Starting off the Sunday revisting the classic. This book completely changed the way I approached investing, and set me down the path of consistent profitability. Absolutely the best I have found so far when it comes to Charts and Medium Term investing.

    Posted by Lumiaman88


    1. Randomly-Looking on

      And yet you still ended up here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    2. Agreeable_Winter737 on

      Secrets for making profit in the stock market: write a dumb book and get millions of regards to buy it.

    3. I keep this in my nightstand and leave a copy in every hotel room I stay in.

    4. That’s the best picture he could get for the cover of his book, it’s like a picture taken at some investment workshop put on at the airport Ramada?

    5. Expired-Option on

      If someone has to write a book to make money then they aren’t profitable in the market

      It would be a flat out waste of time

    6. Thick_Sheepherder891 on

      As far as I’m concerned anything before 2020 is irrelevant and outdated.

    7. Landed_port on

      After throwing the intelligent investor and securities analysis 6th edition in the garbage, I’ll be glad to add this book to my collection

    8. opaqueambiguity on

      If you’re walking alone at night in the woods, would you rather come across a bear or a bull or Stan Weinstein

    9. SufficientDaikon3503 on

      I actually created the second book, it’s called ” secrets to losing money in a bull or bear market”

    10. Here’s the secret. Republicans release and Democrats constrict. This is the way of capitalism. All the battles are nothing more than capitalism at work whilst the poor complain.

    11. Let’s sum up any “successful” investor

      >be jewish
      >manipulate the market with other jews
      >hop hedge funds
      >sell get rich books to poor gentiles

    12. Loss_Leaders_LLC on

      If I had to state 1 single most influential person on my investing strats it would probably be … Nassim Taleb? Hammering home the nature of randomness helped a lot when I started trading -at the end of covid.

      Back when everything went up forever and making 1k on an 8k bet was just Wednesday.

    13. The secret is you write books about the bear and bull markets that’s how you profit

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