I think that this is typically the type of idea that looks good on paper but is a nightmare in reality.

    I would like your feedback about it:
    – a platform where you can find experts in a particular industry and be able to book calls or maybe mentorship

    Are you yourself an expert or a potential user?

    Roast this business idea – Fiverr but for calls only
    byu/HeadLingonberry7881 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by HeadLingonberry7881


    1. The nightmare fuel is filtering out *fake it ’til you make it* types. Although convincing people charging fifty, one hundred dollars per hour to flush that and piss off their existing customer base is going to be a challenge just the same.

      An unerring sense of where the money ain’t is just …astonishing.

      You’ll have a better shot starting a charity for the destitute wantrepreneurs and having the experts write a check. Heck, I would chip in if you having them fixed so they won’t reproduce.

    2. _WhatchaDoin_ on

      Maven used to do that, years ago. It died.

      A lot of experts. Very few people willing to pay to talk to expert themselves (even if they need to).

      The few calls I had with these folks were as follow: We are this agency, and we have this client that is very interested by your profile, and they would like to talk you. But before we do that (and pay you), we would like an introductory call with one of our associate for 15-30 minutes To make sure that’s a good fit.

      The call ends up making you talk, and you share your knowledge – for free – to someone learning the industry, in the hope it will lead to a real contract. In reality, that agency may talk to 3-5 experts, then compile all the information they gathered in one single document/study and sell that for 5-6 figures to their own client, while you wasted your time and earned nothing.

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