How Dangerous is the Bab el Mandeb Strait? Exploring its Perils #globaltrade #geopolitics #suezcanal

    this is the most dangerous point of the 21st century where World War III could start at any time this is the bab all man dab a small area of 28 kilm between Yemen and jabot this point is so crucial that 11 countries have built their military bases in jabot to take control of it this is the very point where Ships coming from the Middle East and Asia cross through entering the Red Sea and then from here these ships cross the sez Canal to reach Europe and America so basically it’s the shortest route connecting as in the Middle East to Europe 10% of the world’s oil and 6% of its natural gas supply passed through this 28 km choke point and it’s not just oil and gas all trade between Asia and Europe also happens through this route and all the internet cables are also coming through this point to reach Asia and the Middle East and nowadays this point has become quite hot because yemeni howy Rebels are continuously targeting isra British and American ships passing through

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