Crypto News and Rumors: Huge Coinbase News. Gensler accused of Misleading Congress

    e e that takes a while all right there we go sound should be back all right so yeah so yeah we’re still above 60k yes I I mean I did a video about Roger ve and CZ Roger V obviously uh Roger v um Ro like Roger ver uses us-based company to sell a bunch of Bitcoin which you can’t do like the thing is he actually gave up his US citizenship in 2014 so if he actually actually if he had sold Bitcoin uh on his own accounts he wouldn’t owe any tax but he actually used his U he actually used his us-based company to sell Bitcoin which obviously if you Ed if you use U US based if you use your us-based company to sell Bitcoin you owe the government taxes I think we are dumping preparing for the news I think people were just I think people were adjusting to the news I mean this might be one of those like sell the rumor buy the news type of things because I think like we were just like pre- dispos I think the market like pre disposition itself to basically accept bad news that was coming we don’t actually need any we don’t need a low 50k dip the 60k like 60k could actually be the bottom like 60k 59k could be the bottom get on USA citizenship because like his companies were based and headquartered in the US and he used his companies to sell Bitcoin and then he tried to cover it cover it up from the IRS like if he like he if he disavowed his citizenship and then he basically use his personal account to sell a Bitcoin then he wouldn’t owe the IRS anything but he uses but he used his us-based companies to actually sell Bitcoin I’m not really sure why he did that I guess he didn’t want to move the Bitcoin through himself he just wanted to move it through his his entities which is going to end up getting him in trouble because obviously if you use like your us-based entities to sell Bitcoin you’re going to owe the IRS and and the thing is unlike CZ he doesn’t have the uh option to say I didn’t know that was illegal you didn’t tell me that was illegal because like obviously hiding things from the IRS like hiding hiding your profits from the IRS is indeed illegal like everyone knows that yeah four months is nothing and I don’t think like he’s going to serve the entire four months cuz they’re probably going to give like some credit for his time they’re probably going to give us give him some credit for his time like that he got detained so like he’s going to be out in no time probably like by like Midsummer end of the summer easily he’ll be out he’ll he’ll still be on like watch for the next couple of years I think next year or two but that really shouldn’t be any real issue Roger VI though actually might be in more trouble cuz he actually he does owe $50 million in taxes and he did actually like try to hide all the information from the IRS so like he can’t really say like I didn’t know that was illegal because he per like everyone knows that hiding stuff from the IRS is illegal she should have known better these people in crypto or something else man yeah like the thing is like the reason you give up your US citizenship is you don’t have to pay us taxes why then would you use a us-based entity to sell Bitcoin obviously if you use a us-based entity to sell Bitcoin you’re going to o IRS taxes yeah it’s it’s a small pullback and the thing is it still kind of bounced really close to 60k no Cy has to stay out of binance for three years but since his wife runs binance it doesn’t really matter he he can’t actually have anything to do with binance for about three years but like I said his wife is the co-founder and the co-chair of binance so realistically even though like he does he’s not supposed to have anything to do with it I mean he still kind of runs it through his wife you know we need low 50k dip accumulation yeah cc is world’s richest prisoner I mean that’s why I think they need to separate him from the general prison population cuz he’s going to be extorted for money and stuff I think they’re going to I think they’re going to give him like they might give him like a couple months in solitary or just have him under house arrest or probation that the the prosecutors wanted like three years in jail but the uh judge but the judges actually sided with CZ and his defense uh more than the prosecutors which I think they did what was right I I really do think they did what was right I mean obviously this was basically like they’re trying to make an example out of CZ so like other people won’t dare to go against their kyc AML and they’ll make like they’ll make more concessions to their kyc AML also there was 300 million in liquidations today that’s why we went down so much nice Roger nobody’s going to miss him yeah see people actually like CZ no one actually cares about Roger V not to say that Roger V is like a bad guy or anything because like know he’s not Craig Wright he’s not like annoying as he’s not as annoying as Craig Wright he doesn’t keep on bringing these ridiculous lawsuits against people so he even though he’s like not he’s just not Craig Wright you know R was smarter than that I don’t you know like it’s it’s weird I don’t really know why he would do that because like I said he he gave up his US citizenship all the way back in 2014 and he didn’t sell the Bitcoin until 2017 but why would you use your US based company to sell the Bitcoin cuz like if you just use your personal accounts to sell the Bitcoin then you know you don’t owe the us anything because it’s been 3 years since you gave up citizenship because he’s like he got like the St kit citizenship um but if you you if you use your us-based companies to sell Bitcoin then obviously you and then you hide the information from the IRS I mean you don’t really have a case you realistically don’t have a case against the doj because since you sold via a us-based entity you owe the IRS taxes and since you try to evade taxes you obviously did something illegal I mean I I really don’t understand the thought I don’t really understand the thought process going through Roger VI’s head it doesn’t really seem to make it really doesn’t seem to make all that much sense uh Bitcoin is on his path and doesn’t care what about the FED at this point I think to I personally think today it it adjusted Before Time of to the feds to what they think the fed’s going to say tomorrow I think the fed’s going to be fairly I mean I mean I think the fed’s going to be fairly bearish tomorrow but I’m not really I don’t really care about that really I’m not concerned I’m not really concerned about the FED being bearish tomorrow he seems you know a lot of these crypto guys seem to be smart and then until you take a real until you take a real look at their actions and realize they’re not really that smart like some some of them are probably like uh uh some some of them um like do really stupid things sell and make away and go away fits very well for pal pal actually isn’t a bad fed commissioner honestly I think I actually believe I actually think that Pal’s actually doing his job pretty well I’m actually not a like I’m not a huge like I I don’t reject pal at all I think pal actually does his job pretty well I think he’s doing what needs to be done people don’t like it but he’s actually doing what needs to be done uh putting Charles on spot on Twitter and Charles doesn’t even know how to respond I mean Schwarz honestly hasn’t been doing too well with this crypto either because xrp’s basically become like a nothing burger at this point I mean they’ve had to pull back their us use of odl to use usdt instead of xrp and like no one on the international level is really adopting them except for that company they bought so I mean he’s not really he’s really not doing all that well either with like xrp cuz like he was supposed to like back in 2018 2019 he said he was going to leave Ripple in like 18 months cuz xrp would be at a good place where it was getting a lot of adoption that like never really happened that like really never happened uh so like they’re like way behind both internationally and domestically like domestically you can blame the SEC lawsuit internationally I just don’t think people are actually that that interested in their product and Schwarz even said like you know we didn’t we didn’t get the we didn’t really get the reception that we were expecting with odl so aside like aside from the couple like the coupley the couple of companies they either paid or bought out no one’s really using odl at this point and now for the us-based businesses they have to