Don’t worry man, Wall Street Bets is full of regards like you and me. Third time’s the charm!

    Posted by trulyhumblundergod


    1. That’s a nice number and green line but there’s literally no details man, what is anyone supposed to do with that

    2. Decent-Ad-4358 on

      What in the actual fuck is that, you turned 5k into half a million and now have 11k?

      We need details ASAP

    3. You were my father back in the day I remember. Now you are as dead to me as my real papa smh

    4. kingsraddad on

      Is it a coincidence that the biggest regards all use RH? (Gold does pay me 5% APY, though)

    5. It’s magical how people can turn that much money in that little money without spending it

    6. RaisinPutrid4423 on

      Woah finally someone who lost more than me gives me hope to make a come back one day.

    7. I’m currently at the peak where your curser is… i will probably be you and him soon

    8. Distinct-Race-2471 on

      Ok so we see you deposited $443,000 and then lost it all in a couple weeks.

    9. You sir win. You absolutely win a trophy 🏆 and a T-shirt. I don’t even have the words. Actually I do but I’m sure you’ve repeated those same words to yourself thousands of times already.

    10. Randomly-Looking on

      I just love how the screenshot says “investing”. Chart says otherwise.

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