Hey everyone! I’m currently fighting with my insurance, Progressive, about the recent raise to my rates. My truck was parked in its parking spot off the street and in an alley by a stolen vehicle. The driver of the stolen vehicle is/was homeless and there’s zero chance I see anything from him. They want to raise my rates pretty exponentially because of this. I have never been in any form of accident (not even a minor fender bender), I’ve never gotten a ticket or citation from a police officer (or any other way, if there even is one) and I’ve maintained continuous coverage with the same company for just over 10 years.

    I’m currently trying to fight them on the fact that I’m supposed to have “large accident forgiveness”. I have absolutely no idea what to do other than continually protest that there was absolutely nothing in the world that could’ve prevented such a freak accident. I live in WA State, where this incident occurred and where my truck is also insured.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Stolen Vehicle hit my parked car
    byu/AhhDinosaurs inInsurance

    Posted by AhhDinosaurs


    1. Acceptable-Agent-428 on

      Have you tried to get quotes from other carriers? Maybe it’s time to leave progressive.

      Did they tell you the rate increase is because of this loss? 100% no doubt about it?

      Washington State insurance carriers have taken rate increases for inflation and general cost of doing business, so this could be because your rates were going up anyway.

      Tbh shop around for another carrier.

    2. I thought they couldn’t raise rates in WA for non-fault losses? Might be exclusions to that though. Try requesting your CLUE report to see how the claim record appears. If the claim is labeled anything other than not-at-fault, I’d start with disputing that, but I don’t see how that could be the case.

      You could also try shopping around.

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