use usdt because of regulations Charles saying there’s no sec agenda with ethereum and other projects to go after certain ones for their interest I mean I doubt ethereum told them to go after like certain projects ethereum basically just told the SEC to like basically leave them alone there was definitely meetings between ethereum and the SEC I doubt they told them to go I doubt he I doubt ethereum told them to go after Ripple ethereum basically just told the SEC to leave them alone go after like anyone else besides them that was kind of the deal they say 95.5% chance that pal will pause again tomorrow Pal’s yeah Pal’s not going to do anything tomorrow pal will not lower interest rates all right like we’re probably not going to get an interest rate decrease until like at least August or something like that we’re not going to we’re really not going to get like uh any interest rate uh decreases um until like August or something so yeah so I wouldn’t expect a decrease like at this meeting or the next meeting maybe the meeting after that there’s no Shady stuff going on there’s definitely there was definitely Shady stuff going on between Henman and ethereum but the Shady stuff was basically like hey just leave us we’ll like just leave us alone that was like that was basically the Shady stuff hey we’ll pay you some money just leave us alone that’s that’s basically what the Shady stuff was at least from what I see right now that’s that’s what the Shady stuff was we’ll like we’ll pay you some money you just leave us alone the Hong Kong ETF was never going to be that big in terms of inflows I think people people were just expecting way too much from Hong Kong in from Hong Kong based on their inflows because Hong Kong Market’s not that big like their entire ETF Market’s not a not that huge it’s way way smaller than the US market even the entire Chinese market is way way slower than the US market yeah yeah I’m pretty I think the Market’s already adjusted and the thing is I like after the inflation reports came out I don’t think anyone expected the FED to actually lower rates I mean I think we might go down to like 58 or something uh initially like right after the announcement but we probably won’t dip any further and we’ll probably bounce back after that the coinbase news they finally integrated lightning huge news my friends they finally integrated lightning so like like for coinbase now for Bitcoin transactions they’re they’re uh they’re they’re going to give you the option of using lightning or bitco the original Bitcoin Network so coinbase integrates lightning Network for Bitcoin transactions about damn time the the integration brings instantaneous transfers on the layer 2 Lightning Network to the world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange I don’t know if that’s the world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange but whatever coinbase has begun supporting the Bitcoin lightning Network providing users the choice between lightning and Bitcoin Network when transferring Bitcoin by using the layer 2 Lightning Network coinbase customers can trans for Bitcoin more quickly and cheaply than transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain to use the lightning Network the intended recipient sends an invoice consisting of lengthy string of characters that coinbase will recognize as the amount of the transfer uh basically for each transaction a new invoice must be generated and invoice is a long string of characters that contains the amount you intend to send or receive this is generated by receiving party and expires after 72 hours blah blah blah transfers on Lightning are instant in contrast to transfers on the Bitcoin Network that may take from 10 minutes to 2s hours because the limited amount of transactions per second the Bitcoin Network processes however sends via lightning to some self- custody wallets may take multiple hours or fail due to Unique implementations or fee structures coinbase will charge a processing fee of 0.1% of the transfer amount for senders coinbase chose lightning payment solution provider Light spark as a partner for the integration blah blah blah so yes essentially um essentially yeah they’re finally going to integrate lightning that they’re finally going to integrate lightning after all this time thing with Hong Kong is they can use crypto for their money to buy ETS where USA you have to use money not crypto yeah because there’s this in kind um but the thing is the Hong Kong ETF Market overall is really small I think it’s like only $80 billion whereas the US Market’s like 8.9 trillion there’s like a 100x difference which coinbase news the coinbase like they’re finally integrating lightning they’re going to give you the choice between lightning Network and Bitcoin to actually transfer Bitcoin I don’t really know what the hold I really don’t know what the holdup was before maybe it’s because Lightning’s like centralized and all that stuff but like they didn’t really ever integrate lightning before they kept on saying like we’re going to integrate lightning we’re going to integrate lightning we’re going to integrate lightning but uh they’re not actually integrating they never really integrated lightning but now they’re they finally integrated lightning so that’s a big deal um I think so I’m not really sure I don’t I basically just use coinbase as a cash cash out option and I sometimes I trade via coinbase so I don’t really use the features a lot but I you definitely need a lightning address though SP so WF on base went up 60% today I mean if you’re in crypto you’ve got like if you’re in crypto you you’ve got to like you you’ve got to be able to handle this stuff any thoughts on CPI data or fomc meeting um no cuts are not going to happen tomorrow like I don’t think Cuts I really don’t think cuts are going to happen um until really late this year maybe even next year the the the economic statistics just don’t play itself to cuts and the fomc like the FED doesn’t see any real reason a cut uh they’re saying they will convert USD into Yen CU difference then by coin Hong Kong ETF um I don’t think so I mean like the UN is I think the USD is pretty strong against the UN I I don’t think they can actually take that much advantage of the of the exchange rank doesn’t make really that much sense not even War not just Clump down I think it’s like what 1:30 or 2:30 I I forget let me let me check what time the fomc meeting it’s usually like 1:30 or 2:30 I’ll try to stream it I’m re I’m really not that interested in the FC meeting myself I’m honestly not interested in the fomc meeting myself um because I kind of know what he’s goingon to say and I don’t think it’s really going to matter all that much I think it’s like 130 I’m not I’m not 100% sure May 2024 what time is the fomc announcement 2: P p.m eastern Time or 100 p.m. uh central time so it’s 2 p p.m. Eastern 1 P p.m. Central and then the and then I think the conference is going to be like 1:30 so it’s 2:0 30 2:30 Eastern yeah Japan the the Japanese yen is doing really bad against the dollar most other Fiat currencies are doing very very bad against the dollar guys people want the dollar they don’t want the other current they really really don’t want the other um currencies they want the dollar how uh can we go tomorrow if fed is bearish well the fed’s going to be hawkish so it might dump like one or 2,000 more points but but it probably won’t dump that much more yes the huge coinbase news is they finally integrated lighting so you can actually use the lightning Network to transfer Bitcoin now that’s actually really big for like people who work with Bitcoin and coinbase they are all wanting to get out of the dollar it’s a perfect Escape no they don’t want to get out of the dollar everyone actually wants to buy the dollar and when they can’t buy doll when they can’t buy dollar they want to buy a tether or something that’s pegged to the dollar bricks is making this big deal about like getting out of the dollar but everyone in those countries actually wants the dollar like look at AR like take Argentina for ex example yeah they’re both yes they’re friendly to bitcoin but like their official money is like the dollar now bricks really has nowhere else to go for except for the dollar for like their actual savings those countries cuz like even if they use like even if they use Chinese r or Russian rubles to buy and uh settle oil they’re going to just trade them for dollars afterwards because they’re not they’re not going to hold those currencies you think dexas