The United States under the Biden administration is leading something of a coalition and is trying to squeeze the Chinese out of the market. The goal is very simply to prevent the Chinese from swamping industries that the Biden Administration is attempting to develop both domestic and foreign.

    The Chinese will respond to this by increasing their subsidies even more than they already do, which will force those involved to simply up their tariffs, they’ll then attempt to put it in any market they can, which will really only be the developing world.

    In Europe, it isn't a question of whether they'll be tariffs but how high. Under the European Commission, 40% is what's likely as of right now, though the chances of that increasing is relatively high.

    And as China continues to age on top of tariifs, cheap goods will slowly disappear and eventually reemerge with a ‘Made in Mexico’ or ‘Made in Vietnam’ sticker in about a decade if everything goes right.

    Posted by ManHasPotential


    1. Let the plebs fight over who gets to be slave to whom, it is of no concern to myself and my associates. The game is and always will be rigged.

    2. ManHasPotential on

      Though I’m not a financial advisor, I’d be willing to bet that a lot of demand will then shift to Japanese goods and Korean to an extent. Because of the tariffs, consumers might shift their focus on quality goods that’ll last for sometime since any cheap alternative won’t be there.

      Until Mexico and Vietnam is able to fill that gap anyway :PP

    3. All they do is steal US technology and IP. (And of course sable rattle, threaten shipping in the SCS and threaten Taiwan.)

      We should be forcing anti-Chinese divestment as much as possible.

    4. sherbert-stock on

      Nobody cares about China retaliating because most companies are already locked out of China

    5. BinkyBoy_07 on

      I forget who I was listening to but yes, there are many speculations that the next manufacturing hub of the world will be Mexico. I’d be cool with that personally, Latin America could benefit greatly from it as a whole.

    6. ConBroMitch2247 on

      Remember when the Orange Man™️ tried this and was called xenophobic?

    7. surfaceVisuals on

      they incubate/hide viruses and incinerate toxic waste. fuck them, and their bots prowling over social media too.

    8. BuffaloSabresFan on

      Buick will probably die because of this. GM will be a company that sells pickup trucks to US consumers, sells Tahoes to police and government agencies, and maybe the occasional Chevy or Cadillac CUV to individuals/fleets. The tariffs will slow but not stop the decline of the Big 3 and its no surprise China will retaliate.

    9. PutinsLostBlackBelt on

      Chinese bots be posting this crap every day for the last week lol. Same people who throw a fit that the US wants TikTok partially banned are silent when China bans literally everything because it might allow their people to talk to each other without monitoring.

    10. Chinese here.

      I can totally see why the US is doing it.

      But man the world is really turning full cold war again. That will hurt all of us.

    11. ButWhatOfGlen on

      I’m no Trumper but damn, Biden just keeps digging that hole deeper and deeper. Sheesh.

    12. Lopsided_Ad5676 on

      Good. To hell with China.

      They buy up our businesses, buy up our farmland, robbed the US of manufacturing, support Russia and threaten Taiwan.

      They shit on democracy every day and commit atrocities on their own people.

      The USA has been economically funding Chinese development and in turn their military. Shut them out of USA business and shut them down.

      Good riddance.

    13. thematchalatte on

      Remember the whole US-China tariff war when Trump was in office? Stocks still went up regardless of the noise. Stocks only go up.

    14. Distinct-Race-2471 on

      If the government really cares about global warming, wouldn’t they love America to have access to $12,000 electric cars?

      Yes I know that the Democrat government officials caring about climate change is superficial to attract voters, but this is a huge slap in the face.

      The poor simply cannot afford $30k electric cars, and the 10 year old electric cars need $15k-20k battery pack replacements.

      I am pro America, but the car companies caving to the unions have made them noncompetitive in our market. $60k for a pickup truck is outrageous.

    15. It’s getting ridiculous. It’s to a point where the US consumer is taking it up the rear end because everything is getting so expensive under the guise of keeping jobs in the US. Can’t get cheap solar. Can’t get a 20k practical EV. Ghetto houses costing 500k.

      Maybe with my diamond hands I could have bought a Tesla plaid but now I have to settle for a BYD, oh that’s right. Tariffs.

    16. It’s already cheaper to move most things into India, Vietnam or Mexico where there is also specialized labor available for many roles. The reality is China is demographics doomed to wane and globalism hasn’t recovered from covid. Not only is it likely that production to consumer circles will change but they will likely be come more regional than global going forward.

      That said I’ve always thought tariffs were dumb I don’t care which administration is doing it. Either cease all trade or don’t half measures are stupid. Only way I think tariffs make sense is if we repeal income tax and place the gov revenue burden on international trade.

    17. The_Albertino on

      AAPL announced their move to India manufacturing months ago. The tariffs make it official but this die was cast a while back imo

    18. #RIP TESLA
      Especially after they do a raise

      They got like 20b in payables and no money

    19. Loaf_and_Spectacle on

      Shitloads of people in here don’t understand how capitalism works. Shame.

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