So, there's a bit of a story behind this but I want to make sure it's ultimately nothing for me to be concerned with as far as my license goes. I was hired on by an employer after background research and a minor misdemeanor charge (only thing on entire record) so, they got with licensing and basically said I was in the clear as long as court costs were paid, and I had to write some promise statement which I did. Fast forward you only get TWO attempts to pass the test otherwise you are termed. Well, unfortunately during that time period after getting everything set up and them paying for the tests etc. I failed twice and got the boot. However, my supervisor was very understanding throughout this entire process, and she told me as soon as I pass my test get with her and she can get me back in with the employer for the next class. I just have to have the license well low and behold I took the test again 2 days later and passed. Great, NOW we are here, my concern is I paid for this test out of pocket, and I also have to put in the application for the license myself as I am no longer with the employer (as of date) so they can not do it. My worry is this small misdemeanor charge on my record from 10 years ago. Again, licensing from the employer was giving me the clear but now I am basically on my own with it. If I apply for the license myself, do you guys believe there will be any hindrance at all with this? OR should I just wait until I can get back in with the employer and let them take control of the situation (I am going back with the same employer I literally just needed the pass which now, I have) I'm pretty worried sick about this.

    I Passed My Health and Accident Producer State Exam
    byu/CryingOnLSD inInsurance

    Posted by CryingOnLSD

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