will have a chance this bull run I mean their coins yeah Dex I definitely think will have a chance as Bull Run I mean think about it like they like they’re not they don’t have anything else to actually they don’t want to hold their money anywhere else there’s their own currency they’re not going to hold it in Chinese yen because you can’t even trade that on the international market the Japanese yen is like dumping like crazy the euro is not as good as the dollar and if you think they’re going to hold it in each other’s currency you’re dreaming because I mean like those currencies are even worse that like people want to hold their reserves in like the most stable currency so they’re going to want the US dollar even if governments don’t want it private like private investors and like rich people will actually want the dollar gold and silver maybe but there’s not enough gold and silver to go around like and they’re not going to use any other currency crypto Boron is over Baron no the crypto Boron isn’t over man look PE I don’t really know why people are so prone to exclaim the crypto Boron is over every time we dump by a couple thousand points I think we’re almost at the bottom of the dump it might go to like 58 or something but like I think we’re pretty much at the bottom Jerome pal speech might be like the last thing that drags us down a little bit bit more but I think people kind of adjusted to the expectations of the speech for tomorrow I mean obviously there’s going to be some dexes that do better than others yeah all and the thing is like the bottom yard of the market was 15K the bottom of the bear Market was 15K all the kyc and D5 fight is strong if Fierce well I mean I’m not really worried about kyc I mean I don’t really I’m not a I’m not someone that refuses to pay taxes I pay my I like report my crypto income and pay my taxes so I’m not really I’m really not afraid of kyc there are people that are afraid of kyc I just don’t happen to be one of them I bought some tokens today and I’m down so I’m excited I see I mean there are right now is a really really good time to buy some tokens cuz like like the alt coins are very very low right now going to a big bounce I’m still hoping to back get back mid 57s like all coins are like really all coins are really down right now so like I think it’s a great time to buy something like salana at this point or maybe even BNB although BNB is be I can see BNB is actually being really heavily manipulated at this point but still like BNB will will like go up as well yeah you kind of want to you kind of want to buy the red and sell the green like once you see several days of green in a row that’s when you want to sell when you see several days of red in a row that’s when you want to buy 50k Min swap though enough yeah that’s that’s probably enough I mean I don’t remember how much Min swap I have but like I have a decent bag yeah I I would wait a little bit after tomorrow but if tomorrow’s bearish and it doesn’t immediately drop I would probably go ahead and buy in the yen is still going to be more stable than like the Argentinian peso obviously but like but like you know there’s definitely sudden movement I don’t think I think the Japanese economy is just not doing that well I mean the Chinese dollar they literally try to the Chinese y they literally try to Peg it to the dollar despite like how much they want to sell us treasuries they literally want to Peg their currency to the dollar no I don’t think look I think like all governments I think all governments want to control digital currencies digital currencies are just something that the governments can’t really control like Russia basically wants to stop digital currencies circulating because like the the government can’t really control the digital currency so it’s really more about control than anything else it’s definitely really more about control than anything else how about Jasmine will it get affected by the Yen no I don’t think Jasmine will get affected by the Yen I can’t really predict what categories will take off first my guess is memes will probably take off first because like memes react fast as this crap so like there but not all memes will take off there’ll be certain memes that come out and take off but it’s going to be really really hard to guess which ones those are so I don’t really know if I would really screw with that um I mean I have some memes anyways so if they go up I’m just going to eventually sell U so yeah I think like memes and then like Ai and rwa is going to do well and then like you know gaming and all the other stuff will follow there is no meme coin gurus there are no meme coin gurus like buying mem coins is literally just guessing unless you’re the creator of a meme coin you’re literally just guessing in the market the news on Gary guinsler so Patrick McKenry a me M of Congress actually has accused Gary ginzer straight up for misleading law us lawmakers over ethereum and I think this spells a lot of trouble for the SEC and Gary guinsler so like Patrick McHenry accuses Gary ginsor of misleading us lawmakers over ether and this could actually be a big deal the chair of the US House Financial Service committee alluded to claims in consensus recent lawsuit against the SEC this ethereum this ethereum suing the SEC is going to be a gigantic headache for guinsler suggesting an invest ation into ether as a security because for a long time they’ve they’ve stated that ether was a commodity and now they’re finally trying to uh DET convert it into a security for the SEC at least and like te they’ve basically been called out and it’s been found out that they’ve been trying to investigate uh ethereum for a long time without anyone knowing I think they probably wanted they most likely they most likely like wanted the um investigation to conclude and them to present their results without anyone knowing but obviously like consensus and ethereum found this out really quickly after digging and they probably already knew anyways cuz like there’s there was a lot of back and forth between like uh consensus and the SEC so like consensus coming out and suing the SEC taking the first move is a real big headache for the SEC so US House Financial Service committee chair Patrick McKenry has alleged SEC commissioner uh Gary ginzler knowingly misled Congress over Regulators alleged attempts to classif other as a security in an April 30th expost representative McKenry claimed that guinsler intentionally misled lawmakers in testimony before a committee the US lawmaker referred to claims made in recent court filing by software development firm consensus which filed lawsuit against the SEC on February 25th so basically like this is like uh this is congressman’s statement just months after a federal judge sanctioned SEC enforcement lawyers for lying to the Court new evidence shows chair ginsor himself misled Congress in testimony to the financial services committee last April chair guinsler refused to answer questions regarding the sec’s classification of ether new court findings show this was an intentional attempt to misrepresent the commission’s position classifying either as a security contradicts previous statements of the SEC and Cher giner yet another example of the arbitrary and capricious nature of the agency’s regulation by enforcement approach to digital assets this episode underscores the urgency of Congress passing the bipartisan fit for the 21st century act to provide a clear regulatory framework and robust consumer protections for digital asset markets committee Republicans will continue to hold Gary guinsler SEC accountable uh for regulatory overreach that is stifling Innovation leaving our American consumers unprotected and risking our national security so essentially there’s obviously a lot of partisan play here but ginzler has actually been doing a lot of like guinsler has definitely been overreaching in his power and there’s obviously people that are going to bring him to account like I said this consensus lawsuit is going to be a gigantic headache for Gary guinsler in the SEC and uh because there’s going to be so much stuff I think that actually comes out that’ll be really bad for the commission itself and of course like they’re fighting the uh they’re they’re basically like fighting um over the ETF as well because like consensus says like the SEC spot other ETF concerns are unfounded So eventually what I think is going to happen is the courts are going to force the SE to appr to approve an ethereum ETF as well not only a Bitcoin ETF