So this is the first time I’ve ever told anyone about this. I am 23 and I just got my license a month ago but I’ve been driving for the last 8 years. It’s a long story (me being a stubborn idiot) but I went to get my license at 18 like everyone else. Passed my written test with 0 missed and then the day came to take my test and I failed within the first 5 mins all because I “didn’t check the bike lane for anyone” so the instructor insta failed me. This left a sour taste in my mouth for YEARS all because I was stupid.

    Anyway now that that’s out of the way, I recently decided I needed to stop being such a dummy and went to get my license (passed written and driven without a problem). “I” also had a 2021 BMW 330i that “I” sold. I am now looking at getting a car that is 100% all in my name but the thing is I was and can comfortably afford a Mustang GT. The one thing that honestly slipped my mind was my possible HIGH insurance payment. I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone else in a situation similar to mine or if anyone had any idea on why my hypothetical payment may be.

    I already got quoted from an insurance company called “Infinity” for $430 a month. Is this what I should expect from everywhere else or is this the best I’ll find.

    Need car insurance help!!
    byu/PutridPin8287 inInsurance

    Posted by PutridPin8287

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