Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning May 13th, 2024

    Posted by rylar


    1. Shoeshines_2121 on

      MMYT 60p – premiums super cheap, every travel company is missing. Looking for 50x

    2. Lost all my money on Mara and now I’m ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. FindingSkittles on

      I hope BITF does well… I am bagholding 1000s of shares at $2.00 that I wanna sell. WULF is a much better play though

    4. AdPurple4902 on

      The only earnings play I wanted to do and CPI is the next morning, fuuucccckkkkkk

    5. baconography on

      Any company that shares its ticker with the Clippers and Chargers is going to be cursed. Puts on LAC.

    6. STFU onon earnings already???? got burned the last time together with ZTO so puts on those

    7. sportingpool on

      on tuesday HomeToGo reports. everybody, including YOU, has used it to search for vaccation homes. it has listed more homes than anybody else, including airbnb. best metasearch machine. also have a highly profitable tool to manage properties for owners. called smoobu

      stock is absolutely beaten down. IPOed using a SPAC in 2021, which made it unpopular. down 80%. market cap 200m, but they got 140m in cash. 200m+ revenue this year, growth 35%, will be profitable this year. its utterly ridiculous

      also YOU wont buy it, because its too good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)

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