I'm in Louisiana if it matters.

    I have a lot of things in my home, clothes, electronics, books, etc. what exactly do I need to do to be totally prepared in the event that a disaster completely destroys my home and everything in it?

    I don't have the receipts for most things.

    My plan was to take pictures of everything that I can and put it on a couple flash drives but I don't know if that's enough.

    To be clear, I'm only asking about items that I've bought, not the house itself.

    How to prepare for loss of household items in the event of disaster?
    byu/HighestVelocity inInsurance

    Posted by HighestVelocity


    1. BumCadillac on

      I’d store your photos in the cloud, not on a drive that can be lost in your destroyed home.

    2. You have the right idea and there’s a few ways to go about it, and flash drives are good but also upload it to the cloud as a backup.

      While you could spend hours on this, focus on the higher dollar items, brand names and serial numbers as available.

      Also you can consider taking a video and narrating as you go.

    3. Video walk through once or twice a year. Open drawers and closets. Takes 30-60 minutes. Photograph the tags or model number etc of high value/brand name items. 

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