1. What ??? Elon promised to role out FSD in China to the entire fleet. Easy @ 0% market share.

    2. PutinsLostBlackBelt on

      You’re telling me that a Chinese EV auto manufacturer is beating an American EV manufacturer in communist China, the country America is divesting from? Color me shocked!

    3. GreenMellowphant on

      You don’t seem to realize the disconnect between market share and revenue in a growing market. “Share” implies a fractional number; it’s a relative measure.

      Do you want one whole small apple (100% market share), or do you want one quarter of a truckload of apples (25% market share)?

      Of course their market share is going down, they’re the first mover. The only way this would be surprising is if you genuinely believed that they would be the last manufacturer in the whole world to build EVs. Market share only matters in mature markets.

    4. Brendawg324 on

      Honestly calls on TSLA bc wsb seems so dead set on its complete and utter demise

    5. SensibleCreeper on

      Ya, that will happen when your social credit system tells you what to buy in order to make the gov like you.

    6. Count the price cuts in Europe in and that’s a massive 25-35% decline in revenue

    7. Never know with this stonk though. Shitnews and it goes green. Good news and it also goes green. I’m still betting on a downwards spiral in the short term.

    8. carsonthecarsinogen on

      Tesla almost gave the USA a second chance at being competitive within renewable energy.. and then they did absolutely nothing with it and now they’ll get fucked no matter what by China.

      US legacy auto is looking worse now than it did when Tesla first started putting up numbers imo.

    9. Decent-Ad-4358 on

      That’s a HUGE decrease…. Is that in the past quarter or past year?

    10. Interviews showed that people said buying a Tesla isn’t viewed as smart over there. Smart people staying away from Tesla.

    11. Whatsuptodaytomorrow on

      Hey Elon, how’s that coddling to the Chinese communist party going?

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