I've been researching options a lot the last few months but I'm tired of the YouTube channels that constantly claim they make tons of money and only trade options for income. I don't believe them because they are selling their channel when making those claims.
    I've been looking for ways to quit the 9-5 and thought maybe options would do.
    Is there anyone here that is a full time, successful options trader for at least semi-consistant income?

    Anyone actually successful at trading options for a full time income?
    byu/JCinthehou3e inoptions

    Posted by JCinthehou3e


    1. Yes, but are you willing to put in the time and work it requires to become someone who can generate a full-time income from options trading?

    2. Ambitious-Ocelot8036 on

      4-6K per month on a 300K account. Selling weekly options on AAPL, MSFT, MAR, TQQQ, GD, AMZN.

    3. I don’t believe these shills either. I view options as a complementary strategy you can integrate into your portfolio, but far from a full time gig because not only can they be inconsistent but they’re a pain mentally that I don’t want to depend on for a living

    4. Don’t go full time until you’ve tested your strategies and discipline live for 3+ months or 200+ trades or whatever the point is where you can be completely disciplined in your trades. And that you’ve demonstrated to yourself that you can make a steady income from options.

      Trade on the side until you’re confident in your strategy and yourself so that you won’t be left without a job and with what turned out not to work.

      I make more in options than I do in my 9-5 but quitting is 1-2 years down the road if that.

    5. In good weeks I get about 10k (per week) on a 1.5M portfolio.  But then there’s other weeks where I’m lucky to clear 1-2k. 

    6. BuzzyShizzle on

      You should seriously try to master it while you do have the 9-5.

      Assuming you don’t have a sizeable starting portfolio you will pretty much be day trading, except opening options positions instead of shares.

      And fair warning: the market changes over time. Doing well now is not the same as doing well a year from now, or last year. Do it certainly takes dedication. Just like a basketball player practices outside of the game you gotta stay on top of it like you mean business.

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