Is it true that Israel build 2nd Suez canal near Gaza? BBC’s April Fools’ Blunder: The Canal Hoax!

    I don’t think people understand the power of April Fool’s Day imagine convincing major global news outlets about a second Suez Canal sounds crazy right so here’s the Scoop a cheeky April Fool’s article claimed the UN was plotting to build Suez two right along the Egypt Israel border and guess what major news Giants actually fell for it the guardian even created a fake Twitter account Flora Lopey stirring up the pot on social media major Turkish Outlets including the BBC’s turkey service rushed to report on this Blockbuster development but oops it was all a prank now the BBC had to swallow their pride and issue an apology admitting to the goof up once they realized it was a hoax talk about a major oopsy in the newsworld this just goes to show even the big guns can get caught up in the frenzy of a well-crafted April Fool’s joke always double check before you hit that share button folks or you might just end up believing in Suz too

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