Am I missing something, or is it just free money?

    I got a call today, and it's already up 100% and still going up after hours.

    What is going on? Where is this heading? Did I miss anything?

    I know the famous guy from 2021 is back on Twitter and active, but why? There is no news or anything.

    I want to know what the general plan is for everyone who is playing these options.

    Can we talk about GME and AMC!
    byu/nmpraveen inoptions

    Posted by nmpraveen


    1. Overall_Swimming2512 on

      There is no plan. Ride it until the bubble bursts. This is the whole point of meme rally. People ride it until the bubble eventually bursts. They are trying to short squeeze. I’m all in. No one has a plan. I am dollar cost averaging up as it goes it. This is pure gambling/speculation and IDGAF. I am here to make money, BLACKBERRY (BB) is the next play, it is also a meme stock and rallied in 2021. I’ll buy BB calls tomorrow

    2. Worried-Scarcity-410 on

      I have GME in my watch lists. I am beating myself for missing the whole rocket. 😅 I have no idea it why went up so much. I am afraid to enter trade until it settles. Who knows when it will collapse.

    3. Conscious_Street9937 on

      I bought a few calls at open and sold for $20 profit…..smh I’d be up almost 1k if I held

    4. Terrible_Champion298 on

      I’m laughing my ass off about all of this. I made a little money on both today, but this is not an extra innings game situation. It’s not going the distance. Don’t mess around. I’ll close my AMC csp position tomorrow, ratchet the GME stock stop up daily until Game Over. It’s a thing. It’s fun. It’s not an investment strategy.

    5. thebrownprince_ on

      I have puts on AMC. So, that obviously means the stock will be $5000 a share

    6. There was a Bloomberg terminal update showing stock buyback so that could be the reason for the recent rally.

    7. Talk all you want but leave me out. My trading plan has a rock solid solution for meme stocks…. Don’t. Not at all. Never, no matter how tempting.

      It’s shitstock, and you’ll never make money on shitstock (save me the 12 glory stories vs 12 million horror stories). If I were going to waste money on shitstocks, I’d be buying puts on them for when the bubble bursts. Bull trades on the way up is stupidity personified.

    8. ComplexVolume364 on

      They are so fd! They can’t keep Apple and the meme stocks down all at once. Watch out for FUD like above. This is still ground floor.

    9. SomewhatIntensive on

      I had stock alerts for GME go off on 5/3 after them being dormant for years. Decided to watch it for a few days and hold it’s position pretty strongly. Figured the meme brigade would hop on.

      Dumped 2k into 5/17 30C on 5/9

      Pleasantly surprised hardly describes how I feel about it heh

    10. So I have two bull debit spreads ($31/$32) and ($33/34) on GME I bought at open for $.25 and $.12, respectively. At what point does it make more sense to exercise the longs on each and then buy the short contracts, and sell covered calls/secured puts than to buy and sell to close the contracts?

      Also, at one point through the day the higher one was worth well over the theoretical maximum value, I’m assuming because of volatility, like $5.87 which would be almost $5 over theoretical max; I was in the shower and missed a chance to sell for a huge profit so I held through the halts; any of you with experience, what’s my best course of action to come out in the black?

    11. CollabSensei on

      After-hours and pre-market do not have circuit breaker halts. Therefore it is freer to move outside the normal trading hours. This morning… it was halt after halt after halt. .. and it all depends how many people are going to keep buying shares tomorrow.

    12. rabbit_thebadguy on

      It’s free money for us poors since we make them richer every other day if the year

    13. Lol this has been building up for years you be sleeping on the king stock of volatility, gme

    14. PorkChopExpress501 on

      You’re asking the right questions which few do. It’s likely swaps being closed and it’s about damn time

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