I cannot comprehend how I managed to fuck this up. I bought out of the money call options with 0-2 DTE for CAVA, UGI and PM. Managed to turn my $4,000 to $10,000, $10,000 to $40,000, then $40,000 to $80,000 and I proceeded to piss it all away with CAVA $70 put options. I am left with $59 in my account. Don’t be like me.


    Posted by Low_Ad_1262


    1. You’re a fool if you think the market is a casino, and a bigger one if you think you can beat it.

    2. Responsible_Sorbet_3 on

      May 2 was also when I hit a high and then when I had some really bad days following. Im sorry. I still have capital but I am disapointed in myself for staying in ttades too long and when my sales didnt go through because the stock dropped I stayed in longer than just selling again at the lower price but still at a profit. Ive been in the green every single day and told myself to sell now youre good but my inner critic said no you can do better. shits wild but I know I can do this I jusy have to work out some psychology. I figure whatever it is causing me to do this needs to be fixed trsding or not and when I figure it out at least ill be very profitable not just a yo yo. I hope you stick with it if you know you can do it and want this life but if not thats okay too

    3. Shoulda taken half out, either your luck was going to turn or you were a trading prodigy and whether you kept going with 40k or 80k wouldn’t matter.

      Greed is a powerful thing

    4. UpbeatAlbatross8117 on

      Greed. You could of took the thousand percent gain and be happy but you chased it. You’ll learn in future or you won’t. Noone ever went broke taking profit.

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