Happy(?) OPEX week everybody!

    I'm trying to wrap my mind around how OPEX effects the market in general in the four or five days leading up to it. My general understanding is that volatility tends to remain low leading up to the date, and chaos tends to ensure afterwards. In particular, I'm trying to wrap my head around gamma, charm, and Vanna, and decide if these Greeks are worth my attention.. I'm trying to decide whether it would be a good idea to exit out of all my strategies early in the week.


    Ps mods if this is better suited in the daily, I can repost there.

    OPEX week
    byu/thezenunderground inoptions

    Posted by thezenunderground

    1 Comment

    1. Electronic-Night-718 on

      i personally just use monthly expiry days as a spicy, high liquidity day to exit trades at decent prices.. recent monthly expiry dates have finished with a sell-off so great for the shorts in the PF..

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