningrad a Russian exclave on the
    Baltic Sea but considering Russia’s size
    and the volume of products it needs to
    move in both directions it needs
    something much bigger much
    grander this ambition in itself is
    nothing new two centuries ago the Great
    Western Powers faced a similar
    predicament in the 19th century European
    powers were increasingly reliant on
    Maritime trade routes for their economic
    Prosperity however their access to key
    trade routes was limited by geographical
    barriers this led to a growing desire
    among Western Powers particularly
    Britain to find a way to bypass these
    barriers and establish a more direct
    route to the lucrative markets of Asia
    the construction of the Suez Canal in
    the mid 19th century marked a
    significant milestone in addressing this
    challenge the canal completed in
    1869 provided a shortcut between the
    Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
    allowing ships to avoid the lengthy and
    perilous Journey around the southern tip
    of Africa this new route not only
    facilitated trade between Europe and
    Asia but also enhanced the Strategic
    position of the countries controlling it
    similarly Russia has explored
    alternative transportation routes to
    bypass its frozen Northern ports
    projects such as the Northern sea route
    which traverses the Arctic oan along
    Russia’s northern coast have been
    promoted as potential solutions to
    facilitate Maritime trade however these
    efforts have been hampered by challenges
    of their own the Northern sea route for
    example is only navigable for a limited
    portion of the year and requires
    significant investment in infrastructure
    and Icebreaker support Russia has also
    sought to bolster its presence in
    regions with access to warmer Waters
    through military and diplomatic means
    this includes interventions in regions
    such as the Middle East and Central Asia
    where Russia has sought to assert its
    influence and secure strategic footholds
    the country’s quest for access to warm
    Waters reflects its broader geopolitical
    Ambitions and strategic imperatives by
    overcoming its Geographic challenges
    with Coastline and ports Russia aims to
    strengthen its position as a global
    player however the cost of this ambition
    will be the death of the Suez Canal but
    before we get to it let’s get some
    context how the Suez Canal
    revolutionized global trade if ships
    could move over land global trade and
    Maritime traffic in the 16th century
    could be made to go much faster cutting
    through the Egyptian Heartland ships
    could Venture straight into the Red Sea
    from the Mediterranean thus avoiding the
    costly sail across the tip of Africa of
    course ships can’t move on
    land the ottoman Grand vizer Saku mhmed
    Pasha thus proposed the next best thing
    a canal linking the Red Sea and the
    Mediterranean the Ottomans sought to
    establish a direct Maritime route
    between Constantinople and the lucrative
    trade routes of the Indian Ocean thereby
    enhancing their access to valuable goods
    resources furthermore as European powers
    expanded their presence and influence in
    the Indian Ocean the Ottoman Empire
    faced increasing challenges to its
    Mercantile and strategic
    interests the construction of a
    navigable Canal would not only only
    bolster the ottoman Navy’s capabilities
    but also strengthen the Empire’s
    position in the face of external
    pressures however despite the Strategic
    importance of the project it was
    ultimately deemed too costly and
    ambitious to complete two centuries
    later during Napoleon bonapart campaign
    in Egypt and Syria the idea of a canal
    linking the Mediterranean and the Red
    Sea resurfaced Napoleon’s men
    rediscovered an ancient Canal extending
    from the Red Sea northward and then
    Westward toward the Nile inspired by
    this discovery Napoleon now emperor of
    France entertained the idea of
    constructing a North South Canal to
    connect the Mediterranean with the Red
    Sea however his men had incorrectly
    believed that the Red Sea lay
    significantly higher than the
    Mediterranean this complicated the
    entire project and led to its
    abandonment but in terms of vision he
    was far from alone amidst the backdrop
    of Colonial expansion and burgeoning
    trade routes the idea of a shortcut to
    the east captured the imaginations of
    Visionaries and entrepreneurs alike in
    the early 19th century as Egypt found
