Indirect loss porn: I spend $30k a year for a Bloomberg terminal I’ve only used about a dozen times (I’m locked into a two year contract)

    Posted by SilverMilk0


    1. Such software should be open source and free. This club exclusive mentality is a red flag for me

    2. have one at work & practically live in it but I see how it makes little sense for an individual person.

      the functions you use you can probalby get for almost free through other vendors. you don’t have the group chats with brokers providing content, Don’t have the research contracts to get access to the reports. you probably don’t have the real time data to use many of the tools (graph vol surfaces etc), no pricing data on OTC swaps etc etc

      the financial analysis part esp with the excel API is superior but not woth the price tag. I’d never pay for one privately

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