but an ethereum ETF so yeah like the whole thing with like Gary ginzler thing is just like a gigantic mess at this point claim that ethereum is an unre security under the hoe test which is considered outdated I don’t know they don’t really consider the hoe test outdated honestly like the thing is like I don’t think a lot of crypto actually passes all three prongs of the Howie test so Gary guinsler doesn’t really want to put this to the test cuz I think if I I think he knows that if he does he’s going to end up losing most of these lawsuits and he doesn’t really want to do that I mean he’s already lost the Ripple one he’s not fairing too well in the coinbase one or binance one and coinbase already won a lawsuit basically against a class action lawsuit that was trying to sue them for selling unregistered Securities Ada Chang hard for it coming soon they have some good products projects I would be buying Ada not selling Ada like the projects are fine Ada needs liquidity and if if you want Ada to moon during the Bull Run you need liquidity and I think this is the the area where Charles is actually getting in the way I think he’s letting his ego get in the way like I know he says he wants usdc but then sometimes he says he doesn’t want usdc I think he’s kind of playing footsy with that and I don’t like that uh I don’t know if algo is dead I think it’ll rise with a bull run as well algo like suffered a blow uh because like it’s defi had like a huge problem back a while ago but it might be coming back up the thing is like you you you need people on to use your chain you need like defi you need like defi uh projects you also need memes on the Chain but just as importantly as any of that stuff you need liquidity and right now like his idealism is not helping with a liquidity issue is obsessed with a midnight stable coin he needs to get over that what midnight stable coin like if he’s talking about usdm that’s whack man that thing that usdm is fine as a concept but it doesn’t it really doesn’t provide the liquidity that that uh we need for the coin to go up like usdm isn’t going to usdm is not going to grow on time for cardano to like burst out that’s why we need usdc or usdt we also need an evm like you can’t just try to you really just can’t try to YOLO these days like look at salana they have like the liquidity and they have an evm as well so like you definitely need the bridges into Ada and you need the liquidity so like they they need to work on that like they really really need to work on that well I mean look the fouryear cycle is a fouryear cycle if if we don’t catch this one we have to wait another four years I don’t really want to wait another four years for Ada so I want liquidity we want liquidity right now and I think there’s a way to get it you can get usdc or usdt you just have to like stop being so idealistic all the time your philosophical aspirations don’t really help the coin and the excuse of not having usdc doesn’t even make any sense that like it’ll make things more centralized like USD M like like any Fiat based stable coin in including usdm makes the whole thing more centralized because someone actually has to issue it and someone has to keep the collateral for usdm snack I still think Min swap will probably be I mean it like I think like the top swap on the Chain will be a bigger project than a meme coin but I mean like still any of the like whether it’s snck or Min swap they both need liquidity whether you whether you’re going for snck or mint swap you you all you just need liquidity like the the other stuff doesn’t really matter you also need a Ada coin you also need an ADA coin for to people for people to store money in so they don’t have to sell out of ADA obviously and you need like you definitely need the evm stuff as well on axo and cardano don’t have major liquidity dude none of the deck is on cardano have liquidity like even like Min swaps liquidity is even really poor you like they need bridges into cardano they need like they need both they need both EVMS they need EVMS and they need liquidity evm and utxo is happening yeah but when we can’t wait on it forever you know dude what do you mean doesn’t want to seem desperate like zky is getting usdc like does he really not want to play ball and just pay them the fee they want hurry up and pay them the damn fee these say sleeper coins is because like his usdm thing just isn’t going to cut it obviously do you think uh there’s you think there’s any sleeper coins is boron that is not on anyone’s radar I’m sure there are I don’t really know what they are though like you know I have a couple of dark horses like awt jasm that I think that can really go up um but aside from that you know I’m B I’m basically waiting for the market to go up again because the last time we went up it really helped my portfolio a lot and I think we can go much higher than this on Gary guinsler may get Congress involved uh I I don’t think you’re going to get enough Congressman to actually turn against them but it could make life difficult for him well Pepe go to a buck um good question I I no no no I don’t think Pepe will go to a dollar I I think you’re uh I think you’re overestimating Pepe way too much look how many zeros there are there’s no way Pepe is getting to a dollar neither Pepe or she Yu has any chance of getting to a dollar they might be able to shade off a zero but that’s it the early Floy pump is keeping me unbothered through all these drops I I’m pretty sure flaky will probably pump again in in a bull run I’m waiting for that pump as well xrp is not a sleeper coin xrp is basically just like xrp at this point is more of a failed project than anything else uh to a dollar before Pepe snack is added on lq lending and borrowing yeah but like all the cardano ecosystem coins Ry on cardano getting liquidity I mean and not just cardano getting liquidity getting the system liquidity it was was like sleeper coin snack is added onto lq lending and borrowing V just follows Bitcoin at this point and the V hype vanished a long time ago like the V like hype vanished like a year two ago like no one really cares about those Partnerships they need liquidity for like V also desperately needs of liquidity for their ecosystem think about B what do you think about vsv no I think all I I think like all Bitcoin Forks are complete garbage like bsv tried to ride on the whole thing that it was like the original Bitcoin but since no one believes that anymore it’s essentially like dead dude Yankee almost no one internationally and domestically is actually using odl like domestically they had to replace odl they had to replace xrp with usdc in terms of odl and no one was really using odl anyways domestically in internationally like besides triango which they bought no one’s using it either they’re years behind on like they’re they’re years and years behind on the ecosystem building for xrp they still don’t have Smart contracts they don’t really have like besides the massive amount of hype and the crazy ass theories that people keep on making for xrp it’s essentially got nothing it’s essentially um it’s basically like essentially essentially got nothing going for it at this point they needs Defi and their years behind now they also still don’t have Smart contracts and it’s it’s they can’t get them no like most of odls usage was actually in the Asia Pacific region but they don’t really have any big users over there like they have a couple of remittance companies using it but that’s it dude Japan isn’t doing jack crap with xrp SBI is like a big nothing Burger SBI hasn’t done anything like they said their VC exchange was supposed to be the biggest xrp Exchange in Japan no one even like there’s no one that even uses VC Exchange like Japan isn’t doing anything with xrp like literally nothing like SBI and one of their Banks they’re accepting xrp at like their lunch counter but who cares about that thought the US won’t use XR no they’re using xrp they might use xrpl for odl but they’re going to use usdc if they do I mean right now they’re not using xrpl but even if they do they’re going to end up using usdc I remember the SBI xrp stuff that was years ago the SBI xrp stuff essentially like that hype died back in like 2019 they literally have done nothing since then I don’t know I don’t think the amm value is that high right I don’t think the amm volume is that high right now it’s it’s still not showing up on defi llama I mean realistically like there was so much hype poured into the coin and none of that hype materialized like those