I’m only 18 and love lawn care. But I don’t know if there’s already too much lawn care services around. I have 4 customers so far a week and I’m not sure if I should continue to spread my business knowing how many other people do lawn care

    Is a lawn care business over saturated and a waste of time?
    byu/Glittering-Buddy598 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Glittering-Buddy598


    1. Whether or not it’s over saturated really depends on your location. In many areas, yes, but there are some areas where there is more than enough work to go around. Search “lawn care” in your particular area, and see how many options you have available.

    2. Hundreds of lawn care companies by me and I still can’t get anyone to come out and cut my grass.

    3. Ok-Crew-2641 on

      It’s a competitive industry (as does most service providers). So depends on how good a quality you provide at an affordable price, when compared to your peers who target the same customers.

    4. Aggressive-Camp1674 on

      Keep going. If you like doing it, it’s something worth pursuing.

      My son and I ran a lawn business years ago. Started with a free craigslist mower. Had over 100 regular clients a month when we sold it. The trick was offering a monthly ‘deal’ The neighbors talk to neighbors… it was word of mouth that helped us gain customers.

      There’s apps and other outlets for getting regular clients lined up.

      We spent the first few months gaining better equipment. I learned to tune 2 stroke engines and got a grinding wheel., and every mower had 3 sets of blades. Kept my blades sharp, and since when we’re making money hand over fist, our gas had a cherry smell too it.

      Our truck was a beast and I pulled trees over with it for a client. It was a great time, and easily could have scaled.

      It might be a saturated market where you’re at, but there’s plenty of people unhappy with their current service.

      Also, a side business sprang from it. I charged extra to pick up dog poop. I don’t like it on my equipment or my vehicle. So I offered that as a service. At the end of the year I was picking up more poop than mowing.

      It’s weird what people won’t do.

      When fall comes around pick up leaves, it’s easy and provides good income as the season wound down.

      Good luck!

    5. ContributionSuch2655 on

      I did lawn care for a decade. If you give them a reason to use you, then you’ll make it. It’s a nice business model because once you get a client they usually stick with you for years if you do a good job.

      I think there is more money in spraying, fertilizing, aerating if you can specialize. A lot of companies do it all but a lot of them don’t. Where I live 80% of people get their lawn sprayed but maybe only 15% have a service that cuts the grass for them. If I was to get back into it I’d go right for spraying, no question.

    6. Too much lawn care? Who knows. Too many boring ass monoculture lawns? Absolutely.

    7. juststattingaround on

      Don’t stop if it’s something you love! Most successful small companies never created a market, they just excelled in an already existing one by honing in on one key differentiator 🙂  

      Think of Bombas Socks and Kind Bar! Socks and granola bars were not new by any means when these companies started. But they both had little niche differentiators that helped them acquire and retain customers. 

      Figure out what the other landscape businesses around you are doing. Perfect what they’re doing right, fix what they’re doing wrong, and do what they’re not doing at all. Wishing you all the best! 

    8. I bet you can undercut everyone because you live with parents and just can operate cash business since you are young. Plus people tend to support young man doing job like this. Just do it. What you got to lose?

    9. Jazzlike-Radio2481 on

      People are standing at the ends of their driveways with fistfuls of cash, begging for someone, anyone, to come cut their grass.

      There’s so many lawn care companies because there’s so many lawn care customers.

      Get certified for weed control and fertilization and you’ll be among a smaller group of companies of lawn care companies.

    10. If you offer good services you always find clients. Hard at the start but gets easier

    11. I would say no. Message me and I’ll tell ya how to do something, naturally, that most lawn places don’t know how to do

    12. One of the VCs in a couple startups I was involved with had a commercial landscaping business, essentially lawncare for businesses (hotels, banks, etc.).

      He had a house right on the beach in Malibu, drove a Maserati, was pretty well off financially, all from lawncare.

      There are more clients where your four came from. Keep at it.

    13. Advice2Anyone on

      No barrier to entry and from what I hear really hard to scale. Can be a good income for the driven but few will make it into a growing business without branching to like landscaping that is more subjective and requires skill

    14. Ricothebuttonpusher on

      I think we’ve all seen the lawn cutting guy on TikTok. Use social media to your advantage

    15. madpiratebippy on

      Dude I have tried so hard to hire lawn care for my house. If you show up sober and return calls to your business phone reliably you’ll be better than 90% of the companies out there.

      Hire an answering service and give them a script to make estimate appointments and schedule service and you’ll be ahead of 95%

    16. MuruTheGuru on

      I’m getting quotes of 60-85 a pop. It’s not cheap so seems like there is profit to be made.

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