Please see post history for buy prices. Average was $3.85 per share in December 2022. I’ve sold all my in the money Calls.

    Posted by standardkillchain


    1. takenorinvalid on

      Oh, I see now.

      What I *should* have been doing was dumping my entire portfolio into Carvana calls.

      Fucking *Carvana* calls.

      *Of course. Of course* Carvana calls are the way to become a millionaire.

    2. SalmonellaSteve on

      Wow, good job. How about you throw me a bone, I will turn 20k into 0 in a matter of days.

    3. You must be well off to holding the original amount into this turd of a company.

      Regardless, congrats and fk you.

    4. Congrats, I’ll just hang out for when it all comes crashing down and your wife comes crawling back to me. In the meantime, fuck you. And, again, congrats!

    5. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    6. CasualFPSPlayer on

      The moral of the story is to dump your money into the shadiest, possibly mob-affiliated companies on the stock market.

    7. killerbeeswaxkill on

      He knew Carvana wasn’t going under when it’s run by crooks and what do crooks do best? Improvise and manipulate the system which was his DD all along.

    8. I_can_vouch_for_that on

      You put a 182k into Carvana ? Carvana ?!!!!

      Well technically calls but you know what I mean.

      Congrats and FU.

    9. Literally a post 2 days ago giving a detailed description about why puts is a smart decision for carvana because their budget doesn’t add up. It was well thought out and made plenty of sense.


    10. Odd_Onion_1591 on

      The most interesting part is why the heck they would you bet so much on CVNA for such a long experation time. What’s the logic? There is gotta be some logic since it’s a long term play.

    11. Gainztrader235 on

      The fact that you held on million dollar dips is impressive, well done.

    12. Thenextstopisluton on

      Bought around 4 and sold at 72. Then it’s rolled into the 120’s without even trying. Well done for holding

    13. As always, please post your position before becoming a millionaire. Congrats and fuck you.

    14. Regarded. Also congrats. Where’s that throw my computer in the dumpster meme

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