Partnerships none of them ended up using the coin after many years like all the IMF bis dtcc stuff none of that happened yeah but they essentially did give us give up on the they did essentially give up on the tech because now like everyone else has smart cont contracts and they still haven’t really done codius yeah the lawsuit actually has nothing to do with codius they could have developed that on its own like look Ripple has never prioritized third party development but unfortunately third party development is actually what makes your investment go up in value Ark block went up like 10x in the last like couple of months it like it grew massively it grew pretty dad massively in the last 10 months so I mean that was a really good move obviously so transer the whole Banks holding xrp and nostro vro contracts was fantasy yeah they were never going to do that eventually they might use xrp because it is in a security now I mean foreign countries would have used it regardless if they actually wanted to use it I mean it just like the odl stuff just has not been successful like remember like the SEC stuff really is only for the United States like Hong Kong was actually asked about ethereum status of security and today like and like uh today Hong Kong was like yeah we’re going to sell the ethereum security we’re going to sell the ethereum ETF anyways because we don’t really care if the US thinks is security or not I mean that’s why Hong Kong has an ethereum ETF right now because they don’t really care what the US thinks if whether like ethereum is a security or not so like realistically in the Asia Pacific region they could have actually been using xrp all these years regardless of SEC or not no it hasn’t been like it hasn’t been a security since July David hasn’t been getting their plan for years well other like the thing is like from like from like China Japan to Japan or from Japan to Korea what the US actually says doesn’t really matter cuz Japan and Korea isn’t Bound by what the SEC says rest of the tokens or coins might be a security I mean Bitcoin is not going to be a security and the SEC is losing all these lawsuits anyways so I don’t think people are actually afraid so at this point I mean it’s just not like I don’t think xrp is that great of investment supposed to leave Ripple but the trajectory of the project hasn’t gone the way he expected oh he was supposed to leave Ripple like two years ago but the trajectory like the trajectory way went way off course look Schwarz basically said like ex like the odl stuff just hasn’t been getting any traction basically and like I said even in like even in like corridors where it doesn’t actually involve the United States they haven’t really adopted it either but in order for the US to play it has to not be a security well they can’t have institutional sales so what they’re doing right now is like for us uses of odl which there hardly is any at this point they’re basically just is using usdc at this point instead what the xrb is used for like even newer tokens can do the same thing well I mean the the advantage for xrp is all the exchange listings they have they still have a lot more exchange listings than other tokens but there are other tokens like salana that’s slowly surpassing them in liquidity just because of the trading volume no most of the lawsuit is already over Yankee like the the part where like the judge has already determined that programming sales and exchange listings and exchange sales of xrp are not Securities that part of the lawsuit is over the only part of the lawsuit that’s left is how much Ripple owes the SEC for selling to institutional investors that’s the only part of the lawsuits that’s left that’s left the main part of the lawsuit is done it’s been done for like over half a year jasm Community is slaughtering uh on this latest tweet today supposedly was the last day for the lockup but he’s hush a hush about it h we’ll see I still believe the team behind Jasmine will probably pump the coin more or less so I think it’s still going to go up dude there’s never been a secret 589 plan or like a secret any plan there were never any look there were never any plans within plans within plans the uh the the NDA stuff was always just a cope excuse that like we don’t actually have anything so we’re just going to say NDA to keep people thinking that we actually have some great secret that was always just a cope excuse like nda’s nda’s if if projects are relying on ndas to keep the hype up they’re just basically making up excuses at this point Point not just xrp but if if like if you’re asking like you know why stuff hasn’t happened for a project and all the all the community do all the community can do is respond for ND with like we have a bunch of ndas for like years in a row it means they really haven’t gotten anything Jasmine hits a quarter we will be very lucky oh yeah if Jasmine hits a quarter like I would be I’d be extremely happy if Jasmine hits a quarter dude there is no switch to flip everyone knows there’s no switch to flip that stuff was always fake I still remember Shay and Ellis Theory I can’t believe anyone actually beli that garbage i i i i realistically can’t believe anyone actually believ that garbage for a large coin that’s listed across multiple exchanges it was it should have been really obvious that if anyone tried to do that the Arbitrage Bots would easily eat that up like in 5 seconds and people try to use I think like fake Financial credentials to back their Shane Ellis Theory but if you looked at it if you look at it from Modern Market perspective there was absolutely no way that would have worked going doing a live about Shan and LS3 Good Times yeah people actually believe that stuff like those things like in a dynamic Market with with multiple exchanges like with a large coin that’s listed on that many markets that’s literally impossible that is quite literally impossible like all those price theories about it going up overnight that high and in a bare Market too that is literally impossible possible and like I said if big institutions want to roll out these things they would do it in waves they wouldn’t do it all at once so the whole flip the switch the overnight thing was never going to happen and countries give you like if countries were going to replace their actual currency they would tell their people ahead of time they wouldn’t just flip it overnight and be like hey you guys are all screwed because you know they don’t want a giant mob going up to Congress and chopping their heads off basically like they make these like they make these theories and then they never actually think about the pra practicality of their theories could be a pump and dump like they made a bunch of theories for xrp and then they never actually thought about the pra practicality of any of these theories because like hardly any of those theories were ever practical from a realistic standpoint and then like and then like you know they took like being at Davos as being a big thing but then like everyone started showing to Davos and people were like yeah it’s not actually not that big of a deal they were like oh but like wef but then like the wef actually partnered with FTX and then FTX like died so they realized like the wef doesn’t quite have the same effect that they thought it did it’s not some like Global World dominating organization that decides like everything in the world world like people finally started recognizing all that stuff pig from back in the day was everyone I think look flr is just flr is basically popular right now because of the air drops and the staking after like after the rewards are about done it’ll probably die off I was the thing is like Davos in the WF like like Davos in the WF are not that big of a deal there’s some policy choices being made there but a lot of those policies they talk about never see the light of day they’re not some World dominating organizations that that gets to demand the FI that that gets to decide the financial future of the world like they’re not as powerful as people make them out to be like there’s honestly there’s there’s honestly like this like obsession with trying to blame everything on Black Rock the wef and like these so-called like Illuminati Elites that’s basically just cope for my life’s not going well and I need to do and I need to really blame someone else that’s really what it is cuz these guys aren’t always allies aren’t really always allies with each other yes they have some manipulative power sure they don’t always act