I got a letter from my insurance company that the people are wanting more than what my policy covers for their bodily injury my policy states $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident. The rest of the letter stated at this time if I wish to seek out an attorney I can do so. Does this mean they are sueing me or that they want to see if I can get them more money.

    Am I being sued
    byu/Serious_Membership92 inInsurance

    Posted by Serious_Membership92


    1. BlackberryOk5318 on

      It’s a warning letter that you may be sued. They’ll attempt to settle within your policy limits. You should be keeping in contact with the adjuster, and forwarding any letters etc you receive from the other party’s attorney or carrier.

    2. Your insurance provider is responsible for defending you and keeping you informed about anything that could harm your interests. If your liability coverage falls short and your insurer opts to make payments for claims, you might face personal risk. However, if the defendant(s) agree to any offer from your insurance company, including one for policy limits, their acceptance typically hinges on signing a release in your favor, which mitigates personal risk. For detailed information, consult your insurance adjuster.

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