So my car was hit in a parking lot and I was found not-at-fault for the accident. The other driver admitted fault and his insurance just called me stating that they accept liability.

    I had already started the claim process with State Farm to get repairs going. I haven’t dropped the car off yet, but I like the repair shop that it’ll go to. The problem is that they don’t accept USAA insurance. Does anyone have any opinions on getting repairs done through USAA?

    The question is should I go with the other party’s insurance to get repairs done or continue my claim? My rental coverage isn’t great but would I not be able to get all of that recovered later?

    Thanks for any advice!

    Edit: This happened in Illinois and my quarter panel on my car is pretty messed up. Initial estimate I got was about $3.5k.

    Get repairs done through my insurance or other party’s insurance?
    byu/UnderstandingSea5688 inInsurance

    Posted by UnderstandingSea5688

    1 Comment

    1. What state are you in? State Farm is your carrier, correct?

      The easiest option is to simply go through your own rental reimbursement coverage and seek reimbursement for additional costs from the other party’s insurance, assuming coverage/liability is confirmed.

      You can still file a claim for things like rental costs (loss of use), in which case they’ll confirm coverage, then confirm liability. Once both are confirmed, they’ll process the claim and you can follow their direction for seeking a rental or later reimbursement for a rental.

      You already filed a claim with your carrier, so continue on. Otherwise, I would have suggested not filing a collision claim and going 100% through the other carrier if this is a simple fender bender, but that’s not a popular opinion here.

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