Cyyyyummm on. Bought 145k shares today

    Posted by luckynum81


    1. Jesus christ. Just make sure you sell as soon as they announce the buy button is gone again.

    2. Significant-Music417 on

      How dare you??!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. NecessaryWater7024 on

      I love the balls- I only play in 10k increments myself. You think this runs tomorrow ?? 

    4. No-Reward-3457 on

      This is the water that will lift my calls to then lift me out of poverty. Riding 100 May17/3.5C

    5. YoungBockRKO on

      Atleast with shares, in a company that isn’t at risk of bankruptcy like a certain movie theatre stonk, you’ll be fine. It’s not like you bought after it ran 100%+.

    6. This is what happens when ya watch too much gain porn; ya gotta yolo half a mil to even get hard anymore.

    7. At some point you poor bastards, and I mean money poor, need to cash out and walk away so you can actually put money in the bank. Gambling sucks ass when the music stops. And you’ll think about these days forever when it’s all gone.

    8. I love how that one stock we all know runs and we got people suddenly going all in stocks no one was talking about before this.

      It makes me want to go in even harder into the play

    9. Stup1dStonks on

      You one upped me you dirty lil slut. Now I might add more 🤣. Respect

    10. Significant-Music417 on

      So, when BB will go seriously to the moon? Is that time already???

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