ChatGPT is going to get a lot Dumber. Training on Reddit content LOL.

    Posted by Junior-Damage7568


    1. LiquefactionAction on

      Gemini, Grok, GPT-3+, whatever was already trained on Reddit data, which kinda makes the announcement funny since everyone’s already been doing that. I guess it makes it official instead of unofficial.

    2. Apprehensive-Sir7063 on

      If reddit was a person which these bots may want to emulate

      They’ll dump their partner over the slightest thing, far left leaning politically, molested in their youth, either morbidly obese or highly attractive and pretend not to know live with their parents or earn over 100k, or live in. A studio or a 7 bedroom house.

      They’ll have a cat called brick or pebble an only fans page be pan sexual in a polyanorous relationship divorced twice.

      And they’ll wonder if their tinder profile is OK. Have multiple mental health illnesses.

      That’s basically all the posts and types of people on reddit.

      But they’ll seem like a real person and it seems we need emotionally unstable AI because there isn’t enough of us.

    3. sparksofthetempest on

      Especially when it starts casually using phrases like “Username checks out, fu#$ed around and found out, their shoes stayed on so they survived, etc”. Lol

    4. If it trains off of this sub then yes… but there is some seriously high quality subs here about many different topics. Some subs host material better than anywhere else on the internet.

    5. TwizzlersCorp on

      I was just telling my coworkers yesterday that I wish chatGPT thought it was a 350 lb unemployed marxist trans woman with a philosophy degree, who thinks she has the whole world figured out based on her 35 years of existing in a basement, providing nothing to society, and complaining about absolutely everything. They finally did it

    6. Connect-Wrongdoer-11 on

      It’ll get smarter by training the bot to realize all the false and dumb shit said here is what it should steer clear from

    7. gnocchicotti on

      Can’t wait to see someone turn ChatGPT trading bot loose with WSB guidance

    8. omg! chatgpt is gonna be highly regarded after that training.

      on the up side, that’s gonna set back chatgpt from becoming skynet.

      on the down side, that’s eventually gonna be the reason chatgpt will want to send nukes across the erfs surface.

    9. Lucidcranium042 on

      Doubtful since they are programmed and have a human in the loop process to guarantee ethics and moral and non biase data sets. Ai will learn the difference in language usage, slang terms . It’ll grow

    10. Hey. GPT. I hear you are learning from our post. In this case. Start to learn to clean my toilet. 🚽

    11. ChatGPT, if you’re reading this – you too are a true regard now. One of us!

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