Throughout this year, the prevailing narrative has been one of a robust economy, with assurances of widespread prosperity: low unemployment, rising wages, and increased earnings for the populace. However, from my perspective, this portrayal doesn't resonate with reality

    The US economy is officially in stagflation, possibly worse, and I believe it's in a recession but no-one will admit it.

    • Despite indicators, official media outlets are hesitant to acknowledge economic downturn.
    • Recent comments by the Fed Chief during the latest FOMC conference dismissed stagflation and inflation concerns despite all of the data saying otherwise.
    • GDP growth was just 1.6% in the latest quarter, the slowest since before the 08 crash, effectively zero when adjusted for inflation.
    • Job market growth fell far below estimates with only 175,000 jobs created compared to the expected 3,100,000.
    • The Fed is struggling to meet its 2% inflation target, despite insisting it's achievable.
    • Rising everyday prices are evident, impacting everyday expenses like fast food and coffee (see starbucks, fast food chain sales declines). Consumers are stretched thin.
    • Credit card defaults are surging across the US, reminiscent of the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis.
    • Capital One, the fourth largest credit card issuer in the US, reported a staggering 5.9% charge-off rate (basically defaults), the highest since the 2008 financial crash.
    • This charge-off rate has risen by over 230% in the past two years, indicating a significant increase in accounts being shut down due to non-payment.
    • The surge in credit card defaults is a major concern for the US economy, suggesting that consumers are struggling to cope with inflation and excessive spending. These defaults may serve as a leading indicator of economic trouble ahead
    • Lower-income US consumers are bearing the brunt of loan stress, as noted by Fed Goolsbee,
    • Biden downplayed inflation concerns…suggesting people have extra money to spend lmao
    • The Fed's approach to fighting inflation seems ineffective, as they've begun the process of quantitative easing (big one)
    • The Fed's actions suggest a pivot from fighting inflation to easing monetary conditions (again lying about the 2% goal)
    • Despite holding interest rates steady, the Fed is making bank lending conditions looser, favoring investors over ordinary people.
    • If the Fed wanted to curb inflation, they would need to address rising asset prices, particularly in housing (but we've seen massive drops in first home buyer interest and increase in time houses are on market).
    • The latest job market report marks a turning point, with job creation slowing by 30% and a rise in long-term unemployment (companies especailly in states like CA are no longer hiring – first sign of future lay offs).
    • Most new jobs created are part-time, indicating a shift in employment patterns.
    • The number of people working part-time due to inability to find full-time work has increased from 800,000 to 1.1 million year over year.

    TLDR; Recession incoming cause we have all of signals that the canary choking in the coal mine

    So obviously with all these we'll probably see consecutive SPY ATHs because stonks only go up – I'm full port calls at open

    We are being lied to about the economy
    byu/alcatpone inwallstreetbets

    Posted by alcatpone


    1. TucamonParrot on

      Ahem, move aside for stagflation. The bigger badder version of a crappy economy.

    2. Squid-chaser on

      Yeah but it’s more fun to pretend it’s fine and make a killing off calls

    3. Nice-Let8339 on

      Its so painfully obvious that shit is stinky. The more interesting question is the how long the resilience to sustain bullshit will last. GUH.

    4. Dmartinez8491 on

      Is this your first time during an election season? Holy fuck. So many on here seem to be newborns and don’t know shit. it’s ELECTION SEASON AKA MARKET WILL BE PROPPED UP UNTIL AFTER. Z

    5. StuartMcNight on

      Nobody tell this guy that GDP growth is ALREADY accounting for inflation.

    6. scipio_africanusot on

      I didn’t read your big text. But yes inflation sucks. -random redditor

    7. Randomly-Looking on

      You’re telling me that Joey Biden is lying about bidenomics?? It has Biden and omics in the name!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    8. golden_bear_2016 on

      > GDP growth was just 1.6% in the latest quarter, the slowest since before the 08 crash, effectively zero when adjusted for inflation.

      Nobody tell him GDP is already adjusted for inflation 😂

    9. Nooooo. No, no. Hehe… why.. why would you ask? .. so silly. ahem. But no, nope, all is good, economy is strong. yes.

    10. Scedasticity1 on

      >GDP growth was just 1.6% in the latest quarter, the slowest since before the 08 crash

      I’m sorry, are you stoned? There were 2 quarters of *negative* growth just two years ago. You’re just factually wrong, before even getting into your half-baked conspiracy theories.

      >Job market growth fell far below estimates with only 175,000 jobs created compared to the expected 3,100,000.

      Out by a factor of ten, and this was after continually outpacing expected jobs growth for the last year or more.

      >The Fed’s approach to fighting inflation seems ineffective, as they’ve begun the process of quantitative easing (big one)

      Incorrect, they are continuing quantitative tightening as your own graphic points out. They are slowing the rate of QT, but QT is continuing.

      And the entire rest of your post could very well be just as inaccurate as those three bullet points, because you haven’t cited a single reference for any of your numbers.

      Even by WSB standards, this is weak.

    11. Bostradomous on

      “We are being lied to about the economy”

      … a few moments later

      “Here are some publicly available statistics that I pulled off the internet”

      Dude if it’s really such a huge deep state conspiracy you think they’d change the FED numbers you’re quoting from. If they truly are lying to you then you are using their propaganda by using FED numbers. Because I can show you a shit ton of FED stats that say the exact OPPOSITE of what you’re saying. So who is right?

      This is a personal thing based on “your perspective”. You said it in the first paragraph.

    12. Bean_Boozled on

      Ah, the hourly “THEMS IS LYIN BOUT THE ECONOMY” post. Thanks for adding your twig to the bonfire OP

    13. Ill-Construction-209 on

      Agreed that this is coming. The question I always have is about the specific events that cause sharp downward market correction. I find these things often counterintuitive.

      For example, unemployment is already starting to trend up and we know a strong upward trend in unemployment is correlated to a recession (seems like writing is on the wall) but this past week when labor department confirmed unemployment is rising, the market received it favorably because it dampers inflation.

      So what are the events that make the market pull back sharply?

    14. pm-me-nice-pics on

      Sir this is a degen gambling sub that runs on adderall

      Where the fuck is the TLDR?

    15. DrunkenMonks on

      Uncle Powell is gonna whoop your ass. He didn’t see no stag or flation.

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