Sorry this will be a long post, I’ll try to post the cliff notes… I’m just completely devastated and have little to no support/anyone with experience in this.

    TLDR: rear ended at full speed on highway, other person 100% fault, missed a lot of work bc I was injured/needed treatment, hospital bills 40k + physical therapy + loss wages. Payout max is 30k, what to do?

    Three months ago, I was in a car accident where a Chevy pickup truck hit me from behind. He was speeding on the highway and admitted to not paying attention and being unable to break in time. This accident caused me to sustain a concussion & some other minor injuries. Thankfully, the airbags didn't deploy, but my car was totaled. This was devastating for me for a couple of reasons. Firstly, my grandparents had put a significant down payment on the car for me, and losing it, especially after my grandmother's passing, which was still pretty new/fresh was incredibly tough. So my car held sentimental value because of her, and it was also in great condition- had all the bells and whistles even though it was like a 2016.

    Secondly, I had just paid off the car less than two months prior, and I was looking forward to being mostly debt-free after completing my degree and getting my licensure. Yes I have student loan debt but a lot of people do, that’s different to me. The accident, caused by someone else's negligence, was like a major setback during what should have been a time of celebration for my achievements. Suddenly I was still grieving but now losing my car added to it, more debt, stress of finding a car in this market, etc. That whole piece was a goddamn mess. On top of that… I suffered a concussion because he hit me so hard I hit my head at the top of the steering wheel. I had to take a week and a half off work due to whiplash and strained muscles in my neck and shoulders. At this point, I didn’t have access to my PTO because I’d just started my job 63 days before and I had to be at 90 days.
    So… that was even more concerning financially. I really struggled during this time. Now only that but this accident happened right in the middle of my successful weight loss journey, where I had already lost close to 50 pounds. I had never gotten to that point and was so excited for the future and how weight lifting would continue to improve my quality of life. Well that was shot. The inability to exercise like I used to caused me a lot of physical and emotional pain. Mentally, physically, and spiritually, I was devastated.

    Dealing with the claims adjuster was another challenge, as they initially tried to lowball me and pressure me to settle quickly. However, I stood my ground and insisted on getting the therapy I needed. Eventually, they agreed to cover my lost work hours and therapy expenses, but she was dodgy with details. But I thought hey, I’m just waiting for everything to be sorted out medically before settling. It shouldn’t be too difficult, it’s straight forward. He was 100% at fault and injured me. Boy was I wrong. Due to the injuries, pain and anxiety from the accident, I could barely drive, so I had to rely on a friend for transportation. It took a while to sort things out with the guys’ insurance, doctors, and scheduling PT appointments, but I finally started physical therapy about a month after the accident. PT helped alleviate some pain and improve mobility, but it became clear that my neck and shoulders needed more extensive therapy. After a progress report about two months in, it was evident that I needed additional weeks of therapy before returning to my usual exercises and my usual routine. My PT advised caution due to changes in my form and recommended waiting before resuming my regular gym routine. She submitted all of this to the claims adjuster.

    It was at that point I realized- I hadn’t heard from anyone in a while. So, I’d been trying to get in touch with my claims adjuster like everyday, but all I got was radio silence. Finally, after two weeks, a new one reaches out, saying my old adjuster "switched departments." Then things went south real quick. They refused to authorize more PT sessions, claiming I should be healed by now, even though my PT said otherwise. They said they’d only cover like 7/11 visits because of “timing” which no one told me because NO ONE ANSWERED ME. To top it off, they dropped a bombshell about my ER bill, saying they'd only cover a fraction of it. Apparently the claim pays out 30k on its own, but someone my medical expenses are, 40k by themselves. So now, I'm staring down the barrel of massive medical debt, not to mention car payments and all of my lost wages. At this point I’d missed about 80-85 hours of work in total. A whole check. I didn't want to go the legal route at first, but now I'm considering it. Problem is, my parents think I'll end up losing more. I'm feeling lost and frustrated, so I'm turning to Reddit for advice. Should I sue? What are the pros and cons? Any help would be appreciated. I’m just devastated and would like to at the very least break even with debt and loss wages and at best get the retribution I deserve so I can use some of my pain and suffering money to get more physical therapy and get a trainer.

    The claims adjuster is saying they can’t go over 30k no matter what, I’d need atleast 47k to break even without a lawyer. With a lawyer I’m just not sure. I just don’t think it’s fair I’d have to be in debt bc of this man’s negligence and then on top of that, his truck was perfectly fine. Like I lost so much and am still losing. I’m not even sure why my ER bill is so much I didn’t ride in an ambulance. This just can’t be my reality at 25. Thousands in debt bc of an accident where I was the victim. I also live in Texas so idk if I need to sue the person or their family or the insurance. I’m just lost.

    Bodily Injury Claim— other person 100% at fault
    byu/StreetFeedback8158 inInsurance

    Posted by StreetFeedback8158

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