1. AmputatorBot on

      It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot).

      Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/alameda-da-announces-lawsuit-against-progressive-usaa-alleging-underpaying-owners-for-totaled-vehicles/](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/alameda-da-announces-lawsuit-against-progressive-usaa-alleging-underpaying-owners-for-totaled-vehicles/)**


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    2. angel_inthe_fire on

      Considering I can’t get Mitchell’s to fix their muck ups until like 3 calls in AND the amount we overpaid on cars during COVID I find this annoying. Especially Cali.

      The insurance commission has to approve this too!!

    3. DestructODiGi on

      lol a “news” article and government employee using the word “lowball” and it’s variants more than people in this sub with their 2009 Altimas.

      This lady is facing a recall election and is trying to push a BS narrative that will get traction in the media.

      Maybe if she shows she’s big and tough on those MEAN, EVIL insurance companies that are already extraordinarily watchdogged by the DOI she won’t get kicked out of office.

      Gotta do the ole magician’s trick – HEY LOOK OVER HERE! Crime stats? NAH! We can all agree insurance companies are here to RUIN YOUR LIVES, amirite?

    4. This is a complicated controversial topic. What the DA is doing is trying to solve the wrong problem at the wrong level of the hierarchy. It’s all about the public having elected an absolute idiot of an insurance commissioner. Everything else people might want to do is rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. 

    5. The actual lawsuit itself basically says “they make lower offers because they just know it’s a lower offer” without much “juice” as to how they supposedly know.

      How do they “know” it’s low? Are they alleging they calculate the real value then calculate a value lower than that to offer?

      They also only name two out of the six or so USAA subsidiaries in the lawsuit, conveniently leaving out the “best” and the “worst” two where you think that difference would be visible lol

      Conveniently, the DA filed this lawsuit the week before they decide whether or not the recall petition against her can proceed. and a few days after she announced she would be investigating the funding sources behind the recall campaign lol

      Feels like a distraction for her more than anything lol. “Look at me going after the big bad insurance companies”

    6. Outrageous_Ad_5843 on

      Is being an idiot towards the topic of insurance a prerequisite to obtaining office in California? 

      I swear to God these people are just boneheaded as fuck when it comes to insurance.

      The entire case reeks of politics and very little of any facts.

    7. Time to get this DA out of office.

      Car dealers lowball on a trade in and Jack up tor resale price. More fraud on a car dealers plate than on the insurance company. Also DV in most cases is a scam to get more money from the insurance industry.

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