1. what do yall think of a $26 dollar put on GameStop striking tomorrow? Indecisive between that and $24

    2. dufusmembrane on

      welp im leaving money on the table again

      selling covered calls is like doing the first line of the night, it never gets better after

    3. #Ban Bet Won

      /u/OPINION_IS_REGARDED made a bet that WMT would go to 62.0 within **1 day** when it was 60.25 and it did, congrats gigabrain.

      Their record is now 2 wins and 2 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    4. Elias_Caplan on

      Only got a 120 to play with. What stock is my best bet to scalp some gains today, you regards?

    5. You got to be an angry miserable dude to mention some guy in other comments you were arguing with before 😂 

    6. Just got back from my physch evaluation. Turns out I’m some kinda superhuman.

      I’m immune to something called “loss aversion” that most people have

    7. #Ban Bet Won

      /u/Tairy_Hestickes made a bet that WMT would go to 62.5 within **2 days** when it was 59.86 and it did, congrats gigabrain.

      Their record is now 3 wins and 1 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    8. AbbreviationsNo6897 on

      Trading successfully is literally one of the hardest things to do in life. Most successful traders are only profitable after years of trial and error and they take their time to put in so much work. Yet you all think you can just fling your money in options and will 10x 50 times in a row? Ffs dumb fucking cunts.

    9. #Ban Bet Won

      /u/ShaggyDogLives made a bet that WMT would go to 63.26 within **2 days** when it was 60.25 and it did, congrats regard.

      Their record is now 6 wins and 2 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    10. housemouse431 on

      bought 1k of WMT stock bc i was too pussy to buy options.

      shoulda done half and half lol

    11. PandaGodFliesToMoon on

      That 6’5 finance trust fund blue eyes sht trend by random whrs make me cringe hard

    12. Frozen_Shades on

      Meme stonkers don’t know short interest isn’t 100% and hasn’t been for a while.

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