For anyone paying attention you will have noticed that $ASTS shot up 68% today on over 1700% of normal volume. This is no mere flash-in the pan meme trash. The company signed a commercial agreement with $T (AT&T) announced yesterday on the 1Q earnings call. See here:

    Some Background:
    This company is launching satellites to serve 5G wireless directly to unmodified cellphones. If you understand anything about radio frequency transmission (which none of you do, of course), you will understand that there are no easy shortcuts around antenna aperture. The geniuses at ASTS will win the race because they have just gone ahead and built the biggest possible antenna that they can possibly send into space. SpaceX is attempting this, but they will not be able to deliver the same or even similar service as ASTS. Their satellites are just to small.

    The total addressable market for this company is literally anyone with a cellphone. (read: huge, trillions huge). They’ll sell the service to mobile network operators (MNOs) who will then sell you a roam anywhere package for some fixed monthly cost.

    Why buy now:
    Derisking is over, the company has proven they can deliver and they are beginning to launch the constellation this summer. The commercial agreement with AT&T is likely to be the first of many. If AT&T can get onboard, why can’t you?

    There is a substantial amount of info at

    Speaking the language of WSB, see this post specifically:

    Current price: $4.03
    Price Target: $318 (+7800%)

    ASTS is actually going to make money, load up now
    byu/ritron9000 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by ritron9000


    1. timmi2tone32 on

      Been holding since the IPO because I love their technology. It’s about time this company starts to get some respect on their name.

    2. Exists_out_of_spite on

      Oh, ASTS. The stock folks only hear about after it pumps 68%, never before. Here’s my best guess: This will run for a bit – days, weeks, maybe a couple of months, chopping its way back up to $6-$8 per share. There will be lots of bullishness. Then one day, you wake up and check the share price, and it’s down 30-50%. Hopefully you sold before the dump, so you can buy back in at whatever the new low is without averaging. Least that’s how the last 4-5 cycles have gone. I’ve been trading this stock for years. It’s made me thousands, buying the dips and selling the rips. It cost me $1500 when they announced they were issuing new shares a few months back, I was caught off-guard. But I locked in $1300 profit today just before closing, letting the rest ride for a week. This is a great stock to trade. Beware becoming a bag holder for large $ amounts. 

      Edit: price target $318.00 gtf outa here. Maybe when I’m old as grandmas socks. I’ll never sell the 200 shares in my Roth but your insane if you full port into this. 

    3. been buying and holding for 4 years. my main spec play. heavily shorted also. wont be surprised if in a couple of months this thing goes over 20 during the bluebird launch

    4. It also has 28% short and said to take 9 days to cover

      cheap out the money call options are forcing MM’s to buy shares and continue buying across the whole options chain until the deltas are 1.00

      rekt shorts are buying at market when their brokerage liquidates them. there are probably shorts at higher entry prices.

    5. Top_Cranberry_3254 on

      Missed the opening today but got in just in time in the high 3s for about 50, but looking to buy more in the weeks ahead.

      What does 4c invested mean?

    6. Let’s buy shit after it goes up 68%. How very WSB. This could never go tits up everytime someone does it.

    7. MeatusCleatus2 on

      If only these people could say this BEFORE it runs up 70% in a day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. wow !! I am actually bullish and long on this. But every comment here is bullish, looks like puts are the play !

    9. Today felt like a solid trend reversal, feeling good about the coming days and months.

    10. I_am_a_troll_Fuck_U on

      Price target of $318? I think you need to move the decimal slot two times to the left

    11. The total addressable market for this company is literally anyone with a cellphone. (read: huge, trillions huge).

      Counts how many cell phones I have.
      Yeah the math checks out, trillions of phones

    12. Is this Aerotyne International? The cutting edge tech firm out of the Midwest?

    13. larrylegend1990 on

      Didn’t someone pump this last year and then cashed out and left everyone holding bags

    14. I’ll play along, but only at bare minimum. Just put in my first option order on this. $4.5 by 5/24. 1 contract. Let’s see how this plays out.

    15. Damn it. I held those bags for months and finally offloaded them at a loss. *NOW* they would’ve paid huge. Figures.

    16. Fatherfigure34 on

      After reading 4 paragraphs written by some regard I don’t know about some company I’ve never heard of, I’ve decided to move all my life savings into ASTS

    17. Holy fudge, just looked it up and turns out I’m an asts bag holder… I’ll never sell anything ever again…

    18. The Simpsons predicted it again with “old man yelling at cloud”. That’s gonna be me if the service lags

    19. In it to win it. This tech has so much upside it’s disgusting. I’m at my acceptable level of risk tolerance on this one. 

    20. Swords_Not_Words_ on

      Ive been in ASTS for years..Good tech and a lot of big phone companies were backing them early. Theres so much upside and despite recent gains its pretty beaten down.

    21. Appropriate-Grisham on

      Could reasonably run to $7-10 in coming weeks.

      Consensus rating across all analysts is buy and the AT&T news is the accelerator needed.

    22. > price target $318 (+7800%)

      With not a single number in his post to back that shit up. Pulled straight for the arse, sprinkled with industrial grade copium. Love it.

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