Hello 👋

    My name is Paige. I'm 29 years old, and I understand that I still don't know everything about life's tips and tricks, so I'm hoping someone here can enlighten me or give me some advice on what to do or how to do it.

    This past year, my car insurance with Progressive has been incredibly high. I pay $561 per month for month-to-month insurance. I had two accidents and one red-light ticket. Well, it's time to renew with Progressive next month, and they sent me an updated quote that shows it's going to be $100 more! So now it's $661 a month, and I don't understand why it's gone up when the red-light ticket and my accident from 2019 dropped off my record last month. So now there's only one accident on my record. I need to shop around for insurance, but I'm afraid it's going to be like this everywhere. Does anyone else have high insurance like me? By the way, I live in Florida.

    Help! Need Advice Please!
    byu/amicooolyet inInsurance

    Posted by amicooolyet

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