I own a Fisker Ocean. The company is heading for bankruptcy and I fear that in 6 months there will be no support or software updates. Recently saw an article that said these cars will likely be useless bricks in a few years without support. If so, I am wondering if this may be covered under the insurance policy? The car would be totaled, useless, and it’s not a mechanical failure. Thoughts?

    EV Car software failure
    byu/ImaginaryDingo20 inInsurance

    Posted by ImaginaryDingo20


    1. No, I don’t see a covered cause of loss here. I’d try to unload it as quickly as possible if I were you.

    2. LeadershipLevel6900 on

      If it’s bricked because of lack of updates and support isn’t that essentially a mechanical failure?

      It wouldn’t be a covered cause of loss because the vehicle manufacturer became insolvent.

    3. Why would they be useless bricks? They’d just be outdated bricks. And possibly eventually outdated bricks with bad batteries that would then be useless.

      But no. No coverage.

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