OKLO 3 months chart. Looks like OKLO’s falling off the cliff. Is it worth buying the dip on Monday?


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. I had a tiny position and sold pre-OKLO trading ticker for an equally tiny profit – no intention of buying the dip but will continue to follow its fortunes.

    2. BinkyBoy_07 on

      I usually give SPACs a few months before buying to see what the market really is going to value them at

    3. Decent-Ad-4358 on

      I would say it’s worth grabbing half your position under $9 , save rest to average down if needed at a later date

    4. Just_Candle_315 on

      Definitely. Could be the next Google. I wish I could have gotten google for $8. Probably sell your 401k and take out a 2nd mortgage and go all in on OKLO.

    5. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      I think OKLO is ringing the bell at the end of May.

      It will probably pump a bit after that.

    6. special_investor on

      OKLO is probably the least likely out of all the advanced nuclear companies to succeed and actually build a reactor. They’ll be a money pit for VC idiots who don’t understand nuclear though for years to come, probably.

    7. Omgbrainerror on

      No, too many dumping it currently. Give it time before you consider buying it.

    8. FinnishMontana on


    9. CarteBlanchDevereau on

      This company is making moves. Imagine the time and effort that went into planning this. Not many companies have the capacity to ring the opening bell in New York on Friday, and immediately start digging straight down so they can ring the opening bell in China on Monday as well.

    10. RioSanPedro on

      I think it bounces to this week. Don’t they have 7/share in cash? It could be 5 in a year but for now it feels like there’s a floor. This has a lot of tail wind. It will pump again. May not see 18 again for a long time though.

    11. itsreallyreallytrue on

      My god last Thursday I got downvoted to the bottom for telling people it was time to sell this pig. I only took it from 13.06 to 14.50 but thank fucking moloch.

    12. Giant_leaps on

      it has negative book value lol i wouldn’t be suprised if this fell by another 50% in the next months like most spacs do

    13. I still think OKLO is a solid play considering the AI boom needs a lot of power.

      That’s where nuclear energy comes into play.

    14. Brendawg324 on

      I’m pretty sure every regard has the same idea you do without knowing anything about the company, so no

    15. WorgenFreeman559 on

      No, any pop is going to be shortable, this is vapor ware. Pay attention when Scam Altman tries to get Helion public next, you can short that garbage into the ground too.

    16. “Oklo CEO Jacob DeWitte confirmed that the company has yet to generate revenue and has no nuclear plants deployed at the moment. He said the company is targeting 2027 for its first plant to come online.”


    17. SoyjakvsChadRedditor on

      Take a look at nuscale. That’s where this is headed. Except nuscale is way further ahead than these morons

    18. this has too much upside imo, Saltman has way too many connections to not pull shenanigans with the stock that makes it into a real company.

      The stock traded at 5M volume the day before the merger(1-2m volume days before that) and went up 60% and on 25M volume it went down 55%. Initial investors took their profits and are just going to buy back again because it’s Saltman at the helm

    19. Upstairs-Bicycle-703 on

      I’d say it’s definitely worth starting a position, but if you look at pretty much any SPAC, it’s probably gonna be a wild road.

    20. Wallacemorris on

      I’ve gotten burned on so many spac mergers. I would sit on my hands and wait 6-12 months minimum with any of them.

    21. TheOriginalBushToad on

      Go ahead, buy the dip. I triple dawg dare you! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    22. I have to say I didn’t sell at profit and sold at lost instead. I belong here. Still, if you are looking for a loooong term investment this is it. Energy is the problem for AI and Altman is making sure he is ahead of the curve

    23. There are a few key things that need to happen:
      They plan to build a recycling plant and open it in 2027. Meanwhile they have orders from a few large customers for their mini reactors.
      Their first quarterly report is going to be a major event. Provided they give good guidance on their progress to deliver the reactors and progress with regulatory approval for their recycling plant I think their valuation will easily triple to just under 3 billion.

      The biggest catalyst for me is that Altman is desperate for energy and Satya will pour billions into OKLO if they prove they can scale the business and fulfill the current orders for that data center company (forgot the name)

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