Tesla billionaire investor votes against restoring Elon Musk’s $50 billion pay package


    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. Do results of the vote result immediately on June 13? Or how long do they have to share the results?

    2. CleanOnesGloves on

      Elon has to work on Tesla to bring up stock value because he’s gonna get f*cked by margin call if he doesn’t. So I voted against as well. I actually voted against a lot of the choices.

    3. I would think $50 million is excessive as compensation for any CEO, let alone $50 billion.

    4. DefiantDonut7 on

      Guess he’s going to have to figure out another way to remain solvent during twitter’s demise

    5. Dont be surprised when he gets the pay pkg. they know the routine. Elon pumps it and they want it to pump so they’re going to give him the pkg.

      So dont drop your jaws when its approved. Might put something in it if you do. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

    6. …cause Fock Him! yeah ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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