Yesterday I left my car on a side road (on a legal parking area, next to my friends appt) and left with some friends 50 minutes away from my car.
    My friends end up leaving me and went home, then found out that my car and another person who was behind me got hit by a drunk driver.
    The person’s car behind me is totaled, and my car on the passenger side had a pretty hearty hole taken out of it from the car behind me.
    They were able to give the CHP my information. The CHP had my car, and the persons car behind me towed. I’m not sure what happened to the DUI drivers car.
    This happed on a Friday night (yesterday). It’s the weekend and I cannot get ahold of anyone, not the CHP or the tow yard.
    I contacted my insurance, and they are making me pay a 1,000 deductible for body work even though I was an 100% AT NO FAULT.
    Also at this time I am unable to get a rental car as it’s not on my insurance.
    The guy got arrested and I got a CHP “crash report information” card, I can’t look up anything on it as it’s not even reported on the website yet.
    I’m unable to get ahold of the DUI driver.
    I have his first name and last name, and his license plate.
    Also, I am unable to move my car, look at my car, get anything from my car, or talk to the towing company as they are closed on the weekend. I’m worried im going to be charged an outrageous amount for my car to be sitting in a tow yard for 3 days.

    I need guidance as I’m only 23 and don’t have parental support or guidance from my own parents, and there’s ever so much my friends can help me with.

    I need guidance on what to do.
    byu/CNBcrazy inInsurance

    Posted by CNBcrazy


    1. Mangomama619 on

      Your insurance will cover the tow and reasonable storage fees, that is, if you agree to use your collision coverage with the $1000 deductible. Towing and storage will probably cost at least half of that. They will also order the police report, file the necessary claims and do all the leg work. They will try very hard to get you back your deductible.

      Your second option would be to do all of this yourself without any help from your own insurance. It’s hard to say how long that would take. You’re responsible for the towing and storage fees until the at fault insurance agrees to cover everything.

    2. I’m not sure what state you’re in, but I’m licensed and own an allstate agency that covers MA NH and ME. I will say it’s pretty universal that your insurance will subrogate (go after the at fault party) – This also means going after them for not just their losses, but yours – reimbursing you for your deductible, rental car expenses and storage fees not covered by your insurance.

      Usually, this just comes from the at fault parties insurance – and most likely, the driver won’t be covered on their damages as they were incurred committing a crime.

    3. eye_lowball on

      You need to use your insurance… When you say CHP, I’m assuming you’re referring to California.

      That means there’s a good shot that at fault driver is uninsured or has a 5k PD limit that will be split between yours and the other person’s car.

      A deductible is owed when you use your coverage

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