i will start

    i came across with:

    1-1-1 options strategy
    1-1-2 options strategy
    Zebra options strategy

    those were not so popular for me atleast.

    any others?


    is there any unpopular options strategies?
    byu/Conscious-Variety529 inoptions

    Posted by Conscious-Variety529


    1. Electronic-Night-718 on

      as usual, it just depends.. i personally find all the mentioned strategies useless..

    2. Which is the name of the strategy where you sell a short term option and buy a long term option?

    3. turkishvegan on

      I used to short iron condors 2 weeks before earnings then close the day before the news release.

    4. danthyman69 on

      Ive only had success with simple strats.
      Long calls and puts (further dte the better)
      Sell puts (usually 3-1dte when theta and time on ur side).
      Bear call spread (not very often, longing puts tends to be better)

    5. PapaCharlie9 on

      You understand that it is possible to make up an infinite number of structures and strategies? And that every new strategy/structure is necessarily unpopular, because no one knew anything about it until it was invented?

      So this implies that any made-up strategy is unpopular. Behold, I will now invent an unpopular strategy! Buy 69 OTM calls on SPY where each call must have an odd-numbered expiration date and the total cost of all the calls must not be greater than $420/share. There you go! You didn’t say it had to be a *good* strategy.

    6. SixtySixxer on

      Butterflies are nearly impossible but the payoff is staggering if you’re right.

    7. *Most* option ‘strategies’ are ‘unpopular’, in the sense that they are only used regularly by a tiny fraction of the stock-trading population.

      Why? *Because the don’t work reliably.*

      It’s just like the zillion ‘signals’ used by the ‘technician’ group of traders. There are literally hundreds of signal/indicator lines available on most trading platforms for you to overlay onto your charts. And again, almost none of them mean anything.

      Think about it. What would the chart linked look like if an option strategy worked reliably and consistently to generate profitable trades? What would the list of available indicators look like if one of them worked reliably and consistently to generate profitable trades? It’s easy:

      ***There wouldn’t be any others***.

      It’s simply Darwinian selection. If you learn that approach A works reliably and consistently to generate profitable trades, where B, C, and D can occasionally produce eye-opening returns but actually have losing results over the long term, which one are you going to use? And which one are your friends going to use when they learn the same? As the knowledge that A works and others don’t, the others will drop out of the picture because people won’t use them any more.

      As mentioned in another post, it’s not that hard to create a new strategy or a new indicator. Creating one that works reliably and consistently to generate profitable trades? If someone has done that, they’ve kept it to themselves.

    8. Every option strategy is good assuming it supports your thesis on price and/or volatility. That includes the 3 that you listed.

    9. Striking-Block5985 on

      95% of options traders are searching for option Unicorns

      These mythical creatures don’t exist

      What trader’s need to get into their pea brain Unicorn heads is this:

      First learn how to trade the underlying stock or ETF successfully. Once that is done and the price action is mostly understood then and ONLY then start by learning how options work then after that is achieved apply a simple, options strategy like a straight directional CALL or PUT or a vertical .

      If you don’t do this you will lose money and wipe out your account

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