    itself under the rule of Muhammad Ali A
    Viceroy of the Ottoman Empire the Allure
    of connecting the Mediterranean and Red
    Seas persisted despite daunting
    challenges in 1854 and 1856 a certain
    Frenchman Ferdinand deeps secured a cons
    session from his longtime friend sad
    Pasha the deao ruler of Egypt and Sudan
    to realize his audacious Vision the
    construction of a canal that would unite
    the Mediterranean and Red Seas open to
    vessels of all nations with the green
    light from s deeps wasted no time in
    assembling a formidable team of experts
    following exhaustive surveys and
    spirited deliberations in Paris on
    December 15th 1858 the Suez Canal
    company was born
    however the British government staunch
    opponents of the project viewed it with
    trepidation fearing that the Canal’s
    completion would upset the established
    order of Maritime trade Lord Palmerston
    a formidable adversary of the Venture
    candidly admitted that Britain’s
    commercial and Maritime dominance hung
    in the balance diplomatic Maneuvers were
    deployed in a bid to thwart the project
    despite initial skepticism and lukewarm
    reception abroad deeps rallied support
    for the venture with the backing of the
    Kata banking family and the influential
    James de Rothchild of the French House
    of Rothschild shares in the Suez Canal
    company found eager buyers in France and
    Beyond while British Austrian and
    Russian interests remained cautious
    French enthusiasm propelled the project
    forward laying the groundwork for one of
    the most ambitious engineering Feats of
    the 19th
    century the Monumental task of
    Excavating the Suz Canal commenced on
    April 25th
    1859 over the course of a decade from
    1859 to
    1869 the Relentless clang of pickaxes
    and shovels echoed across the ismos as
    thousands toiled under the scorching Sun
    forced labor was employed until
    1864 compelling multitudes from various
    corners of the globe to participate in
    the Monumental
    undertaking some estimates suggest that
    at any given time over 30,000 laborers
    toiled along the Canal’s l length with a
    staggering 1.5 million individuals
    engaged in the arduous labor throughout
    the Project’s
    duration however the toll is measured
    not only in sweat and toil but in lives
    lost chera and other epidemics exacted a
    heavy tax on the workforce claiming the
    lives of tens of thousands of laborers
    while the exact number of casualties
    remains a matter of debate with
    estimates ranging widely the human cost
    of this monumental Endeavor cannot be
    overstated however the losses were
    buried under the excitement of the grand
    inauguration of the Suez Canal in
    1869 dignitaries and luminaries from
    around the world gathered to witness the
    realization of a centuries old dream the
    festivities commenced on the evening of
    November 15th at Port SED Ablaze with
    illuminations fireworks and the opulent
    Splendor of a banquet hosted aboard the
    yacht of kiv Ismael Pasha of Egypt and
    Sudan among the esteemed guests were
    Emperor France Joseph I the French
    Empress ueni the Crown Prince of Prussia
    and Prince Louie of
    Hessa the following day amidst a
    backdrop of Muslim and Christian
    blessings A procession of ships embarked
    on a historic Journey Through the
    Canal’s shimmering Waters yet amid the
    Jubilation concerns arose regarding the
    depth and navigability of certain
    sections of the canal these fears were
    soon realized when the French ship pelo
    ran ground however the Convoy pressed
    onward ismia became the next focal point
    of Celebration with military parades
    illuminations and Grand balls
    punctuating the air with an air of
    festivity the journey culminated in Suez
    where further revelries awaited before
    many of the participants embarked on a
    pilgrimage to Cairo and the a inspiring
    pyramids however despite the Triumph of
    its completion the Suez Canal faced
    initial challenges both financial and
    operational the Project’s final cost
    exceeded initial estimates and traffic
    in the first years fell below
    expectations however the world suddenly
    became more accessible the Canal’s
    completion had profound economic
    implications particularly for the
    European Mediterranean countries which
    enjoyed Newfound economic Prosperity due
    to expedited trade routes to Asia and
    East Africa but back at home the project
    had its costs to alleviate Financial
