As of right now i’m living in a constant fear & self-doubt that my future entrepreneur endeavours are going to go in shambles. I’m 19 and live in Australia. Throughout my whole life growing up I felt as I have had this burden on me to be successful as I’m the oldest of 7. I feel it is my duty to be successful no matter what. I started a boilmaker (Welding) apprenticeship when I was 17 and quickly learnt over the year that it was simply not for me and ventured into other jobs. Becoming an entrepreneur and having my own business didn’t really factor into my mind until I was mid 18 and started to take the thoughts seriously. I began researching while jumping job to job to ensure money was still coming through and dipping into online business models, that had little to no success until I found a business model that worked for me which was Car detailing. I enjoy it and I was earning enough to get by, honestly earnt more in a week than i did at any job i’ve done and I saw the potential in where I could take this. I’m also really wanting to launch a clothing brand for car enthusiasts in the near future but as of recently since the work has died down and I have been relying on car detailing only for near 2 months now, Self doubt thoughts are getting to me and always seem to linger in the back of my mind. “What if I stuck to my apprenticeship?” “What does my family think?” “What if it doesn’t work out?”. Those are just some of the few hundred self doubt thoughts I have and it really tears me down sometimes. I really don’t want to work a full time job in construction or any job for that matter, I always feel judged for that as well, I tend to brush that off but again, something that effects me and I don’t understand why? Doing my own thing is what seems to drive me and I want to be successful in doing that but how do I overcome this constant fear, self doubt & the judgement?


    To all the successful entrepreneurs, how did you overcome the self doubt?
    byu/haydosx inEntrepreneur

    Posted by haydosx


    1. You can make a lot of money with a r/sweatystartup and for someone that wants to run their own show, it’s the only way.

      You’re young, what is the worst that can happen?

      Most people fail to start because of self-doubt, you’re two months in and have already surpassed your old wage.

      Figure out what parts of the business you’re good at and outsource the rest. Focus on building your skillset and learn to delegate so you don’t get swamped.

    2. deadinside1777 on

      In business you need to take the emotion out of the equation. The only way to overcome self-doubt is by getting experience through failure/learning. I think that’s the best part of being a business owner. It makes you grow as a person.

      You will be challenged because you have to be good at a number of things. It’s a journey not a destination, and the ones that succeed get better at internally handling setbacks and failures

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