in unison they don’t always like like they don’t always act in unison either so like a lot of the stuff that they just make up really doesn’t make any sense at all like a lot of it is just like people looking for like this giant organization to blame I mean like that’s really what it is it’s like things aren’t going the way I want them to so I have to make up a theory that these there’s these shadowy organizations that somehow want to screw me even though because I think I’m significant enough for them to put effort to like get me I mean come on man get real I mean first of all the use case isn’t that big and Yes stable coin if you’ve been paying attention stable coins are taking over that use case cuz simply no one’s actually using it and it’s also for people that like really don’t want to accept the most obvious answer that’s in front of their face which is right like 95% of the time at least I mean if nothing else they’ve proven that it’s easy to switch over from xrp to tether on XR xrpl there’s like no pain in switching from xrp to tether so it’s not like it flows into stocks and come back into crypto in a couple months most I mean stocks aren’t doing very well right now at least not for the last couple of weeks well yeah I mean it’s basically been proven that you can swap out xrp for usdt really easily on xrpl and it’s no coincidence that like xrp basic like Ripple made a stable coin like right at the right at the same moment they were deciding to switch out um X xrp for usdt in America flows into stocks and comes uh right back in crypto in a couple of months well Ian as people as as long as people are willing to buy buy tech stocks as long as people are willing to buy tech stocks they’ll be willing to buy crypto eventually also like honestly cbdcs really aren’t going to be that huge of a thing in the west like the us is going to be several years before they even get a cbdc because there’s a lot of lawmakers and governors that don’t even agree with a cbdc in the first place and there’s not that look there’s not that much demand for a cbdc if there’s not a consumer demand for it it’s going to be hard to push it look at China look how controlling their government is they can’t even get their people to use the damn cbdc like I’ve talked to a lot of my relatives at home no one uses the cbdc back there like no one in China even uses their cbdc if the Chinese government can’t get their people to use a cbdc there’s no way the American government is going to get their people to use a cbdc and it’s not just because like PE it’s not really because like people are afraid of the government knowing what their transactions are it’s because there’s just not a need for it like we have automatic we have automatic ways of transferring money like if we didn’t have credit cards if we didn’t have venmo if we didn’t have PayPal then I think the cbdc would be readily adopted just for a convenience factor but the fact is we have all those things so like the cbdc in America is not really going to be a thing the FED itself said like we don’t really see a need to develop a cbdc now it’s not it’s not like treat it’s not cash if cash is the only thing that was available a cbdc would be extremely popular but look and the thing is look my parents are baby boomers like my parents are baby boomers they use credit cards no one uses cash like no one brings giant Blobs of cash everywhere everyone uses credit and credit F and the and credit cards function like instant payments so like no one actually wants a cbdc no one actually wants a cbdc the reason that the reason that China can’t get adoption for their cbdc is because they already have WeChat pay and they they have other methods for instant payment as well CH Chinese people are also used to using cash as well convinces us to S they really good incentives I mean they would have to get they would have to get really really good incentives they would definitely have to give us like really really good incentives for comp company tells you it’s not about money would you listen to them about uh bro xrp rails like Target offers 5% off for their red card and no one no one uses their red card almost no one has the Target red card so I don’t know if 5% off purchases would actually get people to use the cbdc yeah if they threw it a free 200k house yeah I would Pro I would definitely use it because a lot of those like specific card rewards like Quick Trip Rewards or like Target or the Target red card they offer like a a percentage of like four or five% off the purchases and no one gets those things so like I don’t know if 5% is really going to be enough and the thing is like I I don’t think like I I I don’t think like they’d be able to get Merchants to agree with that dude if you gave me a free $200,000 I would go ahead and use your cbdc easily just give me $200,000 in free credit I would definitely use I would definitely just go ahead and like open up a cbdc account also like treat like they can’t AF they can’t afford to give everyone $200,000 all of a sudden they they they literally had like they had to fight tooth and nail to give people like a $1,500 stimulus during the pandemic all right see you Yankee like they literally had to fight tooth and nail to give everyone a $1,500 stimulus during the pandemic there’s no way they’re going to give $200,000 to everyone like absolutely no way at all [Music] gave us 4.5 interest rate 200 would give us 100% basically yeah it would also like completely raise inflation obviously I mean the the stimuluses during like the pandemic or why we’re having this inflation issue right now it’s still like basically the the reason we’re having this inflation issue right now is be is still left over from the pandemic we we never came down to 2% we came down from like 9 to 3% 3.5 but we have we have still haven’t gotten down to 2% if we didn’t if we didn’t have like the pandemic and the stimuluses I like the war wouldn’t have like heightened inflation up to like 9% in the first place and we still be at a much better place right now because that just expand that just expanded the supply of money so much and the thing is the US has always been involved in this war or that war can’t let them all coin yeah coinbase news is good coinbase is finally integrated lightning so you can actually choose lightning Network to transfer Bitcoin on coinbase now so less fees for people what’s happening with Bitcoin there were a bunch of liquidations today and I think people I think the Market’s adjusting to what they expect Jerome Pal’s going to say tomorrow because they’re expecting him not to lower interest rates dude treat Obama did just fine with the economy you think they’ll do something like cash to CDC what do you mean cash to CDC see Starbucks I mean companies need to start reporting declining sales because that’s the only way the FED is going to actually drop interest rates the reason that like the reason that like the economy generally shrinks after they start cutting interest rates is because we’re already in kind of a recession but we’re still like despite the fact that growth hasn’t been near hasn’t been quite as big this quarter as expected it’s still growing e 10 six days to get my ET on can this be the start of a Bitcoin season I mean the Bitcoin season started a while ago we’re just like yes there’s like slight breaks between it but realistically like from a year ago we’re up like 3x so the Bitcoin season started like quite a while ago the whole Middle Eastern situation is weird because both Jewish and Palestinian voters actually vote Democratic so he’s going to anger one of them like regardless of how it turns out dude there was no way that Obama was going to immediately turn the economy around with the with the economy that he was handed I mean Bush basically screwed everything up and then it was like hey have fun with it it took him like two years to turn it around so like so CZ wanted like obviously just probation the prosecution wanted three years the judge more or less sided with the defense cuz like the judge basically said like the SEC didn’t actually tell him he was doing anything illegal and like the rules weren’t clear I think they were like disrupting commencement or something like that at Columbia University but realistic like realistically though Israel is right-wing but American Jewish people heavily vote Democratic generally because guess what the far right is always the one coming with the Zionist conspiracy theories any even morons can see that they don’t appreciate like they don’t appreciate