    pressures Ismael Pasha the successor of
    SED Pasha was compelled to sell his
    share of the canal to the United Kingdom
    1875 marking a significant shift in
    ownership later in 1882 due to local
    unrest the British invaded Egypt and
    took full control of the canal however
    while the British and French exerted
    significant influence over the the canal
    Egypt technically remained part of the
    Ottoman Empire until the British
    occupation under British supervision the
    canal thrived with Evelyn bearing first
    Earl of chromer implementing reforms to
    modernize governance and suppress unrest
    ensuring the smooth flow of traffic
    through the canal the Strategic
    importance of the canal was further
    highlighted during times of conflict
    such as the first world war when British
    forces successfully defended it against
    ottoman attacks in
    1915 later on throughout the second
    world war the canal remained a vital
    artery for the Allied Forces the Suez
    Canal Crisis following the second world
    war the world was quickly moving past
    the era of colonialism and monarchy
    Egypt was no different the nation gained
    independence from British control on
    February 28 1922 under Sultan Ahmad fuad
    I however Egypt remained a
    constitutional monarchy with fuad as the
    king until the Egyptian revolution of
    1952 which led to the establishment of
    the Republic of Egypt and the end of the
    monarchy a democratic Egypt under
    President Gamal Abdul Nasser was not
    willing to bow down to its Colonial
    past however Egypt’s overtures towards
    the Soviet Union and its subsequent
    nationalization of the canal in July
    1956 prompted a Swift and forceful
    response from Western Powers the
    situation got further inflamed when the
    Egyptian president transferred control
    of the canal to the Suz Canal Authority
    and closed the Straits of Tran to
    Israeli ships in response to these
    actions the UK France and Israel
    launched a coordinated invasion of Egypt
    known as the Suez Crisis under the
    pre-agreed war plans Israel initiated
    hostilities by invading the Sinai
    Peninsula on October 29th forcing Egypt
    into military engagement the
    anglo-french partnership then intervened
    to regain control of the canal this
    outrageous militarism led to widespread
    condemnation in response the Canadian
    Secretary of State for external Affairs
    Lester B Pearson proposed the creation
    of the first United Nations peacekeeping
    Force to diffuse tensions and ensure
    access to the canal for all parties on
    November 4th 1956 the United Nations
    voted in favor of Pearson’s peacekeeping
    resolution backed by pressure from the
    United States this resolution mandated
    the deployment of un peacekeepers to the
    Sinai Peninsula until both Egypt and
    Israel agreed to their withdrawal the
    ceasefire brokered by the UN coupled
    with diplomatic efforts spearheaded by
    Pearson ultimately led to the withdrawal
    of British and French troops from Egypt
    by the end of the year Pearson’s role in
    resolving the crisis earned him the no
    Nobel Peace Prize despite the cessation
    of hostilities the canal remained closed
    until April 1957 as a result of damage
    inflicted during the conflict with
    assistance from the United Nations
    efforts were made to clear the canal and
    establish a un peacekeeping Force to
    ensure its continued navigability and
    maintain peace in the Sinai Peninsula
    however troubles for the canal and the
    World Trade were far from over on May
    16th 196 7 Egyptian president Nasser
    ordered the withdrawal of UN
    peacekeeping forces from the Sinai
    Peninsula including the Suz Canal area
    and deployed Egyptian troops in their
    place Israel objected to nasser’s
    subsequent closure of The Straits of
    Teran to Israeli trade on May 21st
    escalating tensions in the region the
    1967 6-day war resulted in Israeli
    occupation of the Sinai Peninsula
    including the East Bank of the Suz canal
    subsequent years saw heightened tensions
    between Egypt and Israel culminating in
    a war of attrition from March 1969 to
    August 1970 as Egypt sought to reclaim
    territories however in the midst of it
    all president Nasser died in September
    1970 this marked a temporary cessation
    of hostilities but underlying tensions
    persisted Egypt unwilling to permit
    Israeli use of the canal imposed a
    blockade until
    1975 during the Yum Kapur war on October
    1973 the canal became a Battleground as
