Got hit head on back in February by an uninsured drunk driver.
    My insurance covered paying for the car being totalled. But they shorted me money after paying my car off. Roughly 1500 short. They are dodging my calls.
    I called yesterday and the lady spoke to me at 930am. Before I could finish asking questions she hung up on me.
    They never sent me documents to release my medical records to me until yesterday after my phone call.
    I used the chat option on the mobile app and the lady I spoke to apparently isn't assigned to me anymore and they said she took herself off my claim at 9am. So why did she speak to me about my injuries and proceed to send me an email for my medical records??
    Before she hung up she low balled me and said she could offer me 2500 for my pain and suffering and I declined the offer. They havent even seen my records. She told me that soft tissue injuries resolve themselves in 6 to 8 weeks and it's been way longer than 8 weeks since the accident. I've gotten 2 trigger point injection sessions with 8 injections each time. Gone through 4 weeks of physical therapy. Tried so many pain relief options. My physical therapist said my next step is to go to pain management.

    Is it crazy for me to expect my full policy payout for all this of 30k??

    On top of this my spouse has a 20 minute drive to work, then leaves work driving 20 minutes back home to pick me and my baby up, drives us 20 minutes to the hospital, takes our baby to his work during my appointment, then picks me up, drives 20 minutes back home to drop me off, drives another 20 minutes to go back to work, and then at the end of his work day he'll drive another 20 minutes back home. Most weeks it's 2 appointments but I've had 4 appointments one week and it's getting exhausting. I'm tired of this pain and I feel like 2500 is chump change for everything I've been dealing with and having to live with this pain.

    Don't want a personal injury lawyer but need advice on what I can do

    Low balling settlement
    byu/EliseMoore33 inInsurance

    Posted by EliseMoore33

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