So I went to a Chiropractor last year in May 2023 on a special that said $50 spine health checkup.
    They did collect my insurance details. The checkup was done, I got the results and that was the last I heard of it.
    I recently noticed that the doctor's office did bill my insurance for the visit and my "Claims" says "$238.98" as pending.
    However I never got any invoice from the doctor's office on the outstanding amount.
    Wondering if this is something I have to pay or I can ignore and carry on with life?

    Payable balance that I never got billed for
    byu/phunguus inInsurance

    Posted by phunguus

    1 Comment

    1. It’s your responsibility to know your benefits and verify if they’re in network. Chiropractors are specialists, so if you have a $50 specialist copay and they were in your network at that time, then that’s all you owe.

      If they were out of network, then you may owe more unless you have a signed contract that states you wouldn’t be held liable for more.

      It could be pending for a myriad of reasons. It’s not concerning *yet* but definitely something to keep an eye on especially if you receive an additional bill.

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