the right coming up with like crazy Zionist conspiracy theories you think uh quick side which are B Zionist conspiracy theories are honestly just like really thin uh really thin veil like basically like really uh thinly veiled anti-semitic remarks I mean anyone can see that they’re not like that’s not hard to see do you eat the fish you catch uh catch a lot of people catch for fun I catch for fun I’ll keep some fish when I’ve been St Louis but I just catch for fun here I’ll use some of the fish I catch as bait for bigger fish you got to upgrade your fish from small to big if you don’t like then you know you can’t catch bigger fish so the thing is as long as like the right like as long as the right keeps on coming with an like anti-semitic stuff like like Zionist conspiracy theories and all that stuff and trying to blame Jews for like financial troubles then you know Jews aren’t going to vote for the GOP I haven’t done saltwater fishing Wisconsin’s not near the ocean so yeah there is salmon in the Great Lakes but I haven’t actually gotten to fish for salmon a lot of Jewish people in America don’t actually support Netanyahu like n yahu isn’t n Yahoo isn’t actually that popular with Jewish people in America like with people like with reform like with reformed Judaism right now like like hard right- Wingers like nyaho really aren’t that popular I want to go the Chesapeake Bay to fish for like both salt and freshwater fish but it I’d have to take a vacation there sometime I mean here in Wisconsin we have sing we have like king salmon and also like coo those are the two kinds of salmon we have Kings and Coos here and they’re both pretty tasty I just don’t really fish for them all that much cuz Milwaukee’s still like an hour and a half away did I go to Marquette High School in St Louis yes but I did not actually go to Marquette University I went to Marquette High School but that’s in St Louis I I’ve seen a couple people catch eels around Wisconsin there aren’t really that many eels around Wisconsin though they stock him in the Great Lakes that’s why we have them but like realistically we like even if they weren’t salmon they’re still like big brown trouts and steel head like salmon fresh like salmon are salmon can live in both fresh and salt water um and they spawn in fresh water so like realistically like they’re not native like they’re not native to the Great Lakes but you can they can live in there and we stayed pretty close to 60k we’ve actually stayed pretty close to 60k today I have a feeling if we don’t break like much lower tomorrow that’s going to be like the end of the drop I haven’t caught any salmon uh I like I said I don’t fish for salmon very much like I fish for catfish I fish for carp maybe bass Walley uh stuff like that I’ve eaten a couple of walleye I’ve eaten a couple of bass crappie I’ve eaten a couple of like like I’m going back I’m going to be back in St Louis for about a month starting in about a week and uh I don’t really know like I don’t know the fishing spots nearly as well in St Louis as I do over here Walley is actually I think out of all the freshwater fish I think like Walley is the most tasty and I would highly I highly prefer walleye over salmon in terms of eating literally love two blocks winnebago’s the winnebago’s system is great for fishing I actually went up to Oshkosh I actually went up to Oshkosh once or twice last time uh to fish on the box last summer it’s a little far for me to drive like usually cuz like if I were to go if I were to fish Oshkosh I would probably go to fondul loock because that’s the closest one to me like fondul Lock’s about maybe like 70 80 minutes from me Oshkosh is about two hours I think but I’ve been to Princeton Princeton’s only an hour from me and the dam there is like really good really good to fish because they have like they have like big flatheads there do you know what kind of fish we have in the yeah they I I know New York has a lot of trout I mean Central Bar Park like the pawns have bass I know that I do know that the central like in Central Park the ponds do actually have Bass but yeah like New York has a lot of trout I also heard a rumor that they have alligators in the sewer but I don’t think that’s true so I can’t really see how alligators would actually survive in a New York sewer well I mean the Bears have to assert their dominant over the salmon so they got to eat them I mean New York also has like saltwater fishing because they border the ocean I have heard rumors that they have find they have found a python in Central Park before probably because it was hibernating there yeah the fox is actually like the Fox River is one of the best rivers to fish for catfish and like other fish as well yeah I that’s what I think I don’t think alligators would be able to survive the winters yeah the dam at Princeton is like the dam at Princeton is like really good to fish I’m not a huge fan of the one uh the one before that at that at the one other town I forgot exactly what it was called on the fox I fished there multiple times but Princeton’s just a better place to fish uh partyville is pretty good as well yeah like I fished at Montello a couple times before as well I’m not a huge fan of Montell Princeton’s much better than Montell is Master Splinter always is always in the sewers I mean I don’t know if Master Splinter is in the sewers there’s a lot of rats in New York sewers though there’s there’s a ton of rats in New York sewers I’ll give you that can’t deny that one of them might be Master Splinter who knows favorite panish probably crappie to in terms of eating like crappie or white assass but see like there’s not an evil Shredder so there’s no need for a Master Splinter are younger people getting into crypto or is it mostly oldheads it’s definitely mostly like people like you know 50 years old and younger like 45 and younger I would say like I don’t think a lot of there’s not a lot of Boomers in crypto there are some but there’s not a lot you don’t have enough go you don’t have enough Furious Gatos in New York to get get rid of the uh rats oh yeah I could definitely I would definitely see that the biggest rats like you can see that we’re in New York City for sure I can definitely see like New York City rats being huge Boston has a lot of rats as well like big cities usually have a lot of rats that pong cats are vicious though Burlington Vermont I’ve NE uh I’ve never been to Vermont that’s one of the states I really haven’t visited I me from southeast Wisconsin from Burlington fish on the fox there too you know the thing is there’s actually two Fox rivers in Wisconsin though there’s there’s actually there’s actually two Fox rivers in Wisconsin like the the one that goes through Lake Winnebago is different from the river that goes through Burlington because the B the one in Burlington actually goes through Illinois and then empty’s in the Illinois River whereas the Fox River from Green Bay whereas the Fox River from Green Bay actually enter uh empties into Green Bay so they’re two different Rivers also like the the the Fox River in like um in Oshkosh is way better than the Fox River in Burlington that like the the Fox River like the Fox River in Burlington is like small and it’s really shallow why wouldn’t you eat trout I don’t like cleaning fish I mean I can eat the fish I catch like Wisconsin fish are completely edible but like I just don’t like I just don’t like cleaning fish he’ll get around in snowball Wheels snow mobing is fun like they do it in dor County in Wisconsin all the time this year kind of sucked because there wasn’t really much snow winter this year just like sucked overall because it was cold it was cold enough but it wasn’t really cold enough to do like real winter stuff catfish is great if you like cook it right catfish is delicious if you cook it right got to clean it though I just usually eat hadock tilapia and salmon I eat a like I eat a lot of crappie when I’m like with like when I’m visiting my parents I do eat a lot of crappie maybe some white bass season in pnw is terrible this year the skiing season in Wisconsin was like really short this year was like super super short this year cuz like there were just there wasn’t any snow a lot of Bones to pick through on Catfish though not really big not large catfish like catfish have pretty good filets like I’ve had I had like uh bra Flathead once there was like no bones extremely short as yeah like the weather pattern was weird this year but like honestly like uh like the I like the the winters have been getting