Boeing Spacecraft Should Be Grounded Over ‘Risk Of A Disaster,’ Warns NASA Contractor

    Posted by Durable_me


    1. That doesn’t look good for Boeing …
      What if they do launch, and something happens … Boeing stock will be shredded to pieces.

    2. Considering they’re putting out deathtrap aircraft now, I would **not** trust their spacecraft either.

    3. You can kill all the plebe civilians you want, but disrupting USG operations… that *might actually* be a paddlin’

    4. on_duh_pooper on

      I’m putting my money on ValveTech & their CEO Erin Faville. They supply the valves and other materials.

      When I worked out there one of the first projects was a cabin pressure leak. 1,000 people checking windows, doors, latches .. everything to find why air was leaking out the cabin.

      It was a bulkhead connector between the cabin and the payload bay. There was an Oring seal inside that connection that had gone dry, cracked and doesn’t seal. We worked with Amphenol, Parker Seals, and many others.

      If Erin is saying something is fucky .. something fuckey. Too bad she’s gonna suicide herself with 2 shots to the back of the head

    5. AmericanCreamer on

      > According to media reports, a buzzing sound indicating the leaking valve was noticed by someone walking by the Starliner minutes before launch.

      THAT is how they found the issue?? Doesn’t sound promising at all

    6. Aggressive-Ad3286 on

      ….jalopnik is not a credible source🤣, although i agree boeing engineering is dangerous

    7. boringtired on

      It’s just bizarre to me to have done so many military style FOD walks and tool accountability procedures (in regards to aviation) to then have that jebroni of a CEO that just threw out years worth of accountability in aviation construction and maintenance and THEN top military brass awards them contracts.

      Shit just doesn’t make sense, there in a big club, that we are not in…and they’ll kill people to increase their bottom line, I’m not talking about the mysterious deaths, I mean their customers that fly the planes lol….

    8. This article is complete bullshit. The faulty valve was part of the centaur upper stage, manufactured by ULA. Valve issues happen all the time when dealing with cryogenic propellants.

      It had nothing to do with Starliner or Boeing.

    9. Rival CEO of of a rival contractor complaining about a rival seems like I giant conflict of interest.

    10. PatrickSebast on

      Why is NASA listening to the comments of some obscure dead contractor?

    11. MixLogicalPoop on

      there is precedent for the US government unilaterally seizing a company and nationalizing it

    12. RockLobster218 on

      Pretty sure the last time someone said they shouldn’t launch a spacecraft and went ahead with it anyways, it blew up and killed everyone on board.

    13. the valve issue is in the rocket, and the contractor says the rocket should be inspected. This is nothing about the boeing craft.

    14. FuccTheSuits on

      I think Boeing should be a military contractor… less risk and they get to continue doing what they are doing and don’t have to worry about bad press 🧐

    15. Possible-Mango-7603 on

      Man. That would be an absolute nightmare. Probably half or more commercial airliners suddenly being grounded? Wow, suddenly it’s $3000 each way to fly between Detroit and Cleveland and you have to book minimum of 6 months ahead of time. And the ripple effect would surely throw us into a recession or worse. Hope this is hyperbole.

      EDIT: I obviously missed the point. Please disregard.

    16. ProbablySlacking on

      I work for a competitor in the same industry.

      We _have_ a system in place for this – where even a lower level engineer can utilize pathways to scrub a launch if they deem there to be a risk to the spacecraft. A well-plugged in contractor should be able to do the same.

      I’d be very surprised if Boeing doesn’t have that… then again, not all that surprised.

    17. ParaMotard0697 on

      I bet there’s a correlation between how many astronauts die on lift-off to how much BA stock price goes up; each dead whistle-blower looks like 3 dollars a pop… Reminds me of that other really heinous DD that was here back in the day

      Seriously though, jokes aside, the fact that BA is up 6 dollars in the last month with everything going on is curiouser and curiouser… Jk, we all know what’s propping them up (wonder if they’re doing the hits too)

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