1. AbbreviationsNo6897 on

      Iā€™m actually making money on meme stonks. Its like these 3 years of shame are slowly fading away.

    2. Careful_Pair992 on

      Going to continue to load up on deep out of the money long puts waiting for this game rally to pop like a bitch

    3. TheOnlySafeCult on

      mods fucked up by allowing the memestocks in without making banbets mandatory

    4. Initial-Magazine2169 on

      I’d like to know if the people who post random price targets like, “BB to $18 today”, are also the same ones who flame those manifesting TikTokers.

      Bro, you’re doing the same thing.

    5. BB is a meme but also with very positive ER last quarter as well as guidance for next quarter.

      Could explode very soon.

    6. Ready2gambleboomer on

      *Some bot reported me to the suicide watch? wtf?*

      *Financial suicide maybe…*

      *But actual suicide? Not a chance. Life is good. Money is just a way to keep score & in the end the score doesn’t matter. GL out there in the trenches today regards.*

    7. Mediocre-Gas-3831 on

      Seething bagholders abusing reddit care. Yep memes reached their peak and time for puts!

    8. Helpful_Fail_5195 on

      I just think as people wake up and see AMC and GME up 12% in pre, there will be a consistent wave of buys from FOMO given yesterdays pre

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