warmer in Madison for quite a while if you look at like the winters here versus 100 years ago like the ice fishing season has shortened by about 20 30 days one time I had to kill a chicken and it traumatized me really really I want the get I want to get the I want to get a chance to slay a turkey in glorious combat how do you kill the fish before eating you chop their head off you can chop their head off that works I mean I chop I chop PE I chop PE I mean I chop fish up all the time to use his bait dude I use scissor like for for small bluegills that I use as bait I basically use scissors and cut them in half like cut up bluegills make really good bait for catfish yes while they’re alive I mean that’s how people make cut bait or you can just throw them whole and the catfish will eat that [Music] too dude that’s how that’s how people fish with lives bait and cut bait man you offer sacrifices to the Elder catfish Lords to catch big fish and like fishing with live bait is significantly more successful for me fishing with live bait is definitely more successful for me than fishing with like lures no catfish are like catfish are like opportunistic feeders so like they’ll basically eat anything that can fit in their mouth like if you get a catfish big enough they’ll actually eat a person but fortunately in the United States there are no catfish big enough to eat people in the Amazon though it’s different there has been some there have been catfish that actually have swallowed people but they’re like 400 lb in the Amazon where they don’t get that big here I don’t know man I’ve seen enough stuff I mean I’ve been to like markets I’ve been to like live markets all the time it doesn’t really bother me anymore I used to not like you know I I used not even like using minnows for bait but I’m like you know what screw it we’ll just use like I I I’ll use anything for bait now as long as I can catch me a big fish you said catfish can swallow a human yeah if they’re big enough like the the the ones in the Amazon like the parba they’ve been known to swallow like they’ve like they’ve found like uh they’ve definitely like ones actually like eat like aten a kid before crabs uh there’s crawfish definitely there’s no I don’t think there’s any crabs around here at least not the ones that are like really edible and the next guy caught 2 meter halibut halibut are dangerous man they like flail around they can like really mess you up if you’re not careful halibut are actually really really fam uh like dangerous fish to actually deal with SoCal we just have bass and crappie stocked in man-made Lakes bass and crappie make pretty good fair I know California does have blue catfish cuz they imported it there too yeah if you get eaten by a catfish you’re going to die the thing is like the thing is like like they can they can’t swallow like really big people even the catfish that are 3 400 lbs it’s it’s hard for them to swallow like like full grown adults although like there have been there have been like w eyewitness accounts of them being picked off like that but you have to go deep into the Amazon or deep like into India where they have like those giant like catfish that would actually eat people do you ever go no we’re I’m too far from the ocean like I have to drive like a day to get to the ocean yeah it’s pretty small a seven uh pound Hal but’s pretty small I don’t think it would spit you out I’m not sure you might be get through you might be able to get through its Bine although you probably just drown in its mouth that giant fish that ate that kid was a minnow that cut away and came back for Revenge maybe I mean I’ve caught some really big fish on really small bait before yes I’ve caught plenty of bof fins they’re very common in like in like low quality water yes I’ve caught sturgeons I catch sturgeons all the time like I catch plenty of Lake sturgeons the thing is you can’t avoid them if you fish with worms you can’t avoid sturgeons CU they’re like they bite they that’s the bait they’re most likely to bite you can’t really keep them except for one month one month out of the year and the size limit is pretty harsh for sturgeons I live at Cypress has been overfish and while it used to be a fishing Paradise there’s nothing anymore just invasive species you can fish the invasive species like water that doesn’t have much oxygen like almost like um basically like dead water basically dead water I like um like when it’s like when there’s a when there’s kind of a drought and the river is like not really running but there’s like a there’s like a kind of a swampy type of type of water that’s where that’s generally where bin tend to live or dog fish as some people call them I don’t know why they call them dog fish they don’t bark or anything I really don’t know why they call them like uh dog fish it’s kind of weird maybe they taste like dog never ate one but I doubt it bofin actually have this like really bad smell that they I think bofin smells bad though I mean I guess it’s not weird because catfish don’t actually meow but catfish have whiskers I have never fished in Canada I actually don’t like their fishing restrictions and rules Canada has like cold water fish so like walleye Pike musky uh Char like Arctic char up in the northern regions um gring those fish are very very tasty I go when I go to the Arctic I go to wrestle polar bears and I and I wrestle them into submission uh plos nomus I think those are just called plecos I think I think those are like plas plas damus I think those are just like I think those are just called plecos for the most part with polar bears I challenge them to Mortal Kombat I upper cuted one once back into the ocean some seals some like seals hired me to protect them from polar bears pay me good money so I had to uppercut one of the ocean I have never seen a wolfish like live because you know wolfish are native to the Amazon I’ve seen Jeremy Wade catch a wolf fish I have not caught one are there any fish memes I don’t know if there are I don’t know if there are any fish memes I was like you know I did that I did that I did that rayu move I did that rayu Street Fighter was like oh you can and then I like I uppercutted him back into the ocean it’s like jumped up with like a I I just jumped up with like a flying upper cut got him good never bothered he never bothered those seals again true story true story purchase your office chair you’re sitting in I actually don’t know this chair is like old as crap it’s probably old as me I was like sure you can sent him flying what’s the pnw I I don’t really know what that is yes I there is a fish called there is a fish called the angler fish um there’s actually a couple of fish called the angler fish well I mean no no there’s like one the angler fish is the Deep o I’m thinking about the Archer fish I needed maximum power on the uppercut Pacific Northwest basically Oregon and Washington I mean isn’t like isn’t it mainly like salmon and sturgeon there I’m more of a catfishing person for the most part like I I I mainly fish for catfish and maybe like really large carp but I know there’s like salmon and sturgeon there so that would be interesting the sturgeon there like the sturgeon over there are significantly bigger than the sturgeon here oh the the black dragon stuff on near that might end up very well n also needs n should also work on getting some liquidity though really catfish aren’t native to the Pacific Northwest really wait wait wait wait there’s no there’s no sturgeons in Port like there’s no sturgeons in Washington and Oregon I see people catch sturgeons all the like up there all the time H more in Lakes I see cuz I know the river up I know the rivers that empty in the Pacific have a ton of sturgeon there no if it’s white uppercut them with your fist if it’s brown roundhouse kick him in the face if it’s black I if it’s black kick it in the balls if it’s white uppercut him in the face yeah like some of the catfish can get really big in the Amazon you just have to learn you have you just have to learn the art of ninja to deal with certain animals animals are tricky you have to learn the art of ninja all right guys that’s going to be it for tonight like And subscribe hit the Bell notifications button I will be back tomorrow and I will see you guys later

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    1. AMS91K is NOT the only safe crypto currency in regards to regulation. XRP has been deemed not to be a security as of LAW, not even BTC has this.

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