    Egyptian forces launched operation B
    Crossing into Israeli occupied Sinai
    Israeli counterattacks ensued with
    Israeli forces crossing the canal into
    Egypt and advancing towards Suz City by
    October 22nd
    1973 however on January 18th 1974 the
    Sinai separation of forces agreement was
    signed leading to the withdrawal of
    Israeli forces from the western side of
    the Suz Canal following the Y kapor War
    the United States spearheaded operation
    Nimbus moon to clear the Suez Canal of
    Mines simultaneously the British royal
    Navy launched operation riat to ensure
    the Canal’s safety by 1975 these
    clearance operations had rendered the
    canal and its Lakes 99% mine-free
    Egyptian president president anoir Sadat
    accompanied by Iranian Crown Prince Raza
    palavi symbolically reopened the canal
    aboard an Egyptian Destroyer leading the
    first Northbound Convoy to Port SED in
    975 however the United Nations emergency
    Force mandate expired in
    1979 consequently negotiations resulted
    in the establishment of the
    multinational force and observers in
    Sinai in 1981 coordinating with Israel’s
    phased withdrawal
    Egypt normalized relations with Israel
    after that allowing for uninterrupted
    trade operations through the canal over
    the decades the canal became so pivotal
    that in 2014 Egyptian president Abdul
    fat Eli initiated an expansion project
    termed the new Suz Canal this expansion
    enables two-way Transit reducing
    congestion and enhancing efficiency
    completed within a year at a cost
    exceeding 9 billion us do the expanded
    Channel marked a significant milestone
    in the Canal’s modernization and
    economic importance however through it
    all the canal saw many turbulences and
    troubles notable obstructions in the Suz
    Canal the canal has long been an artery
    for maritime traffic and trade thus any
    disruptions affect trade all over the
    world this happened in 2004 when the
    canal faced a 3-day closure when the oil
    tanker Tropic brilliance became stuck
    disrupting Maritime traffic then on the
    18th of October 2017 the O Japan ran
    around causing a brief obstruction that
    halted Canal operations for a few hours
    albeit on a smaller scale however the
    most notable obstruction occurred in
    March 2021 when the ultra-large
    container ship ever given operated by
    Evergreen Marine ran ground due to
    strong winds blocking the canal in both
    directions this incident garnered Global
    attention due to the critical role the
    Suez Canal plays in international trade
    the everg given’s grounding completely
    halted the passage of vessels through
    the canal trapping numerous ships
    carrying essential Goods including oil
    shipments which were severely affected
    economists and trade experts expressed
    concerns about the potential economic
    impact of the blockage as the Suez Canal
    serves as a vital artery for Global
    Commerce with up to $3 billion worth of
    cargo passing through it daily to
    alleviate the backlog and resume normal
    operations efforts were undertaken to
    refloat the everg given it was
    successfully refloated on the 29th of
    March 2021 allowing cargo traffic to
    resume however the backlog of ships
    awaiting passage took several days to
    clear with approximately 450 vessels
    affected following the everg given
    incident the Suez Canal Authority
    announced plans to wide in narrower
    parts of the canal to mitigate future
    blockages despite these efforts another
    grounding occurred on the 9th of
    September 2021 when MV Coral Crystal
    briefly blocked the canal fortunately it
    was swiftly freed minimizing disruption
    to Maritime traffic in May 2023 another
    grounding incident occurred involving
    the Hong Kong flagged cargo ship MV
    shinai Tong 23 near the southern end of
    the canal
    however tugboats were able to refloat
    the vessel within a day preventing
    significant disruption to Canal
    operations while all of these events
    were disruptive nothing has ever been
    more dangerous for the canal than what
    Russia has planned for it Russia’s need
    for alternative trade routes Russia is
    bordered on two sides by Frozen Waters
    of the Arctic and to the West the
    European nations had imposed crippling
    sanctions in the wake of the Ukraine war
    as Russia faces increasing isolation
    from the International Community
    economic sanctions imposed by Western
    Nations have tightened targeting key
    sectors like energy finance and defense
    significantly impacting Russia’s trade
    activities and Global Market access the
    search for alternative Roots is thus
    crucial for Russia to ensure the
    continuity of its trade flows and
    mitigate the adverse effects of
    isolation additionally the conflict in
    Ukraine has disrupted stability and
    security impacting Maritime trade routes
    in the Black Sea region ongoing tensions
    and Military activities in the area
    heighten security concerns and increase
    risks associated with transporting goods
    through key waterways like the Black Sea
    and the bosor strait but that’s not all
    recent developments in the Red Sea add
    another layer of complexity to global
    trade Dynamics the attacks by the
    houthis from Yemen on Israel bound or
    associated cargo ships have further
    diminished traffic in the region since
    the outbreak of the Gaza war in October
    2023 these attacks have instilled fear
    among shipping companies leading to a
    reluctance to risk transporting goods
    through the Red Sea despite efforts by
    Western allies to protect vessels in the
    region the heightened security risks
    have prompted shipping companies to seek
    alternative routes contributing to a
    decline in traffic through the Red
    Sea this combined impact of disruptions
    in both the Suz canal and the Red Sea
    underscores the pressing need for
    Diversified trade routes and heightened
    security measures to safeguard global
    trade and economic stability in response
    to these challenges Russia is looking
    towards alternative transportation
    corridors such as the international
    north south transport Corridor or nsdc
    to diversify its trade routes and reduce
    dependence on vulnerable Maritime choke
    points like the Suez Canal
    by developing alternative transportation
    networks Russia aims to maintain
    economic resilience and secure its trade
    interests amidst a volatile geopolitical
    landscape This spells death for the Suez
    Canal the international north south
    transport Corridor the international
    north south transport Corridor or insdc
    spans over 7,200 km or 4,500 Mi
    connecting India Iran aeran Russia C
    Central Asia and Europe signed on the
    16th of May 2002 by Russia Iran and
    India this agreement aimed to enhance
    trade connectivity among major cities
    such as Mumbai Moscow tan Baku bandar
    abas asran and bandar
    anzali this Corridor will facilitate
    Freight movement via ship Rail and Road
    one of the key advantages of the nstc is
    its positioning as an alternative to the
    Suez Canal route this alternative is
    particularly beneficial for countries
    like Iran and Russia both of whom are
    subject to us sanctions moreover it
    offers cost Effectiveness and saves
    significant travel time a survey by the
    Federation of freight forwarders
    associations in India found that the
    insc route is 30% cheaper and 40%
    shorter than the traditional route via
    the Suez Canal the primary objective of
    the international Norths South transport
    corridor is thus to revolutionize trade
    routes by significantly reducing costs
    in terms of both time and money compared
    to the traditional routes currently in
    use azerbajan plays a crucial role in
    the project providing essential Road and
    rail routes that enhance transport
    connectivity between India Iran aeran
    Russia and
    Kazakhstan Iran has also undertaken
    significant construction efforts to
    ensure connectivity via Railways roads
    Bridges and tunnels these enhancements
    will facilitate seamless transportation
    across the region further strengthening
    trade ties moreover the integration of
    Iran’s chabahar Port into the corridor
    offers promising prospects for expanding
    trade routs India and Iran have
    collaborated to develop chabahar into a
    full deep sea port with plans to
    increase its capacity
    significantly chahar’s ability to handle
    larger cargo ships and its strategic
    makes it an attractive hub for trade
    particularly with Europe via the
    nstc Additionally the completion of the
    Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Iran Railway
    link has bolstered Regional
    connectivity this Railway line spanning
    over 677 km connects Kazakhstan and
    Turkmenistan with Iran and the Persian
    Gulf providing a crucial multimodal
    transport system for both goods and
    passengers with joint funding from Kaz
    aan Turkmenistan and Iran this project
    demonstrates a collaborative effort to
    enhance regional trade and connectivity
    in addition to railway projects Iran’s
    strategic initiatives such as the
    integration of aara port with the
    project and the construction of the Iran
    rude trans Iranian Canal will enhance
    Maritime connectivity and trade routes
    across the region the port of aara
    inaugurated in March 2013 serves as a
    vital link across the Caspian C C
    facilitating the transportation of goods
    between Russia azerbijan Kazakhstan
    Turkmenistan and India meanwhile the
    Iran Rood Canal project aims to create a
    navigable Waterway linking the Caspian
    Sea to the Indian Ocean further
    enhancing regional trade and
    connectivity project Partners even
    conducted a bottleneck study in 2014 to
    address key challenges in transportation
    along the corridor the study revealed a
    significant cost reduction of 2
    $2,500 per 15 Tons of cargo highlighting
    the potential efficiency gains for the
    involved fast forward to July 7th 2022
    and the Russian company rzd Logistics
    announced the successful completion of
    its first transport of goods to India
    via the corridor this was also confirmed
    by Iranian and Indian trade companies
    the end of the Suez Canal route thus is
    nearer than it first seemed this also
    brings in a whole host of complications
    implications for global trade Dynamics
    just as the Suez Canal transformed
    Global connectivity the international
    north south transport Corridor is also
    bound to be a highly consequential
    project as the corridor unfurls its
    promise of enhanced connectivity and
    accelerated trade the implications
    Ripple far beyond its physical borders
    reshaping the very fabric of global
    Commerce and diplomacy at the heart of
    this seismic shift lies the intricate d
    between Russia and China long-standing
    allies yet strategic competitors these
    nations find themselves at a Crossroads
    navigating a landscape fraught with
    economic uncertainties and geopolitical
    complexities for Russia the nsdc
    represents a double-edged sword it is a
    gateway to Newfound prosperity and
    influence yet also a potential challenge
    to its traditional ties with China as
    the corridor opens up alter ative trade
    routes to Europe and Beyond Russia must
    tread carefully balancing its interests
    in the East with its aspirations in the
    West for China the instc presents both
    opportunities and challenges on one hand
    the corridor offers a tantalizing
    shortcut to Europe bypassing traditional
    Maritime routes and reducing transit
    times as the world’s largest trading
    Nation China stands to benefit immensely
    from enhanced connectivity and
    streamlined Logistics yet lurking
    beneath the surface lies the Spectre of
    geopolitical competition will China
    embrace the NC as a catalyst for global
    trade or will it view Russia’s overtures
    to the West with suspicion only time
    will tell on the global stage the
    implications of the einc reverberate
    with profound significance as the
    corridor blazes a trail of innovation
    and cooperation it challenges the
    hegemony of traditional trade routes and
    redraws the map of global Commerce with
    its potential to reduce transport costs
    by 30% and shorten travel distances by
    40% the instc promises to reshape Supply
    chains redefine market dynamics and
    unleash a wave of economic growth but
    fears and suspicions have already begun
    surfacing much like the Suez Canal this
    new route to can become a Battleground
    for competing interests fueling tensions
    and exacerbating geopolitical rivalries
    so far all we know for sure is that
    global trade will never be the same
    again well that’s it for now thanks for
    watching don’t miss this video you see
    on your screen right now it’s truly

    1 MINUTE AGO: The Suez Canal Has Just Been Closed Down & The US Is Panicking!

    Today, the Suez Canal facilitates up to 20,000 transits per year, which totals approximately 1.17 billion tons of cargo, worth around $800 billion! It is the jugular of global trade, and rightfully so, as it facilitates global commerce and trade between Europe, Asia, and beyond. Connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, it significantly reduces the time and cost of maritime transportation between Europe and Asia. However, all of this may change sooner than we’d want. Stick around as we explore the reasons behind this impending crisis and its potential ramifications!

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