After 4 years of investing I made $16 lol

    Posted by raseC_Ceda


    1. BinkyBoy_07 on

      Don’t be afraid to take those gains bro, $16 can get you a lunch at chipotle

    2. You would have close to $20,000 right now if you just stuck it in sp500 fund and didnt mess around

    3. Congrats! Hoping to get there too. I made 50$ on the year to date chart. lol keep it up! All in spy puts soon! It’s bound to go down right ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)

    4. falling_knives on

      You’re doing better than like 95% of traders. Most don’t even last 4 years or even a year.

    5. Everyone will say you’re “down due to inflation” but congrats brother. Don’t let the gambling addiction make you lose it again.

    6. DrMurphDurf on

      You better go out and buy the nicest meal at Wendy’s money can buy to celebrate

    7. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      Looks like you’re learning, try gambling just a tiny bit and make 95% smart and boring decisions. If you sat that 10k into USFR you’d milk an extra 500 bucks in a year.

    8. Heliosvector on

      More like you paid money to the experience tuition and have gained back your investment. You are much better than most people on here

    9. I apologise for blurting out a laugh when I read the post.

      Tbf you are doing a lot better than so many others in the red.

    10. $4 per year? Not bad! You only have to keep this up for 250 thousand years and you’re a millionaire!

    11. Hugheston987 on

      “It is about the seeking, and not the finding. If you think you found it, you’re about to fuck up.”

      Don’t know if that’s relevant for trading, but it’s advice I was once given that was in context for my situation at the time. Perhaps it applies here as well.

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