Protesting Tesla expansion plans for trying to double capacity at its one European plant. Also linked to other acts of sabotage.

    Facility stopped production because of the protests.

    Posted by Worried_Quarter469


    1. I love that saving the planet with electric cars involves cutting down more forest. It’s so internally consistent.

    2. geneticdeadender on

      These people are silly.

      The best way to disrupt capitalism is to stop buying shit they don’t need.

      How many of those kids drive cars, or wear designer clothes?

      If they really want to fuck the man then start a real trend of wearing used clothing, and walking or cycling. Live in smaller homes. And encourage others to do the same.

      These guys aren’t real activists. Probably set up by some hedge fund that wants to short Tesla.

    3. geneticdeadender on

      They are upset about doubling the size of the factory?

      Meanwhile Tesla is going to need a 10x increase in mineral production for dozens of metals over the next decade. 

      This is like complaining about a scratch on your car while the engine is on fire.

    4. First the kefiyeh Karens at elite universities, now braind dead leftist Muppets storming a literal electric car factory. The left is having a moment this month.

    5. Traderparkboy01 on

      So people protesting climate change are destroying things ?? Oh ya , smrt

    6. I‘m all for less cars, I gave mine up 15 years ago, and I will vote for parties and politicians who promise less cars and more public transport and bikes.

      However, we are living in highly car dependent societies. It will take decades to reverse that.

      In the meantime we have therefore to choose between ICE cars and EV cars. Therefore I am less than excited about climate protesters attacking an EV plant instead of an ICE plant.

      Also fuck Elon Musk.

    7. Wonder who is pulling their strings? This protest is wery strange, feels like a version of those guys throwing soup on expensive art.

    8. SlapThatAce on

      I’m with these people, what Tesla is proposing is absolutely asinine! And they were already caught illegally duping toxins into water now this? F^%k Tesla.

    9. I see various arguments against these protests, but as a put holder, I know that all of them are obviously wrong since they lead to me making less money.

    10. my_fun_lil_alt on

      We have created a generation of the most educated and least intelligent our species has ever produced  

    11. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      Good to hear Germany is dealing with the same brain-worms issue as we are. It’s all just one big crazy town!

    12. Bulky_Negotiation850 on

      Don’t invest in Europe… They’re just not business friendly.

    13. Jorel_Antonius on

      Man the polezi don’t play. When I was young stationed in Germany a fight broke out in a large club in Sarbruken. Polezi came in and just started smacking everyone. Them repeater beaters hurt real bad.

    14. DrMurphDurf on

      If this happened in America tons of clowns would be crying about THATS NOT PEACEFUL!

      Calls on freedom baby!

    15. liberalloverboy on

      These lefties, who are mostly just idiots from Berlin who do not even live in Brandenburg, say they do it because the factory is killing the surrounding area because it uses so much water, of which Brandenburg does not have much for German standards. Funny thing is, an asparagus farm nearby uses much more water to produce a rather „useless“ vegetable

    16. pm-me-nice-pics on

      This a good example of stupid and reminds me of “protestors” throwing soup at the monalisa painting

      Behind all the bullshit its just politics. They are protesting because they hate elon and thats it. If it were a chinese EV factory opening there, they would be happy at this eco friendly “change”

      The german “stance” for the environment is a joke – they oppose carbon-negative power like nuclear and switch to coal adding even more pollution. They claim its for safety, but when properly managed, nuclear is ok. Its funny that their neighbour France generates more than 70% of its energy from Nuclear with no incidents so far.

      And fuck elon but fuck these guys too. All their “activism” is thrown away, when things they want are done by the guy they dont like

    17. giant_shitting_ass on

      German environmentalists have got to be the most useless people in existence. Remember when they shut down nuclear in favor of Russian gas, and when the war started had to resort to dirty coal mined from old growth forests?

    18. StunningAssistance79 on

      Aren’t these the exact same people that made Germany completely dependent on Russian oil, natural gas and electricity?

    19. Simple-Programmer842 on

      if you think about it.. Its that easy to manipulate the market as a bigger player..

      one group of people sabotaging..

      or some threats, that would be scaring..

    20. Affectionate_Reply78 on

      Let’s hope Musk doesn’t emulate Carnegie and Frick with the protesters.

    21. Expired-Option on

      This is mass rejection of a treatment

      The treatment was Tesla

      The patient was the entire world

      No one is buying that shit anymore and no one has plans to buy any of it in the future

      It’s